"Proteus mirabilis unknown report" Essays and Research Papers

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    The Unknown Assassination

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    Jackie Parks AP English 4 March 2017 Mrs. Vicknair The Unknown Assassin As the motorcade passed the Texas School Book Depository‚ the gunshot that would change history was heard throughout the crowd. Fragments of Kennedy’s skull are being gathered by Jackie‚ and the crowd is in awe. The president is dead. Lee Harvey Oswald‚ an employee at the depository‚ is arrested an hour after the killing. He can never defend his case because two days later Oswald is killed by Jack Ruby. Almost immediately

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    Unknown Bacteria

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    that can assist in identification of bacteria are their ecological habitats and more advanced methods such as genetic and molecular composition. Using various techniques one is able to distinguish and ultimately assign then genus and species of the unknown bacteria. Methods: Gram Staining: The Gram stain separates bacteria in two distinct classes and is also useful in distinguishing morphology. Through this technique one is able to identify bacteria as either gram positive or gram negative. The gram-negative

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    Microbiology Unknown

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    Autumn White Biology 258-05 November 26‚ 2012 Unknown #19 Enterbacteriaceae Enterobacter aerogenes ABSTRACT The objective of this report was to identify an unknown microorganism through several differential media tests. Over the course of a couple weeks‚ ten tests were performed. First‚ a gram stain was performed‚ indicating the bacterium was gram negative. An aerotolerance test determined that the bacterium was a facultative anaerobe. Next‚ a negative result in the

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    Into The Unknown Analysis

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    Kevin Warwick’s “Into the Unknown‚” he argues that instead of measuring intelligence in a single dimensional value‚ difference aspects like culture and values should be taken into considerations throughout the process. In “The Social Imagination‚” James Flynn expresses a similar viewpoint on the study of intelligence‚ claiming that psychologists tend to overlook and underestimate the social contexts that could possibly alter the results of

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    Unknown 9

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    CHM 2046 L Scheme of Analysis for Unknown 9A/9B “Fair Game” Unknowns * Cations: Na+‚ K+‚ NH4+‚ Ca2+‚ Mg(H2O)62+‚ Al(H2O)63+‚ Zn(H2O)62+‚ Cu(H2O)2+‚ Ag(H2O)+ * Anions: Cl-‚ NO3-‚ SO4-2‚ HSO4-‚ OH-‚ CO3-2‚ HCO3-‚ S-2 * Insoluble Salts: Ca(OH)2‚ CaCO3‚ CaSO4‚ Mg(OH)2‚ MgCO3‚ Ag2O‚ AgCl‚ Ag2S‚ CuO‚ CuCO3‚ CuS‚ Zn(OH)2‚ ZnCO3‚ ZnS * Alums: [Al(OH2)6]2(SO4)3∙6H2O‚ Na[Al(OH2)6](SO4)2∙6H2O‚ K[Al(OH2)6](SO4)2∙6H2O‚ NH4[Al(OH2)6]2(SO4)2∙6H2O * Hydrated Ions: Na2CO3∙10H2O‚ Na2SO4∙10H2O

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    Unknown liquid

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    the density of water and an unknown liquid. Density is defined as the mass of a substance divided by its volume. It is an intrinsive property of matter and is used to specifically characterize substances. III. Procedure: 1.We massed an empty 10mL graduated cylinder to the nearest .01g. 2.Then‚ we filled the graduated cylinder with 4.0-5.0 mL of distilled water‚ 3.massed it to the nearest 0.1 ml and 4. recorded the data. Then to determine the density of the unknown liquid; we repeated the steps

    Free Density Water

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    Unknown Bacteria

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    Identifying Unknown Bacteria Using Biochemical and Molecular Methods Beginning of Instructor Pages Instructor Pages - - 3 Purpose The purpose of this lab is to introduce a variety of lab techniques to students working on the common problem of identifying an unknown bacterium. This lab helps students develop an understanding of the biochemical and molecular differences in bacteria and introduces the concept of identifying species based on characeristic gene sequences. Students work through

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    Unknown Soldier

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    How is the Australian Unknown Soldier significant? What makes him significant? The Unknown Soldier represents a part of Australia’s history and also represents the ANZAC soldiers that fought in World War One. He holds all the values and qualities that the ANZACs were said to evident in their everyday lifestyle. He is an iconic symbol for Australia and its military history as well a representative of commemorating the sacrifices the soldiers made for their country. The ANZAC legend was written

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    Unknown 5

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    Tiffany Ward Scheme For Unknown 2A/B Possible Ions: Cations: Na+‚ K+‚ NH4+ Anions: OH-‚ Cl-‚ NO3-‚ SO42-‚ HSO4- 1.Describe Sample Phase‚ color‚ odor‚ crystal shape‚ amorphous‚ gel-like‚ needle-like‚ powdery‚ etc. 2.Tests on original sample (i) Flame test bright orange Na+ purple K+ no color NH4+ (ii) NH4+ test Place a small portion of original unknown sample in a test tube or spot plate‚ then add a few drops of 1M NaOH solution. At the same time suspend a piece of red

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    The Unknown Citizen

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    "The Unknown Citizen" is an occasional poem. That is to say‚ it is a poem written to mark a specific occasion or event. The occasion is indicated in the lines contained in parenthesis that precede the body of the poem. As these lines indicate‚ the poem is a written monument that functions like a cenotaph: it commemorates a fallen man whose identity is unknown. However‚ unlike the soldier who falls in a battle of war‚ the battle this individual appears to be unwittingly a part of is a social battle

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