An Autobiography of an Unknown Indian by Nirad C. Chaudhuri. In this book the author has depicted his “Early Environment” in book -1 which he talks about his “ My birth place”‚ “ My Ancestral village” where he has pass his old days‚ “ My Mother place” where he had lived for sometimes and also describe about “England” as he was very fascinated of it. So as the same he talks about his “parents and early 12 days” and something about “Nationalism” in book -2.In book -3 he talks about “Calcutta” how
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Crossing the B l a c k Waters: N i r a d C . C h a u d h u r i ’ s A Passage to E n g l a n d and V . S. Naipaul’s A n A r e a of Darkness A L A S TAIR I NIVEN N 1955 N i r a d C h a u d h u r i made his first v i s i t outside India and i n 1962 V . S. N a i p a u l went to I n d i a for the first t i m e . B o t h men were established w r i t e r s ‚ practiced i n h u m a n observation and yet possessing an innately p a t r i c i a n sense of t h e i r o w n d i s t i n c t i o n . I n v i e
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organization Chaudhary House at Sanepa on 9th March 2008 for the preparation of the report about the Organizational Behavior pattern and practices prevailing in this organization. 1. Chandan Khetan 2. Krishna Kumar Shah 3. Shristi Shakya 4. Sushant Shrestha We wish them all the best for the report preparation and other future ventures. ________________________ Rooplata Sethia Executive‚ HRD Chaudhary House
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partners into the Chaudhary family. • Recruit‚ develop‚ motivate & retain the best talents with-in the country‚ recruit if needed from abroad & provide them a challenging and demanding Environment. • Foster a strong emotive feeling of oneness and ownership with the company. • Emerge as a Model Corporate Institution and contribute effectively towards the upliftment of Nepalese society and the country at large. INTRODUCTION: FUDCO is a centralized Quality Food Production unit of Chaudhary group located
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CASE 1: C & C GROCERY STORES‚ INC. 1. In general‚ how did C&C’s first organizational structure contribute to the store managers’ dissatisfaction? The role of the district store supervisor in relation to the store manager was the primary cause of store manager dissatisfaction. Employee development wasn’t a top priority and it showed. Store managers wanted to learn management skills so they could develop promotion potential for the district and regional corporate positions. Unfortunately
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Case 1 (C & C Grocery) The mission statement for C & C Grocery is to provide an abundance of quality meats‚ produce and dry goods to customers at a convenient location for the most reasonable prices around with a smile and “a satisfied customer is a happy customer” attitude. This statement would afford the brothers the chance to branch out to other communities and open more stores and ensure they are as successful as the original store. By having over 200 stores by 1997 and with the employees
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Le Corbusier forays into urbanism CT.LAKSHMANAN B.Arch.‚M.C.P. SRM SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Le Corbusier originally Charles-Edouard Jeanneret 1887-1965 founding father of the modernist movement CIAM 1928 ( Congrès Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne ). At the request of a rich patron of architects‚ Madame Hélène de Mandrot(1867–1948)‚ in 1928‚ Sigfried Giedion organized a meeting of leading Modern architects including Berlage ‚ Le Corbusier ‚ El Lissitzky ‚ Rietveld ‚ and
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C.V writing BY: RASHID BEHRAM KHAN V. LECTURER ENGLISH UOS SUB-CMPUS BHAKKAR C.V Curriculum vita….Latin word Curriculum…………………………………..course Vita……………………………………………… life Course of life A formal written document including personal‚ education‚ professional qualification along with experience and other skills of employee…….employee’s life summery for job required by employer……. need and Importance The easiest and the most concise way of providing information required everywhere in all fields
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1. Before C&C’s reorganization‚ why was its performance poor? To examine the poor performance before C&C’s reorganization‚ it’s essential to look at the structural and contextual dimension in the organization. This approach helps to reveal what the problems were‚ and where the problems arose in the organization. (Daft‚ 2010:20) C&C’s structural dimensions before the reorganization First of all‚ C&C had a tall organization‚ with narrow spans of control and centralized authority. The authority
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z/OS XL C/C++ User’s Guide SC09-4767-06 z/OS XL C/C++ User’s Guide SC09-4767-06 Note! Before using this information and the product it supports‚ be sure to read the information in “Notices” on page 657. Seventh Edition (September 2007) This edition applies to XL C/C++ in Version 1 Release 9 of z/OS (5694-A01) and to all subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new editions. This edition replaces SC09-4767-05. Make sure that you use the correct edition for the level