The fact that the audience works in tandem with the actors on stage to dethrone Richard—or at least desire this dethronement—means they have some power‚ even if that is just the power of judgment. Phyllis Rackin argues that audience members play just as great a role in judging and misjudging characters within Richard II as any character within the stage. She acknowledges‚ “There is an extra role in the play not listed in the dramatis personae‚ a carefully calculated role complete with motivations…designed
Premium William Shakespeare Common Man Theatre
Write a comparison between ’Richard III’ by William Shakespeare and ’The Homecoming’ by Harold Pinter To introduce‚ the extract taken from the play ’Richard III’‚ is scene Act 1 Scene 2. It can be considered one of the many iconic scenes in Shakespeare’s ’Richard III’; and arguable one of‚ if not‚ the most iconic for its importance in showing the power of influence displayed by Richard over Lady Anne. Whereas‚ in ’The Homecoming’ this scene is between Ruth (the wife of Teddy) and Lenny (Teddy’s
Premium Persuasion Harold Pinter William Shakespeare
The crowning of Richard III marks the turning point from his rise into power to his demise. Up until he becomes king‚ Richard is the underdog albeit‚ a ruthless and evil one. Thus far‚ the entire play has been focused on Richard’s attempts to assume power and seize the throne. However‚ once he becomes crowned King Richard‚ the focus of the play shifts to Richard’s attempts to maintain power and hold the throne. Essentially‚ the challenge for Richard is no longer gaining power‚ but
Premium English-language films Confidence Performance
"Richard III" is a historical play script written by a well known play writer/poet William Shakespeare and cover’s interlocking themes such as Power‚ Justice‚ Betrayal‚ Manipulation‚ Compassion and forgiveness. In this essay I will be focusing in detail on what language techniques Richard uses to get what he wants. The main and most effective technique that Richard uses to get what he wants is by manipulating his language to have different interpretations. Also I will compare the similarities and
Shakespeare’s Richard III‚ Richard ingeniously portrays himself as a transparent man through creative wordplay and deceitful actions. As such he is able to effortlessly manipulate Hastings into initiating his own death. Throughout the passage‚ Hastings continuously misreads Richards’s true character and as a result‚ foolishly ignores the many warnings given to him. He was ignorant to the fact that he is but another stepping stone towards Richards’s journey to the crown. Hastings believes Richard to be an
Premium William Shakespeare Othello Iago
Richard III - Irony of Shakespeare Shakespeare is known for his wit and brilliance in writing. One of his tactics is his use of irony. There are three types of irony: verbal‚ dramatic and situational. Verbal irony is a figure of speech in which the speaker says the opposite of what he or she intends to say. Dramatic irony is the contrast between what a character says or thinks and what the reader knows to be true. Situational irony is the discrepancy between appearance and reality or between
Premium Irony
throughout the play while Richard is a complex character with differing layers as he plays different roles in the play and change throughout the entire play. Lastly‚ parallels can be drawn between Richard and Richmond‚ from the similarity in name to their introduction and finally their speech to their armies before the battle. [so what is your stand? Understand that in this quote there are two big contentious points – Richmond ONLY to be a foil and Richmond AS much a hero AS Richard a villain.] Richmond
Premium Good and evil God Introduction
Story of the History Games The contestants are in the center of Amsterdam with a pile of items. The contestants grab whatever items they can receive and run away in various directions. William III and Mary II run together after grabbing their items. They head towards the port with a plan in mind. Meanwhile‚ Tromp does the same because he is familiar with boats. Ruysch has no plan in her mind and walks to the port. At the port Tromp and Ruysch bump into each other. Surprised Ruysch runs onto the
Premium William III of England Mary II of England James II of England
supposed to be a tragedy‚ and is not even supposed to really analyze evil at all. The more important take-home points of the play are about mirth and the folly of misunderstanding. In RIII‚ we find Richard; a conniving‚ evil‚ and manipulative trickster who causes all of the trouble in the play. In RIII‚ Richard is plotting against everyone in order to gain control of the thrown. The first glimpse of his conniving personality is from the very first scene in act one. “To set my brother Clarence and
Premium Villain Much Ado About Nothing Good and evil
‘Shakespeare’s Richard III offers insights into the contextual concerns and values of Elizabethan England’ discuss the above statement with close reference to the play KR3 Context and values reside within any text‚ and are inevitable whether the text is composed reluctantly or purposely to communicate them. Richard III exerts an overwhelming insight into Elizabethan England context‚ and the values they upheld. A better understanding of context is evident through the values that derive and are
Premium Elizabethan era Elizabeth I of England Francis Drake