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    PHILOSOPHY Philosophy is divided into many sub-fields. These include epistemology‚ logic‚ metaphysics‚ ethics‚ and aesthetics. Epistemology is concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge‚ such as the relationships between truth‚ belief‚ and theories of justification. Logic is the study of the principles of correct reasoning. Metaphysics is the study of the most general features of reality‚ such as existence‚ time‚ the relationship between mind and body‚ objects and their properties‚ wholes

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    My reflection is on a teaching session of nasogastric feeding to a second year student. One of the patient I looked after was fed via a nasogastric tube. My student had told me she had never set up a feed via a nasogastric tube. I saw this as a learning opportunity for her. In order for me to teach my student effectively‚ it was important to establish her preferred learning style. Honey & Mumford (1992) identify four distinct learning styles e:g 1. Activist‚ are those people that learn by doing

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    Ⅰ.Introduction A. Thesis There are so many different philosophies and religions‚ and they greatly influence people’s life. In this paper‚ I am going to introduce and define the representatives of the Western philosophy such as Plato’s metaphysical Dualism and Chinese philosophy like Daoism. And I am going to compare these philosophies and explain the difference between them. Ⅱ. Dualism A. Explain Plato’s metaphysical Dualism Plato’s Dualism divided the reality into two different realms of existence

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    Unit 1 – Introduction to Philosophy Chapter 1: Introducing Philosophy Philosophy: thinking about thinking‚ or the love of wisdom Autonomy: the ability to freely make rational decisions Materialism (physicalism): a metaphysical theory‚ developed by the PreSocratic philosophers‚ that says that everything‚ including a person’s thoughts‚ consciousness‚ and personality‚ is composed of matter Philosophical System Builder: someone who tries to construct a complete system of knowledge First-Order

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    Meaning and Definition of Philosophy The term “Philosophy” is derived from two Greek words‚ Philia meaning “to love” or “to befriend” and‚ Sophia meaning “wisdom.” Thus‚ philosophy‚ means “the love of wisdom”. It was coined by Pythagoras‚ one of the sages of ancient Greece‚ born about the year 584 B.C. Philosophy is an activity people undertake when they seek to understand fundamental truths about themselves‚ the world in which they live‚ and their relationships to the world and to each other.

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    Introduction to Philosophy Philosophical Concerns according to Dr. Bob Zunjic The study of philosophy may deal with every dimension of human life and can raise questions in any field of study or endeavor. Philosophy pursues questions rather than answers. Philosophy is not bound by any particular “truths” that set limits to the desire to continue asking questions. Philosophy changes historically both in respect to its content and its character. Definitions Etymologically‚ philosophy is derived

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    understanding of yourself and the world‚ and of the life that is best for you‚ then philosophy is most likely worth a few hours of your time. Philosophy is concerned with the justification of our most basic beliefs and the analysis of the concepts making up these beliefs. Some of these beliefs are highly relevant not just to how we understand ourselves and the world around us‚ but also to how we should act in this world. Philosophy pursues questions rather than answers. What is the justification of the government’s

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    Idealism Idealism is the metaphysical and epistemological doctrine that ideas or thoughts make up fundamental reality. Essentially‚ it is any philosophy which argues that the only thing actually knowable is consciousness (or the contents of consciousness)‚ whereas we never can be sure that matter or anything in the outside world really exists. Thus‚ the only real things are mental entities‚ not physical things (which exist only in the sense that they are perceived) Progressivism Progressivist believes

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    relations. Principles of Justice and Gender Among the many substantial contributions to the field of modern philosophy made by John Rawls‚ there is one particular aspect of his most memorable work that has been a subject of notable controversy among feminists and other critics of gender-based injustices. Rawls is widely regarded as having revolutionized the modern field of political philosophy by “breaking the intuitionism-utilitarianism deadlock” (Kymlicka‚ 2002‚ p.55). However‚ according to critics

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    Significance of Euthanasia ------------------------------------------------- This understanding of euthanasia emphasizes two important features of acts of euthanasia. First‚ that euthanasia involves the deliberate taking of a person’s life; and‚ second‚ that life is taken for the sake of the person whose life it is - typically because she or he is suffering from an incurable or terminal disease. This distinguishes euthanasia from most other forms of taking life. Classification of euthanasia

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