the well-being of children and young people 1.Understand the main legislation guidelines‚ policies and procedures for safeguarding children and young people 1.1 Outline current legislation‚ guidelines‚ policies and procedures within own UK home Nation affecting the safeguarding of children and young people Polices and procedures for safeguarding and child protection in England and Wales are the result of the Children Act 1989 and in Northern Ireland of the Children (Northern Ireland)
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Everything does not always abide by the law of life. And it isn’t joking that there are many things that young people can teach older people. Some aspects of knowledge older people don’t know especially modern technology and kinds of entertainment for teenagers certainly aren’t older people’s strong point. That‘s why they can learn many things from young generation. Some young people have conditions to study abroad‚ acquire specialized knowledge from early. They are also lucky for
Premium Mobile phone Learning Skill
CU1513 – Contribute to the support of positive environments for children and young people 1.1. Describe what is meant by a positive environment? Whatever age group or setting you are working with‚ you must plan an environment that encourages the development of the whole child. First of all you think about the different settings that children and young people aged 0-16 years may experience. These settings have both indoor and outdoor physical spaces that need to be considered
Premium Childhood Developmental psychology Learning
Understand child and young person development Unit number: CYP Core 3.1 Unit reference: L/601/1693 Unit level: 3 Unit credit value: 4 Unit aim: This unit provides knowledge and understanding of how children and young people from birth to 19 years develop‚ including underpinning theoretical perspectives. It also includes actions taken when differences in development are identified and the potential effects of transitions on children and young people’s development. |Learner name:
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Juvenile DELINQUENCY For many young people today‚ traditional patterns guiding the relationships and transitions between family‚ school and work are being challenged. Social relations that ensure a smooth process of socialization are collapsing; lifestyle trajectories are becoming more varied and less predictable. The restructuring of the labor market‚ the extension of the maturity gap (the period of dependence of young adults on the family) and‚ arguably‚ the more limited opportunities
Free Crime Sociology Juvenile delinquency
Inclusive practise for children and young people Medical model of disability This is based on an assumption that the child must adapt to the environment which exists. This model promotes an atmosphere of ‘dependence.’ Social model of disability The social model starts with the assumption that the way a school operates‚ the barriers present and different attitudes can prevent individuals from participating in society. This view of disability works to empower children and young people. Inclusive practice
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that grants all children and young people under the age of 18 years a set of comprehensive rights. The UK signed to this legally binding act in 1990 and rectified it in 1991‚ this means the UK is required to implement legislation to support each of the 54 articles. These included: 1. The right to life‚ survival and development. 2. The right to freedom of expression‚ thought and association. 3. The right to live with‚ and have contact with both parents. 4. The right to health care‚ social security
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believe it is important that there is effective communication in a work setting with children and young people. We communicate to exchange thoughts‚ express feelings and to learn new things. How we transfer this information can be by speech‚ crying‚ using our body language or/and expressions‚ our main goal is to be understood. We communicate to a variety of people in our work setting‚ not only the children we care for but we speak with their parents and family members on a regular basis to disguss
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and Inclusion in Health‚ Social care and children’s Young Peoples Settings. 1.1– Explain what is meant by; A – Diversity: So not that all people are the same and that different people have different experiences‚ skills‚ knowledge‚ race‚ age‚ gender‚ sexual orientation. Working in a nursery with children from civilian parents and Army parents I am fortunate to get to witness more than one culture‚ race or children from different backgrounds. Seeing the children on a daily basis makes me see
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Unit 10 – Caring for Children & Young People P2 – Identify the current relevant legislation affecting the care of children and young adults M1 analyse how policies and procedures help children/young people and their families whilst the child is being looked after For my assignment I’m going to explain 6 relevant legislations and give examples of each related to children and young adults. The first legislation I am going to look at is; The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the
Free Children Act 1989 Residence in English family law Human rights