School of Business and Economics Research Proposal Web conferencing and student academic group work results The following study depicts the effect substituting physical meetings by web conferencing has on students’ academic group work results at Maastricht University. This research is carried out by GPS research group sponsored by University of Maastricht. Maastricht University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration International Business Research Maastricht‚ 31 March 2011 Group members:
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Table of contents: Page no. 1. Introduction 1 2. Investment appraisal 2 3. Payback method 3 4. Present value (PV)‚ future value (FV) and net present value (NPV) 5 5. Project 1 6 6. Comparing projects 11 7. Conclusion 12 8. References 13 9. Bibliography 14 Introduction: In 21st century business is much more developed and competitive as well with the presence of so many competitors
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4-6 3.0- Analysis 7-16 4.0-Research findings 17-19 5.0- References List / Word count statement 20 6
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Market Research Proposal Scenario#3 You need to develop a marketing campaign for your government agency who is charged with responsibility for creating social change campaigns. Before you are able to proceed you need to have some information on the campaign topic- marriage. You are therefore required to get details on consumer perception and attitudes towards matrimony. Background to the Problem Marriage is one of the most important institutions affecting people’s life and well-being. There
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Marketing Research Proposal Fair & Lovely Max Fairness- for Men Research Background The concept of fairness has changed over the period of a decade‚ aspiration for a fair look is now not limited to women only but Unilever has cared about men in the beauty category by introducing fair and lovely max fairness. Fair & Lovely MAX Fairness for Men is uniquely designed for tough male skin. It contains VitaMAX Complex and UV Filters work intensively on male skin and help to give: Max Sun
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engine‚ to identify possible gaps in research pertaining foster care placements disruptions and pre-services training for foster parents (i.e. foster care‚ pre-services training‚ training‚ development‚ foster children‚ placements…). “The research topic emerges from the literature of the discipline and must be acceptable within that discipline” (Qualitative Research Proposal‚ n.d.‚ para. 2). From the word search over 30 articles have been obtained for this research plan‚ several articles and dissertations
Sample Research Proposal Resident: John Smith‚ PGY2 Research Mentor: Jane Doe‚ MD‚ Section of General Internal Medicine Date of Proposal: February 5‚ 2009 I. Title of Proposed Research Project Medical Students as Mediators of Change in Tobacco Use II. Specific Aims In conducting this study‚ we will accomplish the following specific aims: Specific Aim 1. Compare the effectiveness of the stage specific smoking cessation counseling intervention with the control intervention by evaluating the impact
Free Nicotine Smoking cessation Tobacco
Devry University Laptop Purchase Proposal In an effort to provide Devry students with the best and most affordable laptops‚ I have research completed that I must share with our team. Besides affordability‚ which is a top priority on my list of requirements; portability‚ capacity‚ and useful life are the qualities the laptop of choice will provide our students for future years. One other item is so important to our students and that is customer service support for ordering‚ timely ordering‚
Premium Personal computer Laptop Intel Core 2
Research Proposal I chose drugs for my topic of my first research paper. I decided that it was to broad of a topic so I broke it down to just one of many drugs‚ marijuana. I want to find out how it controls people’s lives and how it changes or controls the way they think. The group that I plan to target was college students but considering I attend IUP‚ I decided to just focus my research on IUP students. I would like to find out many different things about marijuana‚ except I haven’t narrowed
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RESEARCH PROPOSAL OUTLINE Title Page I. Introduction -Statement of the problem and its scope -Rationale of justification for the study -Theoretical perspective or conceptual framework - Objectives of the study -Hypotheses to be tested or research questions to be answered (Approx. 1 ½ to 2 pp.) WHAT IS THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE? WHAT ARE THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKS? WHAT
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