Darrell (Chris) Reed 206 Yorktowne Pl Charleston WV 25309 (304) 807-0669 reederbubba@yahoo.com Objective A medical sales position‚ utilizing skill sets developed through extensive studies in the fields of biology and chemistry‚ experience in medical device sales‚ as well as a decade long successful career as a Major League Professional Athlete. Summary Solid relevant medical/biological training and skills Extensive experience working with area cardiologists and vascular surgeons
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Diagnostic Imaging: X-Ray Diagnostic Imaging is medical tools used by doctors to see inside our bodies without actually opening the body. Diagnostic imaging can involve the use of radiation which could be dangerous if exposed to large amounts of. Diagnostic imaging allows doctors to find tumors‚ broken bones‚ pneumonia‚ etc. In general‚ diagnostic imaging is very helpful. X-Rays: This was one of the first types of diagnostic imaging. It uses radiation called Electromagnetic Waves. These
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interpupillary line. Other physical attributes they look for are the irregular enlargement of the eyes as well as irregular swelling of the head. Modalities that physicians use to check for hydrocephalus would be computed tomography (CT). Although MRI is the imaging modality of choice‚ CT is used first used to look deeper into the brain. Along with an MRI scan‚ a CT scan can help diagnose hydrocephalus in both pediatrics and adults. Both of these imaging modalities can diagnose and show the enlarged
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Do the risks of MRI outweigh the benefits? Even though MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is considered the “safe modality” of imaging‚ the number of adverse events has only increased in clinical settings across the past decade. MRI is considered the safest imaging modality because it can produce the most information from a patient while not delivering any ionizing radiation‚ unlike x-rays‚ fluoroscopy‚ etc. New safety screening technologies and safety practices have much promise in reducing these
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1. List the general responsibilities of the radiographer. A radiographer is a healthcare professional who possesses the knowledge and skills to use diagnostic level x-radiation and its associated instrumentation in the production of medical images of the human body and in the performance of radiologic procedures. Supervision is provided by radiologists (medical physicians who specialize in the interpretation of radiologic images). The radiographer is responsible for positioning the patient properly
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Quinte MRI case Executive Summary. The main concern of Kevin Saskiw and David Wright‚ BD coordinators at Quinte MRI‚ was addressed to ineffectiveness of the operation system at Quinte MRI. They were struggling to find the right solution for Chief Executive officer Dr. Syed Haider. Quinte MRI clinic in Belleville had 14 days patients’ waiting list for MRI scans. On other hand patients were experiencing frequent delays at the clinic due to poor communication between the patients and scheduling
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Case Sample ResponseQuinte MRI Report on Quinte MRI – recommendation and action plan Oct 06‚ 2014 June 12‚ 2002 Attn: Dr. Syed Haider CEO Quinte MRI Dear Mr. Syed‚ Please find attached the report as discussed. Yours truly‚ David Wright Bussiness Devepement Co-ordinatorQuinte MRI TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. ISSUE IDENTIFICATION 3. ENVIRONMENT AND ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS 4. ALTERNATIVES AND OR OPTIONS 5. RECOMMENDATIONS 6. IMPLEMENTATION 7. MONITOR AND CONTROL
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Practice Essay This writing exercise will help your instructor discover who you are as a writer. The essay will be used to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses as a writer‚ and it wil allow the instructor the opportunity to identify grammatical‚ stylistic‚ and mechanical problems specific to each student. Do not fret over the idea that grammar‚ style‚ and mechanics will be evaluated in this assignment. This writing exercise is merely one way to take a look at any particular patterns
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