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    having eternal life. The most famous or at least the most familiar verse in all the Bible may be John 3:16 where belief is open to anyone who chooses to believe and all those who believe can inherit eternal life. This gospel contains some of the most powerful verses in the Bible where belief is necessarily joined with a person receiving eternal life and that this life is irrevocable and cannot be lost (John 6:37‚ 39; 10:10:28-29). This gospel begins before Genesis’ 1:1 “In the beginning.”

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    John F. Kennedy

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    Sylvia Udeh RDNG 052 April 29‚ 2014 John F. Kennedy was sworn in as the 35th President on January 20‚ 1961. In his inaugural speech he spoke of the need for all Americans to be active citizens. "Ask not what your country can do for you‚ ask what you can do for your country‚" he said. He also asked the nations of the world to join together to fight what he called the "common enemies of man: tyranny‚ poverty‚ disease‚ and war itself." President Kennedy‚ together with his wife and two children

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    The Crucible 1. What was your reaction to John Proctor’s final choice? At first I was shocked until I realized his reasoning. He probably felt that he found God‚ and he even confessed to Elizabeth about his cheating. 2. At the end of the play‚ Elizabeth Proctor says that her husband has “his goodness.” What do you think she means? She means that there is no use in trying to convince John because now that he found his God/point in life‚ she can’t take it away from him or convince him.

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    John Lennon/"Imagine"

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    Imagine a world without violence; a world without suffering; a world without hate. These words streamed through John Lennon’s mind as he sat at his plain‚ brown‚ Steinway upright piano composing his most influential song‚ “Imagine”. This same piano was bought by George Micheal years after Lennon’s assassination. Since the purchase‚ Micheal’s has decided to spread the dreams of Lennon through a tour he calls the Piano Peace Project. The tour will stop at many sites of American tragedy‚ one being

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    John Green Article

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    A Star with No Faults By Claire Fox From chart-topping novels to witty brotherly videos‚ John Green is not your ordinary writer. With five novels in seven years‚ the New York Times bestselling author has acquired numerous awards‚ along with being a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize twice. John authored Looking for Alaska‚ An Abundance of Katherines‚ Paper Towns‚ The Fault in Our Stars‚ and co-wrote Will Grayson‚ Will Grayson with David Levithan. Although Green’s young adult novels

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    Book Project John Steinbeck was an American writer who was born on February 27th‚ 1902 and died on December 20th‚ 1968. He is well known for the novella‚ “Of mice and Men” and “The grapes of wrath”. He was the author of twenty seven books‚ including sixteen novels‚ sixteen non-fiction books‚ and five collections of short stories. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962. He graduated from Salinas High School in 1919 and went from there to Stanford University where he stayed for five years

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    John Stuart Mill

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    “Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. Happiness is intended pleasure and the absence of pain.” – John Stuart Mill John Stuart Mill defines utilitarianism as a theory based on the principle that “actions are right in proportions as they tend to promote happiness‚ wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness” (Sparknotes Editors). There are a few important aspects of this definition. It presents utility

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    John Adams Enlightenment

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    John Adams‚ a Man of The Enlightenment John Adams was a man of the Enlightenment. John Adams was an American founding father. He was also a lawyer‚ statesman‚ diplomat‚ and political theorist. He was a leading champion of independence in 1776. Adams later became the second president of the United States of America. The Enlightenment political ideas were reason over dogma‚ rule of law‚ and natural rights. Rule of Law means that everyone is protected and equal under the law. He believes this because

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    John Winthrop Speech

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    John Winthrop is a symbol of the lifespan of the Puritan community‚ in his life‚ he entirely devoted his time and resources to support the Puritans. Having fled from the New England to America‚ Winthrop established himself in the Boston City where he continued to serve as a puritan. Winthrop is a great decision maker‚ at a time when the church had oppressive rules‚ unlike those who opted to fight the church from outside‚ who chose to be a puritan and when he realised he could not achieve his desires

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    John Locke's America

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    John Locke is a seventeenth century English philosopher (1) whose ideas have had far reaching influence on many parts of western culture. It is a widely entertained notion that John Locke’s ideas and writings had heavy impact on the writing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 (2)‚ and it can easily be understood that this may be one of the most important distinguishing factors setting American culture and idealism apart from that of powerful European empires and nations of the time. Locke’s

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