The exemplar that shall be discussed and analysed would be the empowerment exemplar. In order to analyse the ethical decisions made‚ it is important to assess the patient holistically. It is important to assess the impact that the symptoms may have on the patient’s quality of life. For instance‚ would amputating her leg immobilise her? Physically‚ if the patient is to remain not amputated would that increase the risk of infection or would the ulcers worsen? The risk factors should also be assessed
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Comparing Ethical Theories ETH/316 January 1‚ 2012 Comparing Ethical Theories Ethics is a philosophy that studies morality. Principles of doing right and wrong are inspired by ethical theories such as virtue ethics‚ utilitarianism‚ and deontology. Virtue Ethics Virtue is synonymous with quality. Virtue ethics‚ known as character ethics‚ is a theory based upon the qualities of goodness and quality. A person who subscribes to virtual ethics believes they should live their life should be
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Comparing Ethical Theories Joseph Spor ETH/316 May 28‚ 2012 Ralph Hutton Comparing Ethical Theories The philosophy of ethics has been studied and debated for many centuries. While there are varying definitions of ethics‚ many who study the topic would agree that ethics can be described two ways. First‚ ethics can be considered to be the standards of right and wrong that outline what a human being ought to and ought not to do. In other words‚ they are the standards that tell us to be honest and
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Comparing Ethical Theories Several ethical theories are available for study‚ while there are differences among them there are also many similarities. This paper will discuss the similarities and differences in Virtue Ethics‚ Utilitarianism‚ and Deontological ethics. Virtue ethics are based on what is meant to be good. A person is of good moral character after a lifetime of habits that lead to excellence (Boylan‚ 2009). Virtue ethics are composed of standards accepted by the community
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Ontologically‚ epistemologically‚ and methodologically‚ the present study fits most comfortably within the constructivist approach. On the ontological front‚ the formal model proposed in the previous chapter reflects the acceptance in the present study of the core ontological tenets of constructivism. Namely‚ I modeled constructivism’s two core ontological tenets: (1) that “social reality is constructed” and social agents are the “social constructors of their own practices and structures;” and (2)
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Strength and weaknesses of ontological argument The Ontological Argument was‚ and still is‚ a hot-topic for debate among philosophers; many famous philosophers have published criticisms of the theory including Immanuel Kant and St. Thomas Aquinas. This obviously raises questions regarding whether or not this argument works. While there is no clear-cut answer to these questions‚ I personally believe that the negatives of this argument outweigh the positives‚ thereby making it a weak argument. The
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Consequentialist a.i. An ethical theory that claims that the rightness and wrongness of human action is exclusively a function of the goodness and badness of the consequences resulting directly from that action. b. Deontological b.i. The rightness and wrongness of human actions is not exclusively a function of the goodness and badness of consequences c. Act-Utilitarianism c.i. A person ought to act so as to produce the greatest balance of good over evil‚ everyone considered. (contract w/ ethical egoism a
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present some clear ethical issues. First‚ looking at Aristotle’s principle of “virtue ethics‚” it must be determined whether the actions made by J.C. Penny are just‚ or fair‚ to their customers. Clearly‚ it is unfair for a company to deceive their customers into believing they received better deals then they actually did‚ and based on that analysis‚ Aristotle would have most definitely concluded the behavior of J.C. Penny to be unethical. Further‚ considering Immanuel Kant’s theory of the “categorical
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winning the lottery or being lucky‚ but rather from doing‚ and accomplishing. So why do we still see people failing and unhappy around us? If we look at their choices and perhaps their ethical beliefs‚ we start to understand where ethics belongs in the journey of life‚ which leads me to what I am going to discuss‚ virtue theory. I will explain and offer an evaluation of this theory’s strengths and weaknesses‚ as well as what it means to be virtuous. Aristotle believed that there are two types of virtue:
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Applying an Ethical Theory PHI 208 Jon Stern July 24‚ 2014 Deontology is defined as “the focus on the duties and obligations one has in carrying out actions rather than on the consequences of those actions.” (Mosser‚ 2013). It may actually be harder than it seems to carry out this theory depending on the situation. One situation in particular is euthanasia or assisting someone who chooses to end their life. In this paper‚ I will apply the deontological theory to the issue of euthanasia and discuss
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