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    that reside on the island. Although disapproved by the government‚ it continues to convey a unique Singaporean identity and a taste of the local flavour. It does this through the distinctive use of phonology‚ syntax and lexicon‚ together working to bring a whole new variety of English itself. The phonology used by Singlish speakers characteristically defines the identity of Singapore. It does this by effectively adding a ‘local flavour’ to what may seem like normal English words. Singlish speakers

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    The characteristics of linguistics in relation to English as a Second Language (ESL) are varied and particularly focused. Some of the areas crucial to this field include language variation (bilingualism‚ multilingualism‚ and dialect variation)‚ phonology‚ morphology‚ semantics‚ syntax‚ and pragmatics. Each of these areas signifies some important detailing in the makeup of the ESL curriculum and its bond with linguistics. Further insight to each one very specifically explores the components of the

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    them to differentiate the two. 1. She’s very beautiful. 2. She’s finished the book. Number 1 is the verb to be because it is followed by an adjective and in the second sentence it is the present perfect because it is followed by V3. e) Phonology: I would teach the fact that the sentence stress falls on just. /hi;z ju:st lɛft/ Depending on the students’ native language there may be some difficulties in producing individual phonemes. 2. Model sentence: If only I had enough money‚

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    when I was writing "To your baseball game we are going‚" my teacher told me that is not proper syntax‚ so my third-grade teacher is going to correct in order of sentence known as syntax‚ "We are going to your baseball game." Here is an example of phonology: when my hearing sister was saying "Can I borrow your close?" with the mispronouncing word‚ "close" instead of "clothes" so my mother taught her how to voice the word properly. Here is an example of etymology: I learned that "telephone" is a part

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    Research in Elt

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    THE INTERFERENCE OF MOTHER TONGUE IN STUDENTS’ LANGUAGE LEARNING A PAPER Submitted as a Partial Fulfilment in Seminar on language Teaching Lecture: Dr. Hermayawati‚ M.Pd By: Titis Wisnu Wijaya 07004114 B CLASS ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM THE FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION AHMAD DAHLAN UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2010 INTRODUCTION English which is an international language is used for communication in many countries around the world especially in the globalization

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    3 Famous Phonologists

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    some fame whom taught phonology and phonetics at the University of Edinburgh for 26 years. His PHD thesis focused on “The structure of Intonational meaning” but he has since “grown out of it” and moved into studying Prosody and Laboratory Phonology in various projects both in Edinburgh and overseas‚ only revisiting the subject of Intonation infrequently. Such activities include: studies on pitch and segmental alignment in Greek‚ developing the new field of Laboratory Phonology‚ stress and tone in Nilotic

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    in reality‚ the addressee will not love him back. Instead of obvious insisting his feelings towards the addressee‚ the man shows farewell and goodluck to the person he loved most. III. Stylistic Analysis A. Stylistic Tools Phonology Phonology is the study of how sounds are organized and used in natural languages. It has a phonological system of a language includes‚ an inventory of sounds and their features‚ and rules which specify how sounds

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    Celta Assignment 2

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    SECTION A: Function If the function is making suggestions‚ we can use the following structures: - Let’s have a party. - Why don’t we have a party? - How about having a party? - We could have a party. These utterances are all exponents of the function of suggesting. If our function is speculation‚ we can say: - If Macbeth hadn’t listened to the witches‚ he wouldn’t have murdered the king. - I think there’ll be a revolution in Egypt in the next ten years. - I reckon that before

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    Traditional and modern dialictology Historically‚ the study of language in society features three perspectives: Geographical perspective (since 19th century)‚ Anthropological perspective (since 1920s)‚ the study of language and culture Sociological perspective (since 1960s). Anthropology‚ sociology A major distinction is made between the geographical perspective‚ also referred to as traditional dialectology‚ and the sociological perspective‚ or modern dialectology. Dialectology as such is

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    Compounding and Tonal Non-Transfer in Bantu Languages‚ Phonology 20:1-42. 2003 Hyman‚ Larry‚ Sharon Inkelas‚ and Galen Sibanda Marantz‚ Alec. Re reduplication. Linguistic Inquiry 13:435–482. 1992. Mbah‚ Evelyn. Binarity and Properheadedness in Igbo Prosodic Words: An Optimality Account. In O. Ndimele (ed) Language and Culture in Nigeria: A Festchift for Essien. Aba: NINLAN‚ 155 – 162. 2004. McCarthy‚ John. Formal problems in Semitic phonology and morphology. Doctoral dissertation‚ MIT‚ Cambridge

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