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    ADHD Definition

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    certain charactertics of abnormal behavior show up with this disorder. Being abnormal is defined as being different from what is normal‚ and is typically unwanted behavior to most of society. Abnormal behavior has many different factors to it’s definition. Showing impairment‚ giving distress and qualifying the quantitative differences are characteristics in individuals that are diagnosed with ADHD. Those behavioral characteristics in an individual would characterize that person as being abnormal

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    Definition Of Happiness

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    29 April 2014 What is Happy? What does it mean to be happy? Being happy can be easy for some and a challenge for others. There can be so many definitions on the word happy. Everyone can have their own meaning of happy. What makes me happy and what makes you happy are different things. My own definitions of happy are being satisfied with something‚ a feeling of joy‚ and delighted. In a person’s lifetime‚ they can be happy because of a lot of different things that go on during their life.

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    Definition of Family

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    marriage. In my orthodox Jewish community many types of families exist. The various forms of a family are nuclear family‚ single parent families‚ extended family and community. I personally can add my students‚ coworkers and close friends to my definition of family. I am a teacher in a special education school called The School for Children with Hidden Intelligence (SCHI). I am a one-on-one aid for a six year old girl who has many physical handicaps. I have been working with her for two years already

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    Definition Of Racism

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    Definition of Racism Defining racism in words is not an easy task‚ it’s a harsh feeling that is tough to express. But‚ we have made an attempt to explain this darkest part of the society. Basically‚ it is an illegal to treat people differently just because of their race or culture. If it happens to you‚ remember – one has the right to make you feel bad or abuse you for who you are. Understand Racism in Broadly Being a part of 21 century‚ where everything has gone hi-tech‚ be it robot conducting

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    Definition Of Health

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    The definition of health is ‘the state of being free from illness or injury’ (Definition of health‚ 2013). There are five main components of health including physical‚ mental‚ social‚ environmental and spiritual health. All of these five components have inter-relationships in one way or another and can both positively and negatively impact the well-being of a person. An example of this is the strong link between physical health‚ spiritual health and mental health. Being physically healthy and exercising

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    Definition and Freedom

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    existence around the world today. Take a moment and realize the importance of freedom based upon the many struggles today and in the past for this ideal. Many major campaigns‚ wars‚ and conflicts have been driven by the conquest for freedom. The definition of freedom can be explained best using the literary concepts of description‚ exemplification‚ and negation. Freedom is a very complicated word to define in any one way. It presents many challenges in our direction. It can be interpreted various

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    Definition of Integrity

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    Definition of Integrity The definition of integrity according to Webster’s Dictionary is‚ "a rigid adherence to a code of behavior." There are though many ways to look at a persons integrity. A person with integrity possesses many qualities. Three of these qualities are honesty‚ the ability to follow a moral code‚ and loyalty to yourself and your beliefs. In The Crucible‚ a prime example of a person with integrity is Elizabeth Proctor. Elizabeth shows her personal purity when she refuses

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    Definition of Tax

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    Definition of Tax ; The word ‘tax’ has been derived from the French word ‘taxe’ and the Latin word ‘taxare’ which means ‘to charge’. Tax is a contribution exacted by the state. It is a non-penal but compulsory and unrequited transfer of resources from the private to the public sector‚ levied on the basis of predetermined criteria. According to P. E. Taylor‚ “ Taxes are compulsory payment to government without expectation of direct return in benefit to the taxpayer. According to

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    Industrialisation definitions ² The process where people move from rural areas (farms) towns & cities which results in the town populations growth. ^urbanisation ² The mechanisation of labour (machine instead of men) used to mass produce items the movement of people to cities & improved transport leading to greater wealth and population ^industrilasation ² ^whereworker band toether to have more power to stand up for their right in the workplace ^trade uninimsn ² And econimic system

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    The Definition Of Beauty

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    The Definition of Beauty When do we say “beauty” what comes to your mind first? Actually‚ beauty is a combined with qualities‚ such as shape‚ color‚ or form that pleases the aesthetic senses‚ especially the sight. However‚ I bet most will not say outer beauty‚ how a person looks‚ dresses and smells. For me‚ beauty is all on the inner side‚ which is specifically having a good heart and integrity of the spirit. That is what many people look at once they see Oprah Winfrey. There is still the fact

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