"Oedipus sophocles and aristotle" Essays and Research Papers

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    Oedipus the King

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    tragic hero? “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles is a very good play which talks about a guy who was fated to kill his father and married his mother. Aristotle defines “tragic hero as a person of great stature and virtue who becomes aware of a mortal defect within himself.” This defect leads to great tragedy. Oedipus’s own essential nature makes him a tragic hero because his ignorance (lack of knowledge) led him to his own destruction. Also Fate plays an important role in make Oedipus a tragic hero because

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    Oedipus Rex

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    Aristotle said “Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles is the best Greek play ever written. The audiences might agree with Aristotle depending upon their understanding of the “healthy confusion” of both pleasure and perplexity portrayed. “Oedipus Rex” is one immense riddle that lifts the audience’s minds’ to a higher understanding of the human life. Greek culture would call this: Catharsis‚ which is purification of the mind. Thematic ideas in the play are derived from the axial age‚ which concentrated on logos

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    Poetics by Aristotle

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    Poetics by Aristotle Aristotle’s Poetics is the earliest-surviving work of dramatic theory and the first extant philosophical treatise to focus on literary theory 6 Constituent Parts * plot (mythos) Refers to the "structure of incidents" (actions). Key elements of the plot are reversals‚ recognitions‚ and suffering. The best plot should be "complex" (i.e. involve a change of fortune). It should imitate actions arousing fear and pity. Thus it should proceed from good fortune to bad

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    Virtue and Aristotle

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    Aristotle Notes Introduction: Aristotle’s Definition of Happiness “Happiness depends on ourselves.” More than anybody else‚ Aristotle enshrines happiness as a central purpose of human life and a goal in itself. As a result he devotes more space to the topic of happiness than any thinker prior to the modern era. Living during the same period as Mencius‚ but on the other side of the world‚ he draws some similar conclusions. That is‚ happiness depends on the cultivation of virtue‚ though his virtues

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    Being the third‚ yet first written‚ of Sophocles’ Theban tragic myths‚ Antigone was written in or around 441 B.C. The setting of Antigone occurs in the palace of Thebes. Thebes is ruled by Creon‚ whose sister‚ Jocasta‚ was the wife and mother of infamous Oedipus Rex. Oedipus was King of Thebes until he expelled himself from the kingdom‚ leaving his children Polynices‚ Ismene‚ Eteocles‚ and Antigone‚ along with the throne‚ in Creon’s care. The two brothers Polynices and Eteocles die as opposing

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    Soul and Aristotle

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    1: plato believes in dualism‚ where Aristotle does not. support 2: plato proposes that the soul transcends‚ where Aristotle does not. Introduction: Centuries ago‚ Aristotle was a student at Plato’s school. Being a student at Plato’s school‚ Aristotle’s philosophies were greatly influenced by Plato. There are many similarities in the philosophies of the two‚ but there are many differences as well. The question of “ What is a soul?” is one topic Aristotle and Plato did not agree. Plato’s construction

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    Oedipus Rex

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    Essay on Oedipus Rex 4-3-97 In SophoclesOedipus Rex‚ the theme of irony plays an important part through the play. What Oedipus does‚ what he says‚ and even who he is can sometimes be ironic. This irony can help us to see the character of Oedipus as truly a ’blind’ man‚ or a wholly ’public’ man. A great irony is found in Oedipus’s decree condemning the murderer. Oedipus says‚ "To avenge the city and the city’s god‚ / And not as though it were for some distant friend‚ / But for my own sake‚ to be

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    Oedipus the King

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    and light‚ and therefore perhaps also sight‚ in the play. Think metaphorically (i.e. ’in the dark’ - unknowing) but also literally (Oedipus’ blinding at the end of the play). Oedipus is old before his time. Do you agree? This question asks you to consider question of youth and age in Oedipus - though the action of the play happens in a single day‚ how might Oedipus be considered old? You might also want to think about fathers and children and the impact generation has on age. This play happens

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    The Sophocles Play Antigone: All the way through this play Antigone is solely being devoted to her family. Antigone is eager to go above and beyond her limits for her family. Antigone is a vital character in this play. Antigone is a very brave‚ passionate‚ and willing character that is not enthusiastic about her brother being defiled even if it means her own life. Creon is a character that he knows all commandments and is influenced that he must abide it. Creon then has compassion for Antigone

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    Creon stays true to his word‚ only amplifying the work of the Fates. Eurydice is completely passive and only serves the story with her death. Compare and contrast the characters of Oedipus and Antigone. How are they similar? Different? Oedipus is vain and arrogant while Antigone is stubborn and confident. Oedipus challenges fate and attempts to modify it. Antigone knows what will happen to her and dutifully lives it out. However‚ they are both the subjects of a tragedy in which they fulfill

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