Theoretical Framework for Nursing Practice – Module 4 A. As you read Henderson ’s definition of nursing‚ what nursing functions and actions are applicable today? Explain. Almost all basic independent nursing interventions have its basis on the fourteen nursing needs by Henderson. She described the role of the nurse as one of the following: substitutive‚ which is doing something for the patient; supplementary‚ which is helping the patient do something; or complimentary which is working
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Concept in Nursing Practice Communication is a process that occurs within physical and social contexts regularly. Whitehead et al (2008. pg. 63) .The aim of this essay is to discuss Communication as a concept of Professional Nursing Practice. Presently‚ communication is an area of benchmark the government is focusing on to improve the quality of nursing care. The Department of Health [DH] [2001] explained that communication comprises of a number of skills used to promote professional practice. These
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Applying Ethical Frameworks in Nursing Practice Disclosing patient information to a third party‚ without a patient’s consent or a court order is considered a breach of confidentiality. Legal liability for a breach of confidentiality covers a broader spectrum than ethical guidelines‚ which lend to doing what is morally right. Confidentiality in nursing comes with an ethical need for creating rapport with patients. Trust established facilitates increased communication and comfort
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Information literacy‚ health literacy and information technology skills is essential in the nursing practice as it helps nurses to find‚ evaluate‚ understand‚ interpret and use information for the right purpose. With the high use of technology in our society‚ it can be confusing to find the right sources‚ evaluate it and use it. Nurses need to be information literate to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to find it using the right sources‚ evaluate the information and use
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Nursing Shortage and Nursing Turnover Nursing shortage is a phenomenon that is affecting nurses and the provision of adequate patient care in today’s health care industry. Nursing shortage is said to occur when the demand for employment of nurses is far greater than the number of nurses willing to be employed at that time (Huber‚ 2010). According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (A.A.C.N.)‚ “the nursing shortage is expected to increase as baby boomers age‚ and the need for health
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plan of care I developed for Mr X while he was under my care in a post anaesthetic unit. It will discuss my nursing assessments‚ and what diagnoses I developed from this. It will then discuss the rationale behind my nursing interventions using relevant literature. My plan of care will be analysed throughout while identifying how my nursing care meets best practice guidelines. A nursing care plan is begun at a patients admission. In this case Mr X was booked in for an elective surgery‚ which meant
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Nursing research has provided interventions and best practices that provide safe and quality services to the patient and their families. Nurses have a commitment to use research‚ evidence-based practice‚ and quality improvement as their foundation when making clinical decisions and using new programs to improve the health of the patient (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber‚ 2014). This discussion will define‚ compare‚ contrast‚ and provide examples of research and evidence-based practices affiliated in the nursing
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Collaborative Practice The following paper is a case study of how collaboration practice has taken place for a patient in the hospital. The case study will be explained then different methods of collaborating with other disciplines will be identified. Common situations when collaborating patient care will be identified and barriers to collaborating will also be identified. Case Study An 87 year old white female was admitted to a regional hospital from her assisted living apartment
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.................... N18 8EF ................................................... Postcode ........................... 3. Present or Most Recent Employment Post Held Speciality Speciality Clinical Nurse Specialist Personal/Work Email Address Palliative Care NMC PIN (if registered nurse‚ midwife or health visitor) 83k0528s Name of Hospital/Practice St Joseph’s Hospice NMC PIN Expiry Date D D/M2011 Y Y Y 01 01 M/Y
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Relevance to nursing practice. Death is highly relevant to nursing as the nursing staff faces the death of a patient almost every day (depends on the department they are in). The debate against hiding patient’s prognosis to informing them must be greatly considered. Before considering such action‚ nurses need to know what is best for the patient and what constitutes a good death. The representation of a good death is when one is relief of symptoms‚ open communication is present‚ the individual dignity
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