Greece are Athens‚ Sparta‚ Corinth‚ and Olympia. The article Ancient Greece the City of Athens‚ that “During the time of the Ancient Greeks it was the center of power‚ art‚ science‚ and philosophy in the world. Athens is one of the oldest cities in the world as well‚ with recorded history going back over 3400 years. It is the birth place of democracy and the heart of the Ancient Greek civilization.” Its name is due to the Greek goddess of wisdom‚ Athena; which shrine is The Parthenon located at the
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The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization is a documentary and TV series about the rises and falls of Athens. Liam Neeson narrates throughout the documentary of the civilization of ancient Greece. The filmmaker Anthony Geffen covered both the fourth and fifth centuries B.C. Actors were also used to portray historical events and people during this period. The documentary starts with the history of Athens beginning with the rule of Peisistratos whom transformed the city. He needed allies‚ in that way his
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people of Athens lived in a polytheistic society where they believed in many gods known as the Olympians. This brought its advantages as well as its disadvantages. Among the Athenians there were many gods and goddesses whom they believed held great responsibility over their lives. Major ones such as Athena played an important role in their daily lives. Athena is the goddess of war‚ wisdom and crafts. She is also the patron goddess of Athens‚ which was a very important role. The Parthenon was a temple
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of Greece‚ people saw architecture as an art for the gods and goddesses of Greece. To capture the heart of many Greek citizens‚ Iktinos used different orders of architecture and added special touches to each building‚ he designed‚ including the Parthenon‚ Temple of Epicurean Apollo‚ and the Telesterion. Iktinos ’ works are compared by Ionic‚ Doric‚ and Corinthian Orders of Architecture‚ and by the layout and by decoration. According to Byers‚ there is not much written biographical information on
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Cited: www.ancientgreece/athens www.Gothicart andarchitecture. "baroque." The Columbia Encyclopedia‚ Sixth Edition. 2008. 21 Jul
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Pandora was given a box or a jar‚ called “pithos” in Greek. Gods told her that the box contained special gifts from them but she was not allowed to open the box ever. Then Hermes took her to Epimetheus‚ brother of Prometheus‚ to be his wife. Prometheus had advised Epimetheus not to accept anything from the Gods‚ but he saw Pandora and was astonished by her beauty‚ thus he accepted her right away. Pandora was trying to tame her curiosity‚ but at the end she could not hold herself anymore; she opened
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Chapter 5-Art of Ancient Greece The ancient Greeks are known as a self aware people. No other culture in western civilization history was quite as introspective as the Greeks. They prided themselves as the most civilized society in the world. In fact the term “barbarian” basically meant non Greek. The development of Greek civilization rises from the ashes of the ancient Mycenaean and Minion cultures. From After the decline and eventual fall of the Mycenaean culture in 1100 BCE‚ the Aegean
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had a god that looked after them. In Athens the Athenians couldn’t decide whether their dominant god should be Athena or Poseidon. Athena came up with a great idea that each god should give the city a gift‚ so the townspeople could decide which god would be best to look after them. Athena caused an olive tree to grow‚ and Poseidon gave the town their first horse. The townspeople agreed that Athena would make a better god that is how the city got the name Athens. Their city built a beautiful temple
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society evolved so did the people. They changed from free people to free men. They were divided between Citizens and Metics. If you were a citizen than both of your parents were from the Greece decent. Metics were foreign people that came over to Athens from other places to learn a craft. Many of them were forced to serve in the military. Metics also had to pay taxes and would never be considered a citizen. Women had no rights in the Greece culture any foreign affairs they were involved in was because
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has this element. | 7. | Archeological discoveries have shown that Homer’s Iliad may have been based on real events and people. | | True | 8. | Caesar Augustus modeled himself after Pericles and his Rome after Periclean Athens‚ constructing monuments in marble with classical elements mixed with distinctly Roman elements. | | True | 9. | Caryatids are | | Columns in the form of women | 10. | Columns representing the different Greek orders
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