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    warrior and leader who fits the archetype of the tragic hero in many ways. The hero go through certain events that lead to his rise of prominence‚ to fit the archetype of a tragic hero.  Okonkwo rises to prominence by defeating Amanlinze the Cat in a wrestling contest‚ growing a large farm of yams from nothing‚ and helping to lead his village to many victories in war. Also‚ the audience must feel enormous fear and pity for this hero in order to fit the archetype‚ which Okonkwo’s audience feel for


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    experience. The collective unconscious is expressed through archetypes‚ which are universal symbols and thoughts that influence the way we express our emotions and actions. It’s the way we connect with each other and understand things. Archetypes are recurring plot patterns‚ images‚ descriptive detail‚ and characters that are expressed in stories‚ dreams and religions. The unconscious emotions in ourselves are evoked when we recognize these archetypes. Nature vs. Mechanical World This type of plot pattern

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    East of Eden: John Fontenrose Response The basis for the story of good and evil is most often the Christian biblical stories in the book of Genesis. The classic battle of good and evil with good always triumphant over evil often stretches farther out and into our many cultures. This archaic tale is ever prevalent in all of mankind’s greatest stories in many different variations. John Steinbeck often brings this struggle to different methods of thought especially on how we view evil‚ as well as good

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    References: Changing Minds.Org. (2011). Jung ’s archetypes. Retrieved from http://changingminds.org/explanations/identity/jung_archetypes.htm Mayer‚ R. (2007). Psychology 200. Retrieved from http://www.sfsu/~psych200/unit12/124/.htm Murdock‚ N. (2009). Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Case Approach

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    cultures throughout all of history. These symbols are known as archetypes. Jung refers to this phenomenon as the “collective unconscious”. The collective unconscious is the deepest level of the “psyche”. “It consists of hundreds of archetypes‚ in-born predispositions to think or act in certain ways. Archetypes are image patterns with energy charges built into them; archetypes need to be expressed and integrated with each other; archetypes are expressed in dreams‚ myths‚ mystical practices‚ beliefs about

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    changed over time in many myths and how they relate to many different myths. If i were to write a paper ‚ this source show how the cyclopes are a perfect example of a villain archetype Because many cyclope are described as vicious monster who kill and makes people voyage home even more dangerous. In this source the helper archetype would fit this very well. Although many cyclopes are not helpers and are usually performing evil acts i this source it talks about how the cyclopes help zeus get lighting

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    Running head: EVALUATING JUNG FROM A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE Evaluating Jung From A Christian Perspective Abstract Carl Gustav Jung has influenced many facets of modern psychology and counseling with his unique spiritual approach to personality theory. Herein lies a biographical address of Jung ’s life‚ a comprehensive overview of the principle tenets of his personality theories‚ and a Christian evaluation of his work. Specific attention is given to comparing and contrasting Jung ’s theory

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    presents is the true meaning of Christmas‚ which is to celebrate generosity and Jesus. Santa Claus depicts several archetypes. He represents the wise old man archetype. He always knows what every child in the world wants for Christmas and always knows if they have been good or not. He gives many children gifts and all he asks for in return is a cookie and a glass of milk. These archetypes are in many Christmas movies. In “A Christmas Carol”‚ Scrooge is a mean old man who‚ for the most part‚ hates everyone

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    The word personality originates from the Latin word “persona” which means mask. From the modern meaning of mask‚ it means a cover used for disguise. However from the ancient Latin-speaking world‚ the word is used not to conceal something but to typify or represent a character in theater plays. Thus‚ personality is what differentiates or distinguishes a person. It is a mask that sets an individual apart from others. For a more detailed description of personality‚ it is defined as the sum total

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    represent different archetypes and effects the hero’s journey differently. Various characters such as: Wesley‚ Buttercup‚ Prince Humperdink‚ and Fezzik fall into the archetypes category of: The Hero‚ Damsel In Distress‚ The Evil Adversary‚ and The Friendly Beast; each of these characters effect/influence Wesley’s journey. Buttercup is a huge influence during Wesley’s journey because she has to be rescued by him throughout the time of his journey. Buttercup represents the archetype as “Damsel In Distress”

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