"Prison subculture" Essays and Research Papers

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    Do Prisons Work

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    Do Prisons Work? Can Individuals be Reformed or Rehabilitated through Incarceration and Treatment Programs. Critically examine the Current Treatment Programs offered and Subsequent Impact on Recidivism upon Individuals being released globally and WA specifically. This study will examine the effectiveness of current prison treatment programs in Australia‚ New Zealand‚ South East Asia‚ United States of America in rehabilitating or reforming an individual and coinciding recidivism rates upon

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    Prison Population Growth

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    The prison population has grown substantially in recent years‚ what is the explanation for this? Academic Integrity Statement: I have read and understood the Academic Integrity rules and regulations for Kaplan Open Learning and the University Of Essex‚ and declare that this assignment bides by all of the rules and regulations contained within it. Name: Michael Locke Module: Introduction to Online Learning Tutor: Byron Davies Submission Date: 6th May 2010 The prison population

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    Prison Reform Essay

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    unsuccessful in achieving their ostensible purpose as our prisons are‚ we would shut them down tomorrow.” said James Gilligan a professor of psychology and law at New York University.More than 90 percent of prisoners released to the public return to prison within a few years‚ many times for an offence more violent than the last.These are a few of the reason why prisons should focus less on punishing the prisoner and more on rehabilitating them.The current prison system has done nothing to improve our society

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    to work in the prison industries programs that are meant to help them gain ‘technical skills’ and to develop ‘positive work habits’‚ (Source: Queensland Government‚ day of a prisoner). However that’s not the case‚ in unpublished state government records acquired by The Saturday Age it’s revealed that the re-offending rate for 2013-2014 is at a 10-year high of 40 per cent‚ up from a low of 34 per cent four years ago. There is surely something wrong in the Australian system as prison is used to ‘rehabilitate’

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    Prison Reform in America

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    Prison "Reform" in America In the essay "Prison "Reform" in America‚" Roger T. Pray points out the much attention that has been devoted to research to help prevent crimes. Showing criminals the errors of their ways not by brutal punishment‚ but by locking them up in the attempt to reform them. Robert Pray‚ who is a prison psychologist‚ is currently a researcher with the Utah Dept. of Corrections. He has seen what has become of our prison system and easily shows us that there is really no such thing

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    activities‚ and satisfy public opinion via an appropriate treatment regime for persons convicted of criminal offenses. The main focus is on punishment and penal institutions‚ such as the prison‚ and their possible justifications. The Oxford English Dictionary defines penology as "the study of punishment of crime and prison management"‚ and in this sense it is equivalent with corrections. Penology is concerned with the effectiveness of those social processes devised and adopted for the prevention of

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    Women In The Prison System

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    Life inside the prison system usually includes two prisoners in an 8 by 10 foot room where they spend up to 23 hours a day for months‚ years‚ or decades. The isolation of the four grey walls are meant so that the prisoners will one day seek contemplation and remorse for their crimes. Although in reality most convicted felons tend to commit another crime after being released from prison. An article titled‚ “After committing a crime‚ guilt and shame predict re-offense” explains how‚ “Within three years

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    More and more juveniles are being incarcerated in adult prisons because of legislation dropping the age juveniles are allowed to be tried as an adult and expanding the list that are considered adult crimes.  States vary as to how old and where a juvenile is incarcerated.  They may have to wait until a certain age to be transferred to an adult facility or they have to go in ight after sentencing.  Sometimes they are in the general population of adults and others they try to keep them in different

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    Hiv and Aids in Prisons

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    Running head: HIV and AIDS in Prison HIV and AIDS in Prisons Heather Cooper CJ242 Mr. Thompson April 24‚ 2013 Kaplan College-Southeast Abstract The following pages contain information on the AIDS and HIV epidemic within the United States prison system. The characteristics of these inmates will be discussed and how well this population adjusts to the environment. There are some treatments and services provided to these inmates in and outside the walls of the prison. The public views are not

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    Private prisons can be a profitable and secure alternative to government run State prisons‚ but will they actually help rehabilitate criminal when private prisons profit come from the number of prisoners they house? Private prison also known as for-profit prisons are thirty party company’s that are contracted by government who pays a per diem or monthly rate for each prisoner‚ this normally cost less of what it would if it was run by the state. The saving is what the government considerers the most

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