"Outline current legislation guidelines policies and procedures within own uk home nation affecting the safeguarding of children and young people" Essays and Research Papers

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    Introduction This essay will discuss the legal and ethical concerns when working with children and young people. Confidentiality and safety issues will be discussed with relevant consideration as to how these issues may be addressed when forming a relationship with a child and their parents or caregivers. The influences of power‚ gender‚ ethnicity and cultural differences when counselling children and young people will be mentioned‚ with relevant aspects of key human development theories outlined.

    Premium Psychotherapy Childhood Young

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    Childhood and Young People

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    Unit 203 Communication and professional relationships with childrenyoung people and adults Assignment overview Introduction This assignment is intended to provide evidence of a candidate’s knowledge‚ understanding and skills required to support communication and professional relationships with children and young people and adults. By completing all tasks within the assignment the candidate will provide evidence that meets the Learning Outcomes and assessment criteria of Unit 203 Communication

    Free Childhood Youth Communication

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    to children and young people. This results in them feeling valued and secure in the school environment. The Government prospectus Common Core of Skills and Knowledge describes communication as ‘not just about the words you use but also the manner of speaking‚ body language and above all‚ the effectiveness with which you listen.’ Communicating positively involves actively listening‚ maintaining eye contact and being aware of our body language. A calm‚ clear tone of voice will help children and

    Free Communication Childhood Children Act 1989

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    ROTHERHAM METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL CHILDRENAND YOUNG PEOPLES SERVICE Positive Behaviour Management of Children and Young People in School and Educational Settings Guidance for Head Teachers‚ School and Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) staff‚ Setting Managers and Governing Bodies This guidance must be read in conjunction with the Positive Behaviour Management of Children and Young People – Overarching Guidance |Contents

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    Safeguarding policies and procedures‚ local and national guidelines all need to be considered and used on a daily basis in settings with children and young people. “Day-to-day work involves: • Childcare practice • Child protection • Risk assessment • Ensuring the voice of the child or young person is heard • Supporting children and young people and others who may be expressing concerns” The policies and procedures for childcare practice will include ensuring all relevant staff and volunteers have

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    Civil Procedure Outline

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    Civil Procedure Outline I. Personal Jx- in what states can the π sue the Δ. a. In personam- pwr over the person. General jx- the Δ can be sued in that state for a claim that arose anywhere in the world. Specific jx- the Δ is being sued for a claim that arose from their actions w/in the forum. i. Constitutional Limits- Due Process Circle 1. Pennoyer v. Neff- Traditional basis for in personam 1. The Δ is served with process in the forum- presence- general jx 2. Service on the Δ agent in

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    the well being of children and young people. CACHE Level 3 Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools (QCF) 1.1‚1.3‚ 3.2‚ 3.4 Legislation task 1.2‚ 2.1‚ 3.1‚ 4.1‚ 4.2‚ 4.3 Safeguarding leaflet 1.4‚ 2.2‚ 2.3‚ 2.4 Information leaflet 3.3‚ 5.1‚ 5.2‚ 5.3‚ 6.1‚ 6.2‚ 6.3‚ 6.4‚ 7.1‚ 7.2 Workbook 1.5 Cross reference to TDA 3.1 (3.1) Unit CYP 3.1 1.2 Explain child protection in the wider concept of safeguarding children and young people. Every school or

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    relationships with childrenyoung people and adults Area 1 - Principles Effective communication is the key for developing and maintaining positive relationships with others. It helps build trust and encourage others to seek advices and share relevant information. We can strengthen or weaken someone’s trust in us by what we say and do. To strengthen a relationship‚ be honest and open with them‚ and try to understand their point of views. Help develop a relationship with children by doing things

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    young people

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    English 151 April 27‚ 2014 Society’s Attitude towards Young People Why doesn’t society give people of young age a chance? Everyone is different. Not all are violent‚ wear hoodies‚ and are ignorant. Some of us are mature‚ do well in school and are on the right path in life; so to be stereotyped into one category by older adults is unfair. Young people in our society today are viewed in a negative way. They are often frowned upon by society based on

    Premium Ageism Youth Old age

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    basic guidelines for effective communication are the same for adults as they are for children although how we approach communication may vary slightly. Communication is the most important component in any relationship. Effective communication creates positive relationships and allows children to participate and benefit. You should always think about how you communicate‚ demonstrate and respond to others and the messages you are giving. The principles of relationship building with children and adults

    Premium Communication Nonverbal communication

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