Teamworking In a care oriented environment‚ to achieve any worthwhile results‚ one must work as part of a team. Great practice is a fine thing but unless it is part of a communicative‚ dynamic team then it falls down as soon as the practitioner finishes their shift. As Adrian Ward in 1993 puts it “Teamwork should never be regarded as an optional extra in this sort of work‚ it is the heart of the matter.” Good teamwork starts with the organisational culture. In my place of work
Premium The A-Team Management Team
CU1572 Support use of medication in social care settings 1. Understand the legislative framework for the use of medication in social care settings 1.1 Identify legislation that governs the use of medication in social care settings The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (and later amendments) The Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) Regulations 1973 (and later amendments) The Health and Safety at Work Act (1974)‚ COSHH The Mental Capacity Act (2005) The Access to health records Act (1990)‚ The Data Protection
Premium Prescription drug Pharmacology Medical prescription
obtaining a care service for themselves. The exception to this definition is the point at which a parent orchestrates access for their youngster‚ who is under 16 years of age. It becomes clear that a five year old can’t make an arrangement for themselves. (Professional referral – this happens when a health or social care professional refers a person who has come to see them to another health or social care proficient.) (Third party referral – happens when someone (who is not a care professional)
Premium Patient Health care Health care provider
approaches to health and social care. For the Humanistic approach I will assess the usefulness of a care assistant in a care home treating the whole person and in a hospital a nurse’s ability to ensure a patient’s physical‚ intellectual‚ emotional and social needs have been met (P.I.E.S). For Social Learning theory I will evaluate a nursery assistant in a nursery capability of being a positive role model and in a hospital a nurse’s role of carrying out anti- discriminatory practice. For the Behaviourist
Premium Sociology Health care Health
Unit 1 1.1 identify the different reasons people communicate In a care setting‚ clients may communicate to express needs such as food and drink or pain relief‚ to share ideas and information such as helping with their care plan‚ to reassure‚ to express feelings such as sadness‚ happiness‚ anger‚ depression etc‚ to build relationships and friendships with others‚ to socialise and have fun‚ to ask questions maybe about treatment and to share past experiences. 1.2 explain how effective communication
Premium Secrecy Hearing impairment Confidentiality
Kara Hooper – 08/11/14 Unit 503 1.1 – Explain models of practice that underpin equality‚ diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility It is important to understand the positive values of equality and diversity in my role as all service users are vulnerable whether physically or mentally. Caring for others and engaging with them engaging in decisions in relation to their life‚ health and wellbeing exercises a certain amount of power over the vulnerable adult. This has the potential to be
Premium Sociology Psychology Discrimination
definition of discrimination is the unequal treatment of individuals usually on the basis of gender‚ religion‚ age‚ race‚ or is a negative action towards a social group. My choices are Ethnicity Family structure Gender Sexuality Disabilities ETHNICITY Means individuals that share a language‚ cultural practice‚ and religious beliefs examples include English polish Indian Chinese welsh Scottish .people who share the same race such as the Asian population can be Japanese Thai
Premium Discrimination Disability Gender
HEA 9083 LEADERSHIP IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE LEARNING OUTCOMES 1 Good leadership is vitally important in the current climate of health and social care. Leadership skills will be needed to drive forward an ever changing structure and service development as set out in numerous development plans and Government white papers (Department of Health‚ 2003‚ 2008‚ 2009‚ 2011. Leadership Academy‚ 2012). The style of leadership required to carry out such tasks is frequently debated and lamented‚ but it would
Premium Leadership Management Fiedler contingency model
CU2667 1.1 Health and Safety at work Act 1974 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulation 1999 Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulation 1981 include amendment on 2009 The Electricity at Work regulations 1989 Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 Reporting of Injuries‚ Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 Communicable diseases and infection control Working Time Regulations 1998 Care Standard Act 2000 Control of exposure to Hazardous to Health 1999 Food Safety
Premium Occupational safety and health
Unit 201 Introduction to communication in health‚ social care or children’s and young people’s settings. Outcome 1 - Understanding ways communication is important in the work setting. 1) Identify different reasons why people communicate 2) Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of own work 3) Explain why it is important to observe an individuals reaction when communicating with them Outcome 2 – Be able to meet the communication and language needs‚ wishes
Premium Communication Nonverbal communication Nonviolent Communication