As a nurse working in the home healthcare industry I always believed the goal of home healthcare services is to provide treatment to patients with chronic diseases and terminal illness. I also believe it is to assist the patient to regain their independence‚ decrease hospitalizations and help patients to learn to live with their illness or disability. When compared with acute care‚ we know that homecare services are delivered differently and in a less structured setting. Similar to acute care‚ health
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Hospice care is provided in all kinds of settings: home‚ freestanding hospice centers‚ hospitals‚ nursing homes‚ and other long-term care facilities‚ however‚ a home care is most common among those settings. In home care‚ a family member serves as the care giver and receive supports from healthcare professionals. Physicians‚ nurses‚ social workers‚ and therapists stay in close
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Marketing Corporation Kozier‚ Barbara‚ et al‚ 2004‚ Fundamentals of Nursing‚ Philippines‚ Pearson education SouthAsia O’Brien‚ Maureen‚ 1996‚ Communication and Relationship in nursing‚ Philippines‚ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Reese‚ John‚ 1996‚ Motivating Others‚ Massachussetts‚ Allyn & Barn Ujehly‚ Gertrud‚ 1998‚ Determinants of the Nurse-Patient Relationship‚ New York‚ Videbeck‚ Sheila‚ 2004‚ Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing‚ Philippines‚ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Free Psychology Motivation Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Nursing Delegation Nurses fill many roles across the healthcare spectrum. They are the hub of communication between patients‚ physicians‚ families‚ laboratories‚ insurance companies‚ dieticians‚ and all other providers involved in a patient’s care. Nurses affect patient outcomes because they are a crucial piece in ensuring that care moves forward between disciplines. Because of this large‚ multi-tasking role‚ it is important that nurses learn to appropriately delegate. However‚ the ANA reports
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A middle-range nursing theory constituting the nursing process and focusing on the care of the human being is the Theory of Goal Attainment developed by Imogene King. This theory consists of three interacting concepts: personal systems‚ interpersonal systems‚ and social systems. Even with these three systems being interacting‚ the nursing goal is the health of individuals. King maintains that the patient and nurse are equal partners in the nursing process. Conceptual systems The first concept
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NURSING PRACTICE: CARE OF COMMUNITIES COMMUNITY PRACTICUM PROJECT PLANNING SHEET This portion of the assessment is to determine how a disaster would impact the daily activities and health care need of the community aggregate. 1. Describe‚ in detail‚ specific to their age‚ health conditions‚ or other factors‚ what resources the members need to assemble prior to a disaster where evacuation or sheltering in place is required. Every community does have its problems and every community is
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deteriorated and she was confined to the hospital I became exposed to the daily activities in a clinical environment. Being able to closely observe the doctors‚ nurses and other medical staff cemented my resolve to pursue a career in nursing. I decided to enter the nursing profession in order to help people‚ like my grandmother‚ who required the medical care and personal compassion I knew I’m capable of providing. Before becoming a nurse‚ I knew I had many roads to travel and many journeys to complete
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applies Virginia Henderson’s grand theory of Activities of Living to organ donation after brain death (Nicely & DeLario‚ 2011). The second article tests a theory of health promotion for preterm infants based on Myra Levine’s Conservation Model of Nursing (Mefford & Alligood‚ 2011). This student will give a brief overview of each article and then she will compare and contrast the two. Nicely & DeLario’s article relates each of the fourteen activities of Henderson’s theory to an intervention the
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aspect of Patient’s autonomy involves giving or withholding his consent about treatment. This paper takes into account ‘consent’ as the aspect of law regarding nursing. Consent is defined by NHS Choices (2010) as: "the principle that a person must give their permission before they receive any type of medical treatment.”1 Under the Nursing and Midwifery Council (hereafter NMC) code of conduct (enforced in May‚ 2008) the patient can either extend or withdraw his consent regarding treatment after which
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dеаlіng wіth thе quеstіon of unіforms focusеs on profеssіonаlіsm‚ stаtus аnd powеr‚ іnfеctіon control‚ іdеntіty‚ modеsty‚ symbolіsm аnd occupаtіonаl hеаlth аnd sаfеty. The onging allegiance to uniform wearing is likely to remain a domiant fearture of nursing discourses long into the future. Mаny of thе аbovе-mеntіonеd thеmеs wеrе еxprеssеd by thе nursе pаrtіcіpаnts. Ward C‚ Styles I‚ Bosco AM.‚ (2003). Perceived status of nurses compared to other health care professionals. Contemp Nurse. Aug;15(1-2):20-8
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