Cell Structure and Function Chapter Outline Cell theory Properties common to all cells Cell size and shape – why are cells so small? Prokaryotic cells Eukaryotic cells Organelles and structure in all eukaryotic cell Organelles in plant cells but not animal Cell junctions History of Cell Theory mid 1600s – Anton van Leeuwenhoek Improved microscope‚ observed many living cells mid 1600s – Robert Hooke Observed many cells including cork cells 1850 – Rudolf Virchow
Premium Cell Organelle Eukaryote
Cell Organelles Nucleus Its function is to control the cell’s activities and retain the chromosomes. The nucleus is bound by a double membrane‚ the nuclear envelope. The nuclear envelope has pores in it to allow the transport of mRNA. The cytoplasm like material is called nucleoplasm which contains chromatin (coils of DNA and histone proteins)‚ it is chromatin that condenses to form chromosomes during cell division. Within the nucleus is a small spherical body called the nucleolus which
Free Cell Endoplasmic reticulum Organelle
DESCRIBE THE STRUCTURAL COMPARTMENTATION OF MAMMALIAN CELLS AND THE DIFFERING FUNCTIONS OF THESE COMPARTMENTS? Mammalian cells are eukaryotic this means that all of their cells have common components‚ membrane bound organelles which prokaryotic cells do not this is shown in figure 1. Organelles are purpose made to carry out a specific function that is necessary within a cell. Due to the specificity of both conditions and concentrations with in these organelles these are compartmentalized. Encasing
Premium Organelle Cell Mitochondrion
The Cell: Transport Mechanisms and Cell Permeability 1. Molecular motion: A and D 2. Velocity of molecular movement: B and C 4. Size of pores. Solubility in the lipid portion of the membrane and/or presence of membrane “carriers” for the substance(s). 5. Glucose- (a) move into the sac Albumin- (c) no movement Water- (b) move out of the cell NaCl- (a) move into the celll 7. Hypertonic- C- crenated Isotonic- B Hypotonic- A- hemolysis‚ bursting open due to swelling
Free Diffusion Molecular diffusion Osmosis
Biology: Concepts and Connections‚ 6e (Campbell) Test Bank (1) Part (1) Chapter 1 Introduction: The Scientific Study of Life 1) Which of the following statements about the leopard is false? A) Leopards are the largest cat in the genus Panthera. B) Leopards‚ like lions‚ can roar. C) Leopards prefer to eat their kill in trees. D) Leopards are well-adapted for nocturnal hunting. E) Leopards are normally solitary animals. Answer: A Topic: Opening Essay Skill: Factual
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DETERMINATION OF THE WATER POTENTIAL OF POTATO TUBER CELLS. Method. Five sucrose solutions with varying molarity and one control containing distilled water were prepared and poured into test tubes. The potato discs were dried‚ weighed and added to the test tubes. The discs were then weighed again after a period of 24 hours. The percentage change in mass was then calculated. Apparatus.  Specimen tubes with stoppers x6  1cm3 diameter cork borer  razor
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background knowledge relating to the current cell theory‚ the differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes‚ and the structures and functions found within cells. Once this knowledge is known‚ a person is then able to give their opinion in the debate. In the 1800s‚ the cell theory was developed. This theory states that cells are found in all living things making them the basic units of life and that all cells come from other cells. In order to be classified as a cell‚ the object in question must be able
Premium Cell DNA Eukaryote
BIO 353 Cell Biology Study Questions for Exam #3 Fall‚ 2012 Cytoskeleton “The harder the conflict‚ the more glorious the triumph.” Thomas Paine... “Unless you really just screw up.” Bush 1. What are microfilaments? (He said know how to identify/draw these) Note: since it is multiple choice‚ I doubt we will have to know how to draw them. **There are also short essay questions and‚ in past classes‚ he has asked students to draw. I thought the final was ALL MULTIPLE CHOICE???********************************
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Plant Cell>>Factory A:Nucleus>Main Office The main office of a factory regulates all activities‚ and controls everything that happens inside the factory‚ as does a nucleus in a Plant cell. B:Cell Membrane>Guard The guard of a factory protects the factory from harm‚ and checks trucks‚ that are coming in‚ for anything that could harm the factory‚ as does the cell membrane of a Plant cell. C:Nucleolus>Boss The boss of a factory controls the office and has a high authority in the factory
Premium Cell Organelle Endoplasmic reticulum
AnimatedRick‚ in an animated display of fist flaying managed to punch three innocent bystanders trying to stop him fromkilling Shane. CelerityWhen Carl finally found a jar of peanut butter‚ he ate it with such celerity that he forgot to think about sharingwith the rest of the starving group.DawdleDaryl couldn’t watch Carl dawdle with his crossbow‚ he couldn’t stand how long it took him to load it.DilatoryBeing a baby‚ Judith was dilatory in falling asleep and wouldn’t let anyone else rest until she
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