"Odyssey annotated bibliography" Essays and Research Papers

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    Annotated Bibliography on the Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal substance in United States and in many other countries; this is a statement that seems to be in each article that is written about the legalization of marijuana. This is a subject that has been up for debate for quite a few years now. There are many people who support the legalization of this drug and are strongly convinced that marijuana is not a drug in which one should be punished for‚ but rather

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    Annotated Bibliography Bergmann‚ Sheryle. “Creative Dance in the Education Curriculum: Justifying the Unambiguous.” Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l’éducation‚ vol. 20‚ no. 2‚ 1995‚ p. 156. ProQuest Research Library‚ doi:10.2307/1495274. Accessed 15 Mar. 2017. This academic journal discusses the topic of creative dance in many forms. The main uses of creative dance are physical education‚ therapy‚ and integration. Creative dance is typically taught in elementary schools

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    Annotated Bibliography Blackburn‚ Marion. "Return or the trail of tears." Mar.-Apr. 53-64. ebsco. Web. It’s easy to miss this subtle groove‚ covered in pine straw and vines‚ worn in the ground of eastern Tennessee. In the summer of 1838‚ about 13‚000 Cherokee walked this path from their homes in the Appalachian Mountains to a new‚ government mandated homeland in Oklahoma. The Trail of Tears was a journey of some 900 miles that took approximately nine months to complete. After they were rounded

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    Annotated Bibliography "11 Tips to Help Dads Balance Work and Family." HR Specialist: Compensation & Benefits 6.8. 2011. 1-2. Web. The HR; Specialist is a legit article that releases things about new topics every month. This issue of the HR: Specialist‚ which was released in August 2011‚ discusses topics such as health plans‚ new news statistics‚ teleworking‚ and how dads can balance work and family. The sections on how dads can balance work and family give the reader techniques and tips on the

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    Annotated Bibliography Orwell‚ George. "The Spike." Fifty Essays by George Orwell. Project Gutenberg of Australia‚ Aug. 2003. Web. The Spike was about George Orwell’s life while living in London. At this time Orwell was living in London in spikes‚ which are shelters. Times were hard‚ Orwell had no money‚ and he lived in a variety of shelters. You could only stay at spikes one night at a time. If you went to two or more spikes in London‚ more than once in a single month there was a possibility of

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    Ellie Callahan Instructor Carolyn Beardsley ENGL111-17R 14 October 2014 Annotated Bibliography Rationale For WP3‚ I am planning to research and synthesize the perspectives on the value of a college education. In the core reading “The Story of an Hour”‚ by Kate Chopin‚ Mrs. Mallard is tired of being a housewife and is longing for more‚ like a college education or career. With this in mind‚ I plan to research the value of a college education and the many perspectives on it. I also plan to provide

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    Immigration Struggles: An Annotated Bibliography Abrego‚ Leisy. "Legitimacy‚ Social Identity‚ and the Mobilization of Law: The Effects of Assembly Bill 540 on Undocumented Students in California." Law & Social Inquiry 33.3 (2008): 709-734. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 3 Apr. 2010. This journal article was written by Leisy Abrego about the effects of AB 540 on undocumented students in California‚ which I found in EBSCO. The journal talks about how the AB 540 helps undocumented

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    Kevin English Comp I 23 Sept. 2013 Homelessness in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography Boyd‚ Herb. "Obama: No Quick Fixes‚ No Silver Bullets‚ but a Plan and Policy. (Cover Story)." New York Amsterdam News 26 Mar. 2009: 1. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 25 Sept. 2013. In this news article‚ President Barrack Obama states that there are no easy solutions to the current economic recession the United States is in. According to the President‚ “Even before the economy went bad‚ that there was

    Free Homelessness Homeless shelter Saint Francis House

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    I will focus on the causes of obesity in young children‚ most are in fact preventable. Annotated Bibliography: Nihiser‚ A.‚ Merlo‚ C.‚ Lee‚ S. (2014). “Preventing Obesity through School. Retrieved from Ashford Online Library website http://dx.doi.org.proxy-library.ashford.edu/10.1111/jlme.12106  Summary: This article describes information from

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    Annotated Bibliography: Drunk Driving Burke‚ Sheila. "TN Supreme Court to Hear Field Sobriety Case." The Tennessean. N.p.‚ 23 Mar. 2013. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. This is a very interesting newspaper article out of the Tennessean. There is a huge case going on about drunk driving and field sobriety tests. This case consists of a 2009 DUI charge in Sevier County that was dismissed because car driver‚ David Bell‚ passed six field sobriety tests. The Tennessee Supreme Court has approved to take this case that

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