0.0041mol‚ = 0.147 M Initial Molarity of KI: Exp. 1: 10 ml KI x = 0.001 mol‚ = 0.033 M Exp. 2: 10mL KI x Exp. 3: 20 ml KI x = 0.002mol‚ = 0.067 Rate = k [H2O2]x [ KI]y Order of KI: y = 1 Order of H2O2 : x=1 K1 : .089 =k (0.147)(0.033) k1= 18.542 K2: .180= k (0.294)(0.033) k2=13.469 K3: .132= k(0.147)(0.067) k3= 18.557 K average: 16.856 Summary of Results Exp. # [H2O2]0 [KI]0 Initial Rate of O2‚ mm Hg/s Specific rate
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Fajar and cover up all previous kaza namaz...remember namaz is the distinction of a Muslim i.e. momin ki mairaj 3) Search for benefits of pukhta eman e.g Bk1pg18( depiction in KGGK:Parvati said k ab bhi upar walay par yaqeen baqi hai)1) Biography of prophet Muhammad (saw) Martin Lings 2)Establish Fajar and cover up all previous kaza namaz...remember namaz is the distinction of a Muslim i.e. momin ki mairaj 3) Search for benefits of pukhta eman e.g Bk1pg18( depiction in KGGK:Parvati said k ab bhi
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q 2x10 C a. N • m2 * 5x10 !9 C !" ke q 9x10 2 C E= 2 = = 500 N/C r (0.3m)2 b. N • m2 !9 !10 9x10 * 5x10 C * 4x10 C 2 ke q1 q2 C F= = = 2x10 !7 N 2 2 r (0.3m) a. !" F 2.0x10 !3 N E= = = 330 N/C q 6x10 !6 C b. !" F = Eq = 330N/C * 2.0x10 !6 C = 6.7x10 !4 N 9 4. 9 5. N • m2 9x10 * 3C !" 2 ke q C E = 2* 2 = 2* = 2.16x1011 N/C 2 r (0.5m) 2 6. 7. a. ! !E = ke q1 ke q2 + 2 = r2 r N • m2 C 2 ( q + q ) = 9x10 5 N/C 1 2 (0.5m)2 9x10 9 b. ke q1 ke q2 = 2 2 r (r +.1) (r +.1) r2 2 q
which studies ratios of lead to iodine. Precipitation reactions occur when oppositely charged ions attract and form an insoluble ionic solid. This experiment examines the precipitation reaction between lead (II) nitrate‚ Pb(NO3)2‚ and potassium iodide‚ KI. Both are dissolved in water and the reaction between these solutes will produce a water insoluble yellow solid referred to as the precipitate. Any substance with solubility less than 0.01 mol/L is considered insoluble. The formula of the insoluble
The China Coin – Plot Summary Chapter 1 * Leah and her mother Joan are on a plane to China in search of the origins of a mysterious half a coin that was sent to Joan from her father. * Leah is not thrilled to be going. * Leah does not see herself as Chinese. * We find out that Leah’s father has died of cancer and they are tracing the coin for him‚ because he was really curious about where the other half of the coin is. * Joan is spooked by what she sees on TV – a student riot
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