"Pygmalion seminar paper" Essays and Research Papers

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    Frankenstein Socratic Seminar Questions 1. Explain the novel’s popularity. What makes the novel a classic? How is the story appropriate for today and our society? -Frankenstein is important because Shelley wrote this "horrifying" book about a creature made of dead body parts. It opened doors to all kinds of science fiction and horror. It was one of the‚ if not the first of its’ kind. The monster was judged on his appearance. Becoming a symbol to today’s critical view of each other‚ and that in order

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    Socratic Seminar Questions 2. The pomegranate tree is a symbol of the different stages of Hassan and Amir’s friendship. "One summer day‚ I used one of Ali’s kitchen knives to carve our names on it: "Amir and Hassan‚ the sultans of Kabul.’ Those words made it formal: the tree was ours" (26). This quote represents Amir and Hassan’s relationship between them during their early childhood. They are extremely close and carving their names on the tree shows that they will be a part of each other’s

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    Socratic seminar questions 3. What does Fitzgerald mean when he says ““The truth was that Jay Gatsby of West Egg‚ Long Island‚ sprang from his Platonic conception of himself…so he invented just the sort of Jay Gatsby that a seventeen –year-old boy would be likely to invent‚ and to this conception he was faithful to the end”(98)? Gatsby was from new money where he and his parents had to work hard on plantations in order to make a living. Early in his lifetime‚ he created a “platonic [concept] of

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    of both sexes have made major contributions to this area in literature but it remains surprising that male writers have been able to perceptively portray women above their previously subordinate positions in society. In George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion‚ we see the main character‚ Eliza Doolittle transformed from an ill-mannered Cockney flower girl into a high society debutante with the help of some elocution lessons provided by Mr Henry Higgins‚ a professor of phonetics and financed by his well-travelled

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    Seminar Questions: Oedipus Rex 1. Oedipus is an “everyman” figure because even though he is a king he still has the same limitations and feelings as another human. On page 41 the attendant tells the chorus how Jocasta is dead and how Oedipus reacted to it by gouging his eyes out after everything building up into one big moment where he couldn’t take the burden and pain anymore. This caused him to make him take this sever action where he thought he had no way out and did this to try to make it stop

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    of Pygmalion) [pic] *Introduction: -The aim of this paper is to introduce the ways in which language can vary‚ including change over time and variation within linguistic communities‚ the effects of contact between speakers of different languages and dialects‚ the development of language as it is being acquired and learned‚ the sporadic errors which can occur in normal language production‚ and the nature of speech and languages disorders (According to the study of the play called "Pygmalion" which

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    Senior Seminar Dr. T. Inniss Proposed Research Topics 1. Mathematics of Financial Markets a. Introducing the field of financial engineering or the study of applied mathematics that focuses on financial markets 2. The Math Curriculum a. Examining the reasons behind falling math proficiency in the United States and suggesting measures that might be taken to improve the situation 3. Bayesian Statistics - Theory and Decision Making a. Investigating the conceptual and theoretical underpinnings

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    Julius Caesar Seminar Questions 1. When Caesar says that Cassius thinks too much‚ I agree. Cassius tends to look into the details and over think simple situations. He becomes very meticulous about how the group of the conspirators is organized. Also‚ while Cassius is the one who originally comes up with the idea of the conspiracy and that he wants Brutus to be in charge‚ he thinks through the plan‚ yet does not want to take responsibility. Cassius just about argues with himself‚ due to too

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    tool. Such disadvantages include improper collection of entomological evidence and improper analysis of insects after collection‚ resulting in incorrect entomological results and a possible false conviction of a suspect. The proposed research of this paper focused on insects being affected by different concentrations of ethanol during natural insect development and also focused on the detection of ethanol in insects using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) to determine if insects were significantly

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    |Seminar Week Number: |Seminar Title: | |4 |Motivation to work: what motivates? | |My reading in preparation for this seminar was: | |(One source is expected which should not be the recommended textbook. The reference

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