"Oedipus and the awakening" Essays and Research Papers

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    Oedipus Rex

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    Oedipus Rex Topic: Is it always good to know the truth? Have you ever heard the saying ‘’ the truth will set you free‚ but first it will make you miserable.’’ Well behind that there is another question‚ Is it always good to know the truth? Some say the truth will either break or make a person. Would you rather live your life in a bundle of lies and pretend to be happy? Or would you rather spend your life in shame and suffering because of the truth? It would be a guarantee the guilty feeling will

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    Oedipus The King

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    Oedipus The Great..Not!! In the book Oedipus The King‚ there was a curse that stated that Oedipus was to kill his father‚ Laius‚ and marry his mother‚ Jocasta. So when Oedipus’ parents find out that Jocasta is pregnant they have the baby and give it to a man to take to the top of a mountain. But instead of the man taking the baby‚ Oedipus‚ to the mountain top he gave him to a family and the family then raised Oedipus. When Oedipus was older he was traveling to the town of Thebes when he ran

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    Oedipus The King

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    Study Guide Pgs. 1-28 Oedipus the King by Sophocles Translated by Bernard Knox Characters: * Oedipus- King of Thebes; saved the Thebans from the sphinx by solving the riddle. Son of Lauis and Jocasta‚ his name means “swollen footed”. * Priest of Zeus- asks for Oedipus’s help on this plague in Thebes. * Creon- brother of Jocasta and he was sent by Oedipus to the oracle of Apollo to figure out a way to stop this plague. * Chorus- the citizens of Thebes * Tiresias- blind prophet

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    Oedipus at Colonus

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    century b.c. The Oedipus Cycle is one of his most famous works; the trilogy of plays traces the ill-fated life of a noble blooded man and his descendants. Oedipus at Colonus is the second play of the set. Oedipus at Colonus is set many years after Oedipus the Rex‚ and Oedipus has changed his perspective on his exile from Thebes. He has decided that he was not responsible for his fate and that his sons should have prevented his exile. His view has changed from the previous play when Oedipus proudly claimed

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    Oedipus The King

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    Composition August 8‚ 2011 What makes Oedipus the King of Tragedy? How did Oedipus bring about his own destruction? Or is he the victim of a greater force such as fate or the gods? How does pride affect his actions? How do you feel as you watch him fall? Fate is a theme that is often occurring in Greek plays and tragedies in particular. From the beginning of Oedipus‚ the King‚ we know that Oedipus is destined to kill his father and marry with his mother. Oedipus discovers that his past is very different

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    Oedipus' Obstacles

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    Oedipus endured many different experiences on his search for the truth that he was not aware even lingered. Each one of these experiences had a polarity of sorts paired along with it in some way. Oedipus’ intellect throughout the play showed both his great strength and his ultimate downfall. Throughout the play of Oedipus the King by Sophocles‚ there was evidence of great polarities in his search for truth ranging from fame and shame‚ and sight and blindness‚ to ignorance and knowledge. The most

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    Oedipus Personality

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    Oedipus’ hot temper was a major factor in his undoing. On many occasions‚ his quick bursts of fury backfired on him. For instance‚ when Tiresias keeps refusing to reveal the identity of the killer to OedipusOedipus becomes aggravated. “‘You won’t talk? Nothing moves you? Out with it once and for all!’” (Fagles 276). The king’s prodding got under Tiresias’ skin‚ and Tiresias releases the truth. Oedipus is quick to deny the prophecy‚ but if not for Oedipus’ hasty temper the awful truth wouldn’t have

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    Oedipus Essay

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    is defined as a literary character that makes an error of judgment or has a total flaw‚ that combined with fate and external forces‚ brings on a tragedy. This pertains to Oedipus‚ as his brash decisions and unwillingness to accept the truth‚ along with his doomed fate‚ leads to his demise. The first thing that makes Oedipus a tragic hero is that he makes some large errors of judgment. This occurs when he decides to announce the punishment for the murderer of the late King Laius in front of all

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    oedipus rex

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    stroll through a minefield. However‚ we often tend to approach “sight” and “blindness” from very literal perspective. Whereas Sophocles‚ in his play Oedipus Rex‚ approaches the sight-blind dichotomy metaphorically. Sophocles associates sight with possession of prophecy and knowledge while connecting blindness to ignorance‚ using Tiresius and Oedipus as physical representations of the latter and former. Sophocles uses sight and blindness to establish that humans are natural drawn to the unknown and

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    Oedipus Rex

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    “[He] did it all [himself]”: Oedipus’ Self-destruction Oedipus is demonstrating a very key component to the play when he says that “the hand that struck [his] eyes was [his] alone.” The metaphor of three fingers pointing back at you when you point a judging finger at someone else is perfect for this situation. In being so quick to judge the situation and assume that he will bring honour to the land‚ uncovering Laius’s murderer‚ Oedipus curses the one responsible and declares that they will be

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