"Problem solving essay on endangered species" Essays and Research Papers

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    Endangered Species

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    Topic: Endangered Species Issue Question: Should Endangered Species be Protected? Since the appeared of the first life on this planet‚ numerous species come and go‚ rendered extinct by natural changes in physical and biological conditions. Because extinction is a natural part of the order‚ if there are many other species still exist‚ some people might wonders why or what so unique about the endangered species that large sum of money and effort is spent in order to save and restore them (Why

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    Endangered Species

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    Endangered species From Wikipedia‚ the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation‚ search For other uses‚ see Endangered species (disambiguation). "Endangered" redirects here. For other uses‚ see Endangered (disambiguation). Conservation status | | By risk of extinction | Extinct | Extinct (List) Extinct in the Wild (List) | Threatened | Critically Endangered (List) Endangered (List) Vulnerable (List) | At lower risk | Conservation Dependent (List) Near Threatened (List) Least

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    Endangered Species

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    An endangered species is a population of organisms‚ which is facing high risk of becoming extinct because it is either few in numbers‚ or threatened by changing environmental or predation parameters. There are a lot of endangered species in the world right now. They are moving towards being extinct slowly. In fact‚ since a species is not declared extinct until years have gone by since it was last spotted. Tigers are among the animals that are endangered in Asia. The tiger is native to Asia

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    Endangered Species

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    Linn English IIII January 14th‚ 2013 How Species Are Becoming Endangered There are so many reasons and factors that are causing all kinds of species to become endangered. Some are natural causes but others are caused by mankind. Species have been coming endangered or sometimes extinct since the beginning of time. Mankind wasn’t such a huge factor until we started to develop more and more as time continued to go on. Almost 99% of threatened species are at risk of being extinct because of human

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    Endangered Species

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    There are many endangered animals in the world today‚ which play important roles in our environment and in our lives. Humans are the main cause of these animals becoming extinct‚ but with the help of the government and caring people some of these animals have increased in numbers and have been taken off the endangered species list. Many people think that they cannot do anything to help these poor animals‚ but they are wrong. There are many ways in which people can help to keep these animals from

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    Endangered Species

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    The Asiatic lion (Panthera leo persica)‚ also known as the Indian lion‚ is a lion subspecies that exists as a single isolated population in India’s Gujarat State. It is listed as Endangered by IUCN based on the small population size.[1] The lion population has steadily increased in Gir Forest National Park‚ more than doubling from a low of 180 individuals in 1974 to a level of 411 individuals consisting of 97 adult males‚ 162 adult females‚ 75 sub-adults‚ and 77 cubs as of April 2010.[3] The Asiatic

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    Endangered Species

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    Endangered Species Endangered species are living things whose population is so reduced that they are threatened with extinction. Thousands of species are included in this category. The International Union for the Conservation of nature and Natural Resources publishes a list of threatened mammals‚ birds‚ reptiles‚ amphibians‚ and (many people do not consider them) plants .CAUSES OF EXTINCTION Millions of years before humans‚ extinction of living things was linked to geological and climate‚ the

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    Endangered Species

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    Juliet C. Rosauro BSBA-MM 2-4D Loss of Biodiversity: How many species are endangered ? ENDANGERED SPECIES: has so few individual survivors that the species could soon become extinct overall or most of its natural range. Characteristics of Extinction-Prone Species: -Low reproductive rate -Specialized feeding habits -Feed at high trophic levels -Large size -Limited or specialized nesting or breeding areas -Found in only one place or region -Fixed migratory patterns -Preys on livestock

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    Endangered Species

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    ENDANGERED SPECIES Introduction An endangered species is a population of organisms which is at risk of becoming extinct because it is either few in numbers‚ or threatened by changing environmental or predation parameters. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has calculated the percentage of endangered species as 40 percent of all organisms based on the sample of species that have been evaluated through 2006.Many nations have laws offering protection to

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    Endangered Species

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    another. In order to solve or even slightly elevate this problem‚ every aspect must be studied. So exactly what could cause the endangerment of animals? There are several factors of which only a few will be discussed. One of the main aspects is that of habitat destruction. Of course our planet is continually changing‚ causing habitats to be altered and modified‚ but these tend to happen at a gradual pace. This allows most species to adapt to the changing environment‚ where only a slight impact

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