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    Era of Good Feeling Dbq

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    is often referred to as the “era of good feelings” because of a feeling of nationalism‚ a feeling of pride and national unity. The end of the Federalist Party also provided the nation with a feeling of nationalism‚ for there was no political opposition toward the Republicans. This title‚ however‚ may not be the most accurate label for this particular time period‚ for this time period marked the beginnings of sectionalism‚ with heated debates over tariffs‚ the National Bank‚ and most importantly

    Premium United States Maryland American Civil War

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    FRQ Era of Good Feelings

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    Initially‚ the country is united (nationalism). There is a strong feeling of nationalism and unity.   1st paragraph­​ Role of the war of 1812:Battle of New Orleans​ (united the nation because)  (talk about the war‚ how Jackson was able to defeat a strong British force in a vital location‚  which bring pride to country)  ● The War of 1812 was a catalyst for American manufacturing  ○ focused more on factorys because needed supplies   ○ due to embargos → needed to catch up  ○ Intercourse Act  ○ As a result

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    APUSH 10/24 Block C Both nationalism and sectionalism increased during the Era of Good Feelings‚ however‚ nationalism became of greater importance in economics and politics. This is shown in many documents from this time period. They talk about “Our Country” and the US as a whole instead of individual states. The documents also talk about “Us” not just states individually. Also about creating a “American System” and and American identity‚ which helps to prove nationalism was of a greater influence

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    Dbq #3

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    of this phrase is questioned. Many believe that the period after the war of 1812 was an "Era of Good Feelings" due to the nation’s gain of nationalism and expansion of the country‚ but it was also due to the growing sense of sectionalism and state issues. Following the War of 1812‚ the American people achieved an after-effect of winning a war called nationalism. With this new American pride they felt somewhat inferior or less than other‚ older countries such as that of Great Britain. This is shown

    Free United States James Monroe

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    Era of Good Feeling

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    Seth Mintz #8 FRQ Era of Good Feeling The period of time from 1815 until 1825 was considered an era of good feeling because Americans felt a very strong sense of nationalism because of their recent victory in the war of 1812.The Americans felt so much power in themselves that they wrote the Monroe Doctrine warning European countries about allying with the Latin American colonies‚ that were becoming independent. The American economy was booming at this point in time which adds to the era of good

    Free United States James Monroe John Quincy Adams

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    increased nationalism and prosperity for the nation. This of course is not completely true‚ debates over many important issues created a crack in the outward appearance of harmony during President Monroe’s two terms. These issues include sectionalism‚ foreign policy of isolationism and the rights of states vs. the rights of the federal government. During Monroe’s two terms‚ sectionalism‚ an excessive regard for sectional or local interest‚ increased greatly. This increase in sectionalism is due

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    Era of Good Feelings

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    a rising influence in nationalism‚ which brought the nation together‚ it also brought the rise of sectionalism‚ which emerged as a problem that would further and further divide the country until the outbreak of the Civil war in 1861. This and the economic problems in the country‚ like the panic of 1819‚ caused the traditionally referred to peaceful era to actually be a time of financial troubles and political unrest‚ which would set the stage for the Civil War. Nationalism in the United States of

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    However‚ a better name for the post war years of 1815 to 1825 is an Era of Mixed Feelings because although there were improvements stimulated by nationalism‚ there were also conflicts created by sectionalism. After the war of 1812‚ the people of the United States felt enormous pride in winning a war against the almighty Britain and used their nationalism to inspire improvements. Beginning with James Monroe’s election in 1816‚ Monroe (Republican) won the election with an outstanding ratio of 183 electoral

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    Republican party‚ this identity flowered into an exclusionary nationalism in which the South served as a negative reference point for the articulation of ostensibly national values‚ goals‚ and identities based on the North’s flattering self-image. This sectionalism-cum-nationalism eventually corroded national ties by convincing northerners that the South represented an internal threat to the nation.”8 If victory in the war concealed northern sectionalism‚ it was the defense of slavery‚ coupled with defeat

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    Era of Good Feeling

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    after the War of 1812 the “Era of Good Feelings”. Evaluate the accuracy of this label‚ considering the emergence of nationalism and sectionalism. The label for the period after the War of 1812‚ The Era of Good Feelings‚ was true in considering to certain aspects of America. Even though there were some major problems‚ the Era of Good Feelings applied to the strong sense of nationalism. Evidently the issues on the tariff‚ foreign policy‚ political parties‚ slavery and national bank represented a greater

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