Office jobs and descriptions Clerk;- Perform duties too varied and diverse to be classified in any specific office clerical occupation‚ requiring limited knowledge of office management systems and procedures. Clerical duties may be assigned in accordance with the office procedures of individual establishments and may include a combination of answering telephones‚ bookkeeping‚ typing or word processing‚ stenography‚ office machine operation‚ and filing. Task they carry out; 1) Collect‚ count
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Recycling Equipment In the case “Recycling Equipment”‚ David Hendricks is a cost accountant for a small‚ closely held chemical manufacturing company. He faces an ethical dilemma. David has two analyses; the first analysis is purchase of the equipment in the lower estimate of cost savings‚ it would increase the company’s net income but it would decrease the return on investment and affects the bonuses for company managers. The second analysis is in the higher estimate of cost savings‚ the recycling
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scope and limitation‚ hypothesis of the study. A. Background of the Study Garbage consists of stock decayed matter and developed bacteria yeast and also can develop viral infections to us. The researchers conduct a study that would come up with an automatic garbage segregator that would segregate the biodegradable‚ non-biodegradable‚ recyclable properly and well sanitized way. Some of the individuals are too lazy to segregate their garbage properly. So‚ the researchers conduct this study to catch up
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Operating Vs Finance Leases Organization does normally decide to lease long-term assets instead of buying them. The choice to lease is mostly because of evident factors such as necessity‚ better financial terms‚ maintain the assets off the balance sheet‚ or the absence of available funding. Operating lease and capital lease are the two types of accounting methods for leases. Warning‚ equally‚ the two kinds of leases are used for diverse reasons and marks in opposing usage in the books of accounting
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The Office in Today’s World of Business Definition The term office is used in a variety of ways. An office is a place in which the affairs of a business‚ professional person‚ or organization are carried out. The office is a place of work for many categories of workers. Accountants‚ marketing managers‚ systems analysts‚ human resource directors‚ as well as secretaries‚ records clerks‚ administrative assistants‚ and many others work in offices. Although each of these employees has varying responsibilities
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CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction MinsCAT Bongabong Campus Smart Street Lights is an automatic light control system which uses sensor‚ arduino and relay as the major components of the system. By using this system manual work are removed and energy consumption and human intervention is also reduced because now-a-days the manually operated street lights are not switched off properly even the sunlight comes and also not switched ON earlier before sunset. MinSCAT Bongabong
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Case #34: Lease versus Buy Analysis Why Buy It When You Can Lease It? David Bajak Katrina Bishop Gary Hsieh Question 1: What are the different kinds of leases available and which one would be best suited for Paulo’s restaurant? Explain why? There are two major types of leases: operating lease and financial lease. An operating lease places the responsibility of maintenance and repairs on the lessor‚ has a life span of no more than 5 years‚ and is usually cancellable.
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university | Accounting For Leases | Capital Vs. Operating Leases | | 200906027 | 11/16/2010 | This paper will outline the differences in accounting treatment of and criteria for determining whether leases should be accounted for as either a capital lease or an operating lease. I will be limiting my discussion to the accounting treatment of leases by the lessee. This paper will discuss the current accounting treatment for the two types of leases according to Canadian GAAP and will
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everyone will own or lease one in their lifetime. The biggest problem is the decision whether to buy or lease the automobile. Many people are faced with this question. Buying and leasing a car both have many positive and negative attributes. The beauty of it is that it is your choice! Leasing is one great way to get an automobile. The concept is quite simple. Leasing a car is almost like renting a car for an extended period of time (usually three years)‚ except at the end of the lease there is an option
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