a) Explain the difference between Act and Rule Utilitarianism (25 marks) Throughout this essay I will be comparing the Act and Rule variations of Utilitarianism to uncover the difference between the two. Utilitarianism is teleological or consequentialist approach to ethics‚ which argues that something is good or bad according to its benefit for the majority of the people. Jeremy Bentham formalized this theory through his principle of Utility‚ “the greatest good for the greatest number”. Act Utilitarianism
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Macbeth and great expectations Alan Voong Shakespeare and dickens are very effective at presenting the flaws and weaknesses of key characters in both Macbeth and great expectations .using different techniques‚ miss havisham and lady macbeth and lady macbeth both impact others characters and events in a negative way. Females would have been seen during that time period as passive‚ gentle and weak therefore the characters would be appealing to and acceptable to the audience to have a common stereotype
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rules of ethics are not found in one place. they are scattered throughout other law such as‚ evidence code‚ probate code‚ business and profession‚ state court rules‚ federal court rules. they are not the same as morals! Professional responsibility rules are not about being "good." Professional responsibility rules are about acting legally. important: the law counts; personal morality counts less. Where to find those rules. State has codified rules of ethics (made into codes) State probably modeled
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Anna Catherine Chapman Mrs. White H English 10 September 7‚ 2014 Pip’s Benefactors Thesis: Through Charles Dickens’s use of doubles in Great Expectations‚ Dickens illustrates that it is possible to control future happiness and that it is not based on past experiences. Great Expectations’ main character‚ Pip‚ meets both his pseudo benefactor and his true benefactor in very interesting ways. As Pip is in the graveyard visiting his deceased mother and father‚ he stumbles across an escaped convict
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exclusionary rule was established (Hendrie 1). The exclusionary rule was a part of the Fourth Amendment. It states that evidence found at a crime scene is not admissible if it was not found under the correct procedures. This means that the government cannot conduct illegal searches of a person or place and use evidence that is found at that time. The government must go through the procedures of obtaining warrants or have probable cause to search an individual or place. The exclusionary rule is used
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Rules About School Students tend to break the rules once in awhile that that is because of peer pressure or rebellion against or with someone else. Teenagers explore and do things others wouldn’t do to look “cool” or to prove something that they could do something with their life‚ or to look “superior” to someone else. Imagine a smart and decent student could do inappropriate behavior just to prove they are fit in that society and to not be called names like “nerd” or “loser”‚ that’s how rules are
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“A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance. To have a feeling of intense desire and attraction toward (a person) (Webster‚ love)”. In Great Expectations‚ Pip is going through maturity‚ and is always undergoing maturity. We find that Pip is always longing for friends‚ family‚ and for love. Love can be a number of things to different people. Love is an emotion‚ where there is no wrong definition
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The “Indoor Management Rule” apparently developed as a means of mitigating the harshness and burdens of the doctrine of constructive notice in relation to outsiders dealing with companies; the doctrine of constructive notice states that persons dealing with a company are deemed to have notice of the contents of its registered documents. The reason for this was stated by‚ Lord Wensleydale in Ernest v Nicholls to be the fact of the public nature of registration: All persons therefore‚ must take notice
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Imprisonment in Great Expectations Prison is a very grim and doleful place for humans in which everyone might experience once in their life physically or mentally. The theme of imprisonment is demonstrated frequently in many works of literature‚ as many characters must struggle with the reality of their prison whether it is a physical or mental prison. In Charles Dickens’s bildungsroman novel‚ Great Expectations‚ the characters Miss Havisham‚ Estella‚ and Pip must struggle and endure physical and/or
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ECCO Women’s Expectations of Reform‚ 1870s-1920. Introduction: In the 19th century it was expected for women and children to work as man. The nation’s crises constrained industrial wages and produced high levels of unemployment. Women and child factory worker chose to work 10 hours a day. The outcome was the Knights of Labor where practically anybody could work. Expectations: In 19th century‚ women and children expected a high percentage of the work force in some industries and receive
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