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    To Kill a Mockingbird

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    books are “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “A Raisin in the Sun”. Both of these books have great plots and are enjoyable to read‚ it’s hard to say which a better book is. With all opinions aside the literary elements can be looked at to see which the better book is. Sometimes a book can be great‚ however from a literary standpoint they are not good at all. Even though “A Raisin in the Sun” is a good book‚ “To Kill a Mockingbird” is better because of its literary elements. “To kill a Mockingbird” uses its

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    To Kill a Mockingbird

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    don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird." Miss. Maudie explained to Scout and Jem. This meant that there was a moral law people should follow against killing mockingbirds‚ for we are to spare their innocence. (Lee‚ 94) In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee‚ there are several characters that could be considered as symbolic mockingbirds. The mockingbird is identified as innocent birds that “don’t do one thing but make music for us

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    To Kill A Mockingbird

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    Harper Lee’s novel‚ ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ explores many aspects of change through the understanding of individuals and the effects of racial discrimination. The protagonist of the novel is a young girl named Scout who is the daughter of Atticus Finch‚ a model for justice. The book is written from her perspective to express the innocence of a child and how strong morals can expose them to a cruel world. ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ conveys meaningful lessons through the eyes of Scout that she begins

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    To Kill a Mockingbird

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    The 3 Mockingbirds It is a sin to kill a mockingbird as they don’t do one thing but sing theirhearts out for us. However‚ there are many "mockingbirds" that are "killed" in‚ "To Kill a mockingbird‚ by Harper Lee." The title of this book (To Kill a Mockingbird) is very significant and can be applied to many characters. Atticus‚ Tom Robinson‚ and Boo Radley are characters that can be strongly identified with the title. First‚ Atticus Finch can be strongly applied to the title. Many citizens of Maycomb

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    To Kill a Mockingbird

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    Company of India Ltd. Pp 311-323. 3. Dunphy‚ G. 2004. Meera’s Mockingbird‚ from Harper Lee to Meera Syall. Neophilogus. pp 637-660. 4. Hovet‚ T & Grace-Anne. 2001. Fine Fancy Gentlemen and Happy Folk: Contending Voices in To Kill a Mockingbird. Southern Quarterly: A Journal of the Arts in the South. Pp67-78. 5. Lee‚ H. 1960 (rpt 1966). To Kill a Mockingbird. Oxford: Heinemann New Windmills. 6. Miller‚ C. To Kill a Mockingbird‚ Corruption on Innocence. www.umn.edu/millerc/teachingenglishhomepage/teachingunits/tokilll

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    really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view‚ until you climb into his skin and walk around in it(Page 33 To Kill A Mocking Bird)This statement made by atticus reflects his views on prejudice and justice. The aim of this discussion is to show the different perspectives and views of some of the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird. The three points of view that I will present in my discussion of this statement are: Bob Ewells extreme prejudices towards blacks‚ Atticuss

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    To Kill A Mockingbird

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    The Mockingbirds Within To Kill A Mockingbird Every child begins life as a naïve mockingbird‚ a recurring motif in the fictional novel‚ To Kill A Mockingbird‚ by Harper Lee. This novel is set in a small 1930’s town called Maycomb‚ Alabama‚ and the symbol of the mockingbird within this town illustrates the undeserved punishments of some and the enlightenments of others. The mockingbird is a symbol of innocence and compassion. Several characters living in Maycomb‚ such as Tom Robinson‚ Boo Radley

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    To Kill a Mockingbird

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    To Kill A Mockingbird Essay Reading broadens our minds and touches our hearts. It creates greater understanding and compassion in the reader through its characters and themes. Write an essay that addresses the ideas expressed in this statement with reference to your class novel. “You never really understand a person‚ until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” With over 30 million copies sold worldwide and claiming title to the prestigious Pulitzer Prize‚ “To Kill a Mockingbird” is

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    To Kill a Mockingbird

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    To Kill a Mockingbird: Prejudice against Citizens with Mental Disabilities As racism‚ discrimination and prejudice against citizen with mental disabilities has been a part of our culture for many decades‚ it seems as we have found peace with all of this after many years. During the early nineteenth and twentieth century people where not at peace with citizens with mental disabilities‚ for they were being mistreated and institutionalized for having mental disorders. Many did not see people with

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    To Kill a Mockingbird

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    The title of To Kill a Mockingbird has very little literal connection to the plot‚ but it carries a great deal of symbolic weight in the book. In this story of innocents destroyed by evil‚ the “mockingbird” comes to represent the idea of innocence. Thus‚ to kill a mockingbird is to destroy innocence. Throughout the book‚ a number of characters including Jem‚ Tom Robinson and Boo Radley can be identified as mockingbirds – innocents that have been injured or destroyed through contact with evil. This

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