Primate socio-ecology varies and has different determinants that decide many different characteristics. As a virtual paleontologist‚ we discovered two different sites and skeletal remains in Kenya and deductively reasoned their mating habits‚ group size‚ and several other characteristics about the Praeanthropus dimorphicus and the Praeanthropus monomorphicus with what I know about primate socio-ecology. Based on my prior knowledge‚ logic‚ and reasoning‚ by looking at skeletal remains we are able
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This is why primate evolution is considered paleoanthropology (Begun‚ 2012). In researching the evolution of primates to humans a common topic is the curvature of hominoid phalangeal. The concept derives from the adaptation of tree living (arboreal) to land locomotion. When a prime is classified as arboreal the phalangeal
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Article Review #2: Living Primates The article “Anti-Alzheimer’s Gene may have Led to the Rise of Grandparents” by Kelli Whitlock Burton talks about the how the protective variant of the CD33 gene may explain why humans have grandmothers that help with child rearing. The article explains the “grandmother hypothesis” that says humans live such long and healthy lives even after they are no longer able to reproduce because they help with child rearing. The CD33 gene plays a big role
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Primate Classification LECTURE This lecture will address basic primate classification. Primates are classified based on their features- primates that share certain features are classified into the same group. There are lots of different ways of classifying animals- using an evolutionary taxonomy (like Linneaus’ family tree) or using cladistics. We are going to stick with the evolutionary taxonomy. There is a chart in your book- on Page 168-169 of your book- I would suggest that you have that open
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Los Angeles Zoo Primates Notes Gorillaz Western lowland Gorillas My first Ape i saw at the LA Zoo was the LowLand Gorilla. Because of the weather and temperature‚ the Gorrilas were not active as the stayed in the shade and away from observing eyes. Only one Gorilla was able to stay in the light and in the view of people trying to see into the zoo habitat for these Gorillas‚ Repunzel. Shes a beautiful lowland gorilla female sitting alone in te sunligt‚ happily grooming herself. Although shes
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A Zoo for a Primate Observation 11/15/2012 For this paper I decided to visit Zoo Atlanta to observe lowland gorillas. I got to the zoo at around eleven in the morning and found out the feeding times for the gorillas. Once I found them‚ after watching them for a little while I selected the most active group to go watch during feeding. The point of this trip was to make me feel as if I was doing a field laboratory observation of primate social behavior
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the Survey of Primates film we watched in class. The film describes the basic characteristics of primates‚ illustrates the geographic locations and regions of their various primate forms. The movie also describes the various adaptations in which primates had evolved from in based on their location in the world‚ and also briefly describes types of behavioral and the social adaptions on primates’ relation towards humans. The film starts off by stating that the subspecies of primates are apes‚ monkeys
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Test Two Study Guide I. Primates A. Characteristics 1. Non human primates are very intelligent 2. Give human test and they do well 3. Gorillas are gentle and peaceful and don’t eat meat but they can rip you to pieces if they get mad 4. Chimpanzees are mean very aggressive and very strong and when they snap they will literally rip your face off 5. 4 different groups of Primates i. Prosimians ii. New World Monkeys iii. Old World Monkeys iv. Apes B. Taxonomy: Proposed Changes
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Why Are Primates So Smart? Primates can be defined as the most developed order of mammals. All Primates are classified into one taxonomic order‚ which divides into two major suborders that differentiate physically from each other after taking different evolutionary lines. The lower primates prosimii commonly called prosimians‚ meaning "pre-monkey"‚ was the first suborder to evolve and includes animals such as lemurs‚ lorises‚ etc. Anthropoidea was the subsequent suborder to evolve‚ 90% of anthropoidea
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Primates‚ like humans have hands‚ feet and a brain. There are certain characteristics that defines a primate. The first trait is color vision. Although humans are capable of distinguishing a spectrum of color‚ other primates fail to do so because they are colorblind. Specifically‚ they cannot see the color red. As time passed by‚ color vision has evolved for primates. Unlike before‚ they have the ability to pick out red and orange fruit to eat for themselves. Another trait is grasping hands. It helps
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