To spank or not to spank? That has been a controversial decision faced by parents for many years. Many people believe that physical punishment is not the way to discipline one’s children. In fact‚ in a poll done by ABC News‚ two out of every three parents expressed their belief that spanking is a good way to punish children (Crandall‚ 2016). Spanking should be a part of all parenting styles because it is not child abuse. Children need to be held accountable for their actions‚ and even the Bible
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countries. Recently‚ the Twitter account recently called the South Korean government a prostitute of the United States. Another great example of censorship and corruption is in George Orwell’s novel “1984”. The story is about a man‚ Winston Smith‚ who works for the Ministry of Truth‚ and his job is to make propaganda and to change historical facts. To prevent people from staging a coup‚ the government and its omniscient leader Big Brother make it illegal to express free thought. Anyone that is found
Premium Internet censorship Internet Nineteen Eighty-Four
A Work of the Artifice In the poem‚ A Work of the Artifice‚ the author‚ Marge Piercy‚ uses a bonsai tree to represent people who are being controlled or influenced by a type of authority or higher power. She does this by using playful imagery‚ contradicting tone‚ and strong metaphors to make this representation throughout this poem. The playful imagery which compares a bonsai tree to the way people are conformed and molded into the “perfect” person or the mold of what is “right”. In the poem‚ the
Premium Conformity Trees Inch
them or helping them‚ they push the different people around and tear them down with their harsh words. School becomes a burden and something that is avoided as much as possible. The victims become stressed with their overflowing insecurities. School work no longer is a necessity and classes become ways to waste time instead of learning. Bullying can lead to suicide because it pervades teens home‚ school‚ and personal life. Some people think that a victim of bullying would look forward
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With a switch of a button or a tap on a screen you are able to see the world in front of you and how it is forever changing. Then we are filtered with a new topic of discussion or a new trend that we never thought could be real. Then suddenly....BOOM! A tragedy hits and now we see a country attacking one another other. So each morning you wake up and see the same events as if you are living a never ending day. In today’s media we are only suppose to notice the bad and how this world is spiraling
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The United States is in a time of great turmoil and uncertainty. It seems that on any given day‚ the news has is covering a story of citizens creating a new movement‚ or even the country’s people turning on each other in riots. Unfortunately‚ this is sometimes a product of misfortunate events. More specifically‚ it can be a product of mass shootings. When seeing these tragedies unfold on the news‚ people are often misinformed because of the lack of information that is available initially. This leads
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Think about feeling lost‚ alone and not knowing where to go. It’s an awful feeling. But at on top of that each night in either the snow or a hot humid night on a bench or an out cove which you call your bed or home. You fall asleep to the sound of nature you and wake up to the chattering people around you caring out there daily activities. You are unsightly to the public; people cringe or walk quicker when they walk by you. A shop keep complains about you loitering and scaring off costumers so a
Premium Homelessness Poverty Homelessness in the United States
There has never been and will never be a serious debate over who the second greatest athlete of all time is. This is because in society second place is not good enough it represents someone who did not win and no one idolizes a loser. A loser is lost in the shuffle and will never be remembered by the average sports fan. For this and many other reasons athletes will do just about anything in their power to be considered a winner‚ even if that means cheating. Cheating is displayed in every sport on
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Imagine being the owner of the world’s happiest‚ friendliest‚ and most loving pit bull. The dog‚ which has been around since puppyhood‚ has been nothing but a joy to have and would never hurt anyone or anything. Now‚ imagine sitting on your couch one evening and hearing a loud noise. The police have just come crashing through the front door and they are here to take your beloved dog. Nothing can be done to stop them. Why is the dog being taken away? His breed was labeled as dangerous and all dogs
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environment‚ and much needed resources. The problem is not the number of people in this world‚ but the way people choose to live. The dilemmas created by overpopulation affect people of all races and social status. This is why we as the "human race" must work together to preserve our planet and necessary resources before it is too late. The living standards embraced by today’s population causes people to consume more resources‚ which in turn produces more waste and raises life expectancy. New industrial
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