industrial process in manufacture of sulphuric acid 9.1.4 Environmental pollution by sulphuric acid 9.2 Ammonia and its salt 9.2.1 Properties of ammonia 9.2.2 The uses of ammonia 9.2.3 The industrial process in manufacture of ammonia 9.3 Alloys 9.3.1 Physical properties of pure metals 9.3.2 Meaning and purpose of making alloys 9.4 Synthetic polymers 9.4.1 The meaning and types of polymers 9.4.2 Advantages of synthetic polymers 9.4.3 Environmental pollution caused by synthetic polymers 9.4.4 Methods to
Premium Sulfuric acid Ammonia Sulfur dioxide
CHEMISTRY Guess Paper – 2013 Class – XI Subject - CHEMISTRY MAX MARKS=90 ……………………………………………………………………………………… General instructions: All questions are compulsory. Marks for each question are indicated against it. Questions number 1to 8 are very short –answer questions‚ carrying 1 mark each. Answer these in one word or about one sentence each. Questions number 9 to18 are short –answer questions‚ carrying 2 marks each. Answer these in about 30 words each. Questions number19 to27
Premium Periodic table Alkaline earth metal Quantum mechanics
experimental techniques which can be used to tell us where the atoms are located in a molecule. Using advanced techniques‚ very complicated structures for proteins‚ enzymes‚ DNA‚ and RNA have been determined. Molecular geometry is associated with the chemistry of vision‚ smell and odors‚ taste‚ drug reactions and enzyme controlled reactions to name a few. Molecular geometry is associated with the specific orientation of bonding atoms. A careful analysis of electron distributions in orbitals will usually
Premium Molecule Electron Atom
“Should Artifacts be Returned to Where They Came From” Why move artifact that is already in a museum. In “Who Own The Past” by Joyce mortimer we learned about artifacts being take out of museums and taken back to the origin of place‚ tho this sounds like a good thing who knows if will be able to protect the artifact or if they might neglect it. We should return artifact back because there to many variables when there all ready in a safe place and guarded without neglect. In some place after the
Premium Museum British Museum Culture
JEET SCIENCE ACADEMY CHOWK AZAM (LAYYAH) TIME 2.5 Hr CHEMISTRY 1st YEAR CH # 1‚2‚9‚10 Marks: 85 G.Super . 1 Name…………………………………………...... Objective ROLL NO. ………………………………. Q.NO.1. Encircle the correct answer? (1×17=17) 1. Atoms of which one of the follelement have independent existance: (A) Flourine (B) Krypton (C ) Oxygen (D) Nitrogen 2.18g glucose is dissolved
Premium Electrochemistry Hydrogen Vitamin C
• Oxidation–reduction • Electrolysis • pH Materials: Sodium Chloride/universal indicator solution‚ NaCl‚ 25 mL Overhead projector Pencil lead‚ 0.7 mm Battery lead with alligator clips Petri dish‚ disposable Battery‚ 9-Volt Graduated cylinder‚ 25- mL Safety Precautions: Universal indicator is an alcohol-based solution and is flammable; do not use near an open flame. Wear chemical splash goggles‚ chemical-resistant gloves‚ and a chemical-resistant
Premium Sodium chloride Electrode Electrochemistry
NAME OF COURSE COURSE CODE CREDIT TOTAL STUDENT LEARNING HOURS PREREQUISITE LEARNING OUTCOME : : : : Organic Chemistry I CHM 3201 4 (3+1) 160 hours per semester : : None At the end of the course‚ students will be able to: 1. Define and explain the basic concepts in organic chemistry such as electronegativity‚ orbital hybridization‚ nomenclature‚ resonance and isomerism‚ as well as organic reactions mechanisms (C4‚ CTPS) 2. to conduct experiments that demonstrate the characteristic reactions
Premium Functional group Alcohol Carboxylic acid
Georgia EBT Retailer POS User Manual Retailer Help Desk: 1-888-248-4727 Georgia EBT Retailer User Manual Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................... 4 Welcome to the Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Program ...............................................4 I. How to Use this Manual......................................................................... 5 Format and Organization .................
Premium Debit card Credit card Telephone
theoretical studies seem to indicate that some compounds in the series BrClFn are barely stable.[6] 3 A nitrate test is a chemical test used to determine the presence of nitrate ion in solution. A common nitrate test‚ known as the brown ring test[1] can be performed by adding iron(II) sulfate to the solution‚ then slowly adding concentrated sulfuric acid (NOT nitric acid‚ for obvious reasons) and watching for a brown ring on the test tube‚ which will indicate the presence of the nitrate ion.[2]
Premium Sulfuric acid Oxygen Sulfur
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level CHEMISTRY Paper 1 Multiple Choice May/June 2005 1 hour Additional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer Sheet Soft clean eraser Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended) 5070/01 w w w e tr .X m eP e ap .c rs om READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write in soft pencil. Do not use staples‚ paper clips‚ highlighters‚ glue or correction fluid. Write your name‚ Centre number and candidate number on the answer
Premium Oxygen Hydrochloric acid Ammonia