Annotated Bibliography Coad‚ David. "Hymens‚ Lips and Masks: The Veil in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale." Literature and Psychology 47.1 & 2 (2001): 54-67. Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 246. Detroit: Gale‚ 2008.Literature Resource Center. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. David Coad takes an in depth look into the “veils” found in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. Throughout the essay‚ he connects these symbolic “veils” to the general theme of gender oppression‚ relating it to the feminism
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traditional societal roles and their sexuality. As a result‚ sexuality and violence against women became major areas of concern. The traditional role of woman as sexual objects renders them susceptible to non-consensual sexual activity‚ such as rape. Margaret Atwood’s short story “Rape Fantasies” demonstrates the misconceptions concerning rape. The story is narrated by Estelle‚ who discusses her coworker’s lunch stories of their ‘rape fantasies’ to a man at a bar. She adds humour to the fantasies in an
In Margaret Atwood’s novel Oryx and Crake‚ Atwood argues that genetic modifications are harmful to society instead of being helpful. Atwood shows this by describing all of the disasters that have taken place because of the genetically modified children. In the novel‚ genetic modifications start in animals‚ and then slowly progress to humans. When the modifications were taking place in animals there were a lot of people that knew about it‚ but once it switched over to the human population the people
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our life will shape us as people‚ one way or another. The memories that we carry with us‚ formed as a result of the experiences we have will contribute to the identity that we eventually form. Such is true for the main character in Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood.
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Broken Age: Critiquing Patriarchy and Empowering Women through Play The recent Hulu adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale‚ a feminist dystopia‚ otherwise known as a bad place for women‚ has caused quite the frenzy. And‚ you know‚ rightfully so—the adaptation captures an anxiety many women face in an extreme patriarchal world: the right to control her own body. I won’t spoil too much for you‚ but the cinematography and light/shadows are strategic‚ designed to demonstrate all the ways
which may be seem strange‚ considering the great value that authors place on putting together original criticisms and interpretations. Many literary works of this kind also might draw from religious or biblical texts‚ and The Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood is a clear example of this. This novel has borrowed characteristic traits from the Bible in order to influence certain religious practices or behaviors‚ divide social groups or classes‚ and to control usage of language within society.
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her poem‚ Variations on the Word Love‚ Margaret Atwood juxtaposes the connotations and denotations of the word “love” in order to comment on the misrepresentation thereof in our society. In this essay‚ I shall attempt to explore how these connotations and denotations relate to one another‚ how they are sustained as well as how they change throughout the poem. Finally‚ I shall also attempt to explain how this poem may be viewed as a love poem even though Atwood deviates from the conventions of love
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Fiction that depicts trauma incorporates varied responses and survival behaviors within the characterizations of survivors. Writers such as Margaret Atwood and Jane Smiley often depict characters as narrators of their own stories‚ after the fact‚ where they revisit their process of awakening. The environment of social relations and cultural values can be a source of trauma or a force that silences victims out of denial or guilt. It can create veils of illusion‚ attempts to mask or reinterpret behaviors
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“I’ll tell you what real love is … I’ll give you a good example. And then you can draw your own conclusions” (Carver 144). Addressing the constant fear of existential nothingness‚ Margaret Atwood’s “Happy Endings” and Raymond Carver’s “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love” explore how the actions of characters‚ however useless they may appear to be‚ can impact happiness. Both stories begin at a point of ignorance‚ and develop their messages as the characters have to face the real but distressing
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awareness and discussion about a particular subject‚ usually (but not limited to) a political issue. Many children’s novels are used to teach younglings about equality or societal norms and manners. Margaret Atwood is an author that is no amateur to stimulating awareness about her concerns. In Margaret Atwood’s dystopian and speculative fiction novel Oryx and Crake‚ several instances can be intertwined
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