"Plastic bag" Essays and Research Papers

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    Research Question: Should the use of plastic bags be encouraged for grocery and shopping purposes? 1.0 Introduction and chemistry background Plastic or its scientific name polyethylene is a type of polymer. Polymers are defined as a large molecules consisting of specific small repeating monomers that combine or react together. In this case‚ plastic or polyethylene is made up of small monomers called ethylene (ethene). Ethylene molecules react and combine together through addition reaction/polymerization

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    BIODEGRADABLE SM PLASTIC BAG IN DIFFERENT SUBSTRATE ABSTRACT The purpose of this Investigatory project is to determine the effect of different substrates on the biodegradability of SM plastic bags. The materials needed are: 6‚ 1-litre glass jars; 6‚ 7”x9” aluminums trays; 12 pcs. 3”x4” SM plastic bags; 500g loam soil; 500g compost soil; 500mL seawater; 500mL tap water; Analytical balance; Graduated cylinder; and Weighing scale. The procedure involved cutting the SM plastics bags into 3”x4” sizes

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    plastic-def. A plastic material is any of a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic solids that are moldable. Plastics are typically organic polymers of high molecular mass‚ but they often contain other substances. They are usually synthetic‚ most commonly derived from petrochemicals‚ but many are partially natural. Plastics Characteristics Plastics are made from fossil fuels--petroleum‚ natural gas‚ coal--‚ wood and some plant materials‚ air‚ water and sometimes other common materials

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    From the time we hit our plastic alarm clock in the morning until the time we squeeze tooth paste out of its plastic sleeve onto our plastic tooth brush when we go to bed‚ we are surrounded by plastic. Our food is packaged in it‚ our children play with toys made from it‚ we talk on plastic cell phones‚ and we sit on chairs of plastic at work writing with plastic pens‚ drinking from plastic water bottles. Plastic is everywhere. Where does all this plastic end up? It does not just disappear when we

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    Paper or Plastic

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    Paper or Plastic? You are at the grocery store checking out and the clerk asks you‚ “paper or plastic?” Which one will you choose? Do you choose paper because you think it is better for the environment‚ or do you choose plastic because its easier to carry? Whatever choice you make is up to you‚ but I hope that after reading this essay you will be more informed about the choice you do make. Paper comes from trees. It starts from logging‚ where trees are marked and cut down. In the logging process

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    towards the actual product (in this case the paper bags) in question‚ the extent to which a consumer considers environmental responsibility to be important‚ the extent to which a consumer considers environmental issues to be a threat to her-/himself and the amount of information a consumer receives about the initiative. To test our model we used a quantitative approach and investigated the consumer attitudes towards the initiative no plastic bags at the shopping centre Strömpilen‚ Umeå. We found

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    Paper vs. Plastic: Which is better? Thousands and thousands of people are shopping in grocery stores each day using either plastic or paper bags. They think of it as something that just holds their items. What they don’t know is how much it harms our environment. So the question is which is better? “3.14 billion Plastic shopping bags and 53 million Kraft paper bags are produced annually to satisfy the national market‚ consuming 28.5 million kilograms of plastic

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    Plastic Pollution

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    WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT PLASTIC POLLUTION Plastic bags and bottles‚ like all forms of plastic‚ create significant environmental and economic burdens. They consume growing amounts of energy and other natural resources‚ degrading the environment in numerous ways. In addition to using up fossil fuels and other resources‚ plastic products create litter‚ hurt marine life‚ and threaten the basis of life on earth. We are producing over 25 million tons of plastics per year in the United States‚ a trivial

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    USE Cloth / jute BAGS TO REDUCE POLYTHENE BAG Pollution from Polythene In this age of computers and Internet‚ Use and Throw culture is the order of the day. You use anything and after using it‚ throw it away. Polythene pollution has drastically disturbed everyman’s life style. Polythene material can be seen spread over in the streets‚ in the neighborhood‚ in the rivulets‚ river-banks of the small or big rivers. Even Ganga‚ Yamuna and other rivers all are covered with a thick layer of polythene

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    substances originating from living organisms‚ or artificial materials that are similar enough to plant and animal matter to be put to use by microorganisms ------------------------------------------------- ONE OPTION: BIODEGRADABLE Plastics Biodegradable plastic is plastic that has been treated to be easily broken down by microorganisms and return to nature. Many technologies exist today that allow for such treatment. Currently there are some synthetic polymers that can be broken down by microorganisms

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