Surrey Vocational Training Centre Promote and implement health and safety in health and social care Unit 4222-306 Workbook Candidate Signature Number Date Assessor Signature Number Date Outcome 1 - Understand own responsibilities and the responsibilities of others‚ relating to health and safety *Remember to refer to relevant legislation
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relating to health and safety in a health or social care work setting; • Health and Safety at Work Act (HASWA) 1974 - ensures the health and safety of everyone who may be affected by work activities. • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) 1999 - requires employers and managers to carry out risk assessments to eliminate or minimise risks to health and safety. • Workplace‚ (Health‚ Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 - minimises the risks to health and safety associated with
Premium Risk Occupational safety and health Risk management
Promote Positive Behaviour In this assignment I am going to explain my understanding about‚ legislation‚ frameworks‚ codes of practice and policies relate to positive behaviour support. Understand the context and use of proactive and reactive strategies. Be able to promote positive Behaviour Be able to Respond Appropriately to Incidents of Challenging Behaviour. People with learning disabilities show behaviours which present a significant challenge for those caring for them. Such behaviours may
Premium The Incident Proactive Risk assessment
Essay on Safety Culture Safety culture is the ways in which safety is managed in the workplace‚ and often reflects "the attitudes‚ beliefs‚ perceptions and values that employees share in relation to safety".[1] In other words‚ "the way we do safety around here". Safety culture is a complex structure in an organization that includes values and attitudes most of which are potentially changeable and related to actual accident behavior. The components of safety culture included organizational commitment
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Health and safety legislation is in place to protect all people. Employers and employees have responsibilities to make sure that the Health and Safety at Work Act and its regulations are followed properly. Access the Health and Safety Executive website ( for more information and information sheets‚ and refer to your workplace policies and procedures to complete the following table. Law or regulation Why the law or regulation is in place Responsibilities Health and Safety at Work Act
Free Occupational safety and health Law Employment
Essay on Safety Culture Safety culture is a complex structure in an organization that includes values and attitudes most of which are potentially changeable and related to actual accident behavior. The components of safety culture included organizational commitment‚ management involvement‚ employee empowerment‚ reporting system‚ and rewarding system. After giving brief introduction about safety culture let me divide my essay into* Introduction part * explanation about safety culture * Summary
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HEALTH AND SAFETY IN THE HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE WORKPLACE Table of Contents TASK 1: 2 Reference Guide for Health and Social Care workplace: 2 Overview: 2 1.1 Reviews of systems‚ policies and procedures for communication: Health and Safety 2 1.2 Responsibilities in a specific health and social care: 4 1.2.1 Organizational Responsibilities: 4 1.2.2 Monitoring and evaluating process: 5 1.2.3 Inspecting the workplace: 5 1.2.4 Management Structure: 5 1.2.5 Representation: 6
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Explain how health and safety policies and practices are monitored and reviewed. Define the following: ❖ Health and Safety- According to World Health Organisation health was defined as ‘a state of complete psychic‚ mental and social well-being [which] does not merely consist of an absence of disease or infirmity’. The scope of health and safety includes protection of the worker’s well-being‚ social and psychological as well as physical. Social well-being may be affected by the organisation
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system‚ policies and procedures for communicating information on health and social care workplace in accordance legislative requirement. The health and safety is an essential consideration for all the practitioners in health and social care. And also this unit will enable learners to develop an understanding of the importance of continually monitoring the implementation of health and safety legislation and policies within any health and social care setting. Learners will gain a clear understanding
Health and Safety Understand the different Responsibilities relating to Health and Social care. 1.1) Identify Legislations relating to Health and Safety in social care settings? HSE also known as Health and Safety at work act 1974 It places a duty on all employers to “Ensure”the Health ‚Safety and welfare of the individuals emplyed. The Act also requires: • safe operation and maintenance of the working environment‚ plant and systems • maintenance of safe access and egress to the workplace
Premium Occupational safety and health Risk assessment