Financial Ratio: A financial ratio (or accounting ratio) is a relative magnitude of two selected numerical values taken from an enterprise ’s financial statements. Often used in accounting‚ there are many standard ratios used to try to evaluate the overall financial condition of a corporation or other organization. Financial ratios may be used by managers within a firm‚ by current and potential shareholders (owners) of a firm‚ and by a firm ’s creditors. Security analysts use financial ratios to compare
Premium Financial ratios Financial ratio Generally Accepted Accounting Principles LIQUIDITY RATIOS: The first ratios we’ll take a look at in this tutorial are the liquidity ratios. Liquidity ratios attempt to measure a company’s ability to pay off its short-term debt obligations. This is done by comparing a company’s most liquid assets (or‚ those that can be easily converted to cash)‚ its short-term liabilities. In general‚ the greater the coverage of liquid assets to short-term liabilities the
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Accounting ratios are relationships expressed in mathematical terms between the figures which are connected with each other in some manner. Obviously‚ no purpose is served by comparing two sets of figures which are not at all connected with each other. Moreover‚ absolute figures are also unfit for comparison. The following are the different classification of ratios: 1. Traditional classification: The traditional classification has been on the basis of the financial statement to which the determinants
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instances‚ its total investment. Financial leverage percentage= ROE-ROA 2011 2010 2009 Financial leverage percentage 1.69% 2.48% 1.22% In year 2009‚ the company have the lowest leverage ratio among the three years‚ thus it suggests that it utilizes relatively lowest debt in its capital structure this year‚ which indeed means Toyota has been investing most effectively (earning a high return on investment) or borrowing more effectively (paying
Premium Financial ratios Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Financial ratio
RATIO ANALYSIS (ALL VALUES IN Rs. MILLION) 1. GROSS PROFIT MARGIN (%): GROSS PROFIT = NET SALES – COGS = TOTAL REVENUE – (Employee Benefit Expense + Operating and Other Expenses + Finance Costs) = 53107 – (22510+21598+1025) = 7974 GROSS PROFIT MARGIN = (NET SALES – COGS)/NET SALES = (7974/ 53107)*100 = 15.01497% 2. RETURN ON ASSET(RoA) RETURN ON ASSET = (PAT/TOTAL ASSET)*100 = (4606/63454)*100 = 7.258% This indicates that around 7.3% of all assets have been utilized
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Ratio | Industry benchmark ratio | Woolworths’ ratio | Brief Comment | Current Ratio | 1.2:1 | 0.80:1 | The current ratio ofWoolworth is considerablybelow industry average themovement from it is 33.33% (1.2-0.8)/1.2*100) Which is not really good for business | Liquid ratio | 0.7:1 | 0.34:1 | The Liquid ratio of Woolworth is considerably below industry average. The movement is 51.43 %. It is showed that the business may have problem in paying their debt.(0.7-0.34/0.7*100) | Gross Profit ratio
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Financial Reporting II Review of Ratio Analysis Ratio analysis is a useful tool for analyzing financial statements. Calculating ratios will aid in understanding the company’s strategy and in understanding its strengths and weaknesses relative to other companies and over time. They can sometimes be useful in identifying earnings management and in understanding the effect of accounting choices on the firm’s reported profitability and growth. Finally‚ the ratios help in obtaining a better understanding
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FINANCIAL RATIOS Gross Profit to Sales (Gross Profit Ratio): profitability ratio that shows the relationship between gross profit and total net sales revenue. Gross margin/Net sales The gross margin is not an exact estimate of the company’s pricing strategy but it does give a good indication of financial health. Without an adequate gross margin‚ a company will be unable to pay its operating and other expenses and build for the future. In general‚ a company’s gross profit margin should be stable
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rates have been observed to depend on aspect ratio ~ depth/width ! rather than the absolute feature size. 1 Several mechanisms have been invoked to explain the ‘‘rule’’ of aspect-ratio-dependent etching ~ ARDE ! ‚ but no general theory has emerged that captures the variety of seemingly conflicting experimental observations reported in the literature. 1‚2 For example‚ while an ion-neutral synergy model with pure neutral flux shadowing appears to be con- sistent with a wealth of
Premium Ratio Ion Electric charge
The Golden Ratio The golden ratio is a unique number approximately equal to 1.6180339887498948482. The Greek letter Phi (Φ) is used to refer to this ratio. The exact value for the golden ratio is the following: ` A popular example of the application of the golden ratio is the Golden Rectangle. Interestingly enough‚ many artists and architects have proportioned their works to apply the golden ratio in the form of the golden rectangle. A golden rectangle is a rectangle where the ratio of the longer
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