A CRITIQUE OF THE BEHAVIOURAL THEORIES OF LEARNING One of the most debated issues in psychology pertains to the nature and meaning of learning. The systematic study of learning is relatively new as it was in the late nineteenth century that studies in this realm began in a scientific manner. Psychologists borrowed techniques from the physical sciences‚ and conducted experiments to understand how people and animals learn. Psychologists have tried in the past to define and explain how learning
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Learning & Memory 1. Learning Learning = relatively permanent change in behaviour due to experience 1. Learning • Definition implies learning takes place when there is change in behaviour • But changes in behaviour do not always mean learning has taken place • If we look at the definition the changes has to be permanent • This means it has to be long lasting as a result of experience • Most human behaviour is learned behaviour • We will discuss 3 types of
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1940’s. The theory of operant conditioning The theory of operant conditioning began in the 1940’s and based on neutral operants‚ reinforcers‚ and punishers. B.F. Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning summarized behavior‚ is modified through reinforcement obtaining a desired result. B.F. Skinner observed three types of responses from reinforcers. Neutral operants are neutral responses‚ neither positive nor negative. These responses do not indicate that a repeat of a behavior will increase or decrease
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reinforcers. - ex) Exercise Biologically harmful stimuli CAN be reinforcers. - ex) salt‚ processed sugar‚ trans fat‚ cigarettes CHAPTER 2 – REINFORCEMENT: POSITIVE Reinforcement Principle – a response will occur more frequently if a reinforcer or an increase in a reinforcer has followed it in the past‚ in a similar setting. Reinforcement Contingency – a response contingent presentation of a reinforcer‚ resulting in an increased frequency of that response. Environmental Quality General
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conditioning‚ as defined by Skinner‚ are reinforcement‚ punishment‚ shaping‚ extinction‚ discrimination‚ and generalization. Reinforcement is the key element in Skinner ’s theory. A reinforcement is any characteristic in the environment that serves to increase the probability that a person will repeat a behavior in the future. It could be verbal praise‚ a good grade or a feeling of increased accomplishment or satisfaction (Cook). An example of a positive reinforcement is a child receives their report
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described by the American Heritage Dictionary is a process of behavior modification in which the likelihood of a specific behavior is increased or decreased through positive or negative reinforcement each time the behavior is exhibited‚ so that the subject comes to associate the pleasure or displeasure of the reinforcement with the behavior. A subject’s behavior according to B. F. Skinner can be controlled using the operant conditioning method. B. F. Skinner discovered that punishment is one method
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Ed.‚ The Principles of Learning and Behavior‚ Fifth Edition‚ Belmont‚ CA: Thomson/Wadsworth‚ 2003 Tucker‚ M.‚ Sigafoos‚ J.‚ & Bushell‚ H Michael J. Frank‚ Lauren C. Seeberger‚ and Randall C. O ’Reilly (2004) "By Carrot or by Stick: Cognitive Reinforcement Learning in Parkinsonism‚" Science 4‚ November 2004 Schütz‚ Ricardo Krashen‚ Stephen D. Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. Prentice-Hall International‚ 1988.
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response is gradually learned via reinforcement or punishment. John Watson and B.F. Skinner introduced this theory and felt that children learned through a system of stimulus/ response events. Watson and Skinner use nurture approach. Development is based upon learned behaviors which are based upon a child’s interactions with their environment and influenced by positive or negative reinforcement. Reinforcement can be both positive and negative. Positive reinforcement is something good for children
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response-stimulus or RS conditioning because it forms an association between the animal’s response that behaviorand the stimulus that follows consequences.(Skinner‚1938)Its have four operant condition procedures‚ Positive reinforcement‚ Negative reinforcement‚ Positive punishment and Negative punishment. Moreover‚ the law of effect is a response that is followed by satisfying consequences becomes more probable and a response that is followed by dissatisfying consequences becomes
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types of behavior both negative and positive. This learning process helps identify the consequence for different behaviors. There are four different learning processes which include positive punishment‚ negative punishment‚ positive reinforcement‚ and negative reinforcement. An example of operant conditioning is a dog who is rewarded with a treat after he uses the training pad. Another example will be an award or certificate given to a student who has straight A’s. Positive punishment was established
Premium Reinforcement B. F. Skinner Experimental analysis of behavior