EVENTS MANAGEMENT Resource Guide Glenn Bowdin UK Centre for Events Management Leeds Metropolitan University August 2003 Published by the Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN) for Hospitality‚ Leisure‚ Sport & Tourism Resource Guide: Events Management Resource Guide in: Events Management CONTENTS Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Teaching Events Management
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partially loaded or empty‚ (b) In Ballast - term to describe vessel sailing empty to next loading port. BENDS - Abbreviation for ’both ends’. Used when any loading and discharging term for a vessel is the same for both loading and discharging operations. BFI - Baltic Freight Index - an index reflecting a composite number of routes‚ issued on a daily basis. BIFFEX - Baltic International Freight Futures Exchange -exchange on which freight future contracts are traded and the BFI is published. Bill
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managers to hold people accountable to meet “stretch” goals‚ quotas‚ and budgets. How can this be done in way that does not encourage unethical behavior on the part of employees? 3. How do you distinguish between a gift and an bribe? Provide an example of a “gift” that falls in the gray area between a gift and a bribe. 4. Discuss the following topic: Laws do not provide a complete guide to ethical behavior. An activity can be legal but not ethical. 5. Identify and briefly discuss four reasons
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pyramids; employed full-time administrators. | 4000 B.C | Hebrews | Exception principle‚ departmentation;Ten commandments; long-range planning‚ span of control. | 2000-1700 BC | Babylonians(Hammurabi) | Enforced law for conducting business‚ including standards for wages and obligations of contractors. Use of witnesses and writing for control; establishment of standards of wages; recognition that responsibilty responsibilty cannot be shifted. | 1600 | Egyptians | Centralization in organization
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general because they either can’t afford something or they have no money in cash‚ so they borrow from the bank‚ the disadvantage however is that you have to pay it back‚ and what people don’t realize is that the bank adds interest to the overall payment if you pay it over a period of time which is not in the month requested by the bank. Money is a peculiar thing that life seems to be centered around. You need money to buy things‚ both necessities and desirables. You work to earn money
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APJEM Arth Prabhand: A Journal of Economics and Management Vol.1 Issue 6‚ September 2012‚ ISSN 2278‐0629 CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT IN BANKING SECTOR: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SBI AND OTHER NATIONALISED COMMERCIAL BANKS IN INDIA SANJAY KANTI DAS* *Head‚ Department of Commerce‚ Lumding College‚ Lumding‚ Nagaon‚ Assam. Pinnacle Research Journals 68
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transparent. Finally‚ many developing countries have achieved important economic gains in nurturing the development of domestic ICT industries. It is not enough‚ however‚ to place ICTs onto the development agenda without also addressing other critical elements of the development equation. A nation’s regulatory environment in particular can have a profound impact on ICT utilization and ICT
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Implied terms Terms implied as a matter of law Implied term of good faith Burker king v Hungry jacks BK同意让jk在他旗下develop bk franchise store.事后BK和shell达成另一个协议悄悄派出了JK。JK告BK breach the implied term of good and faith. Between professional person and their clients For work and material Reg v Rivers locking p 270 Reg叫rivers去装门。Rivers保证那个门是防盗的。可是晚上小偷还是进去了。 相反的例子。Court will not apply the implied term in the circumstance Helicopter v Roter-work p 271 原告叫被告修飞机,并且要求组件一定要符合出产商的要求。但是出产商的要求以及设计被原告视为秘密。后来在机尾上的bolt出现了问题。法庭判定,由于出产商产品
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TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) Project Title: E-Commerce (Internet Application Dynamic Website) Project Supervisor: Sandro Sampio Date: 17/10/06 Project Aims The purpose of this project is to develop an internet application which will be a dynamic website (E-Commerce website)‚ that provides a service to customers who wish to purchase music online either in a downloadable format or have their compact disc posted out to them. Project Deliverables As my project falls under the system
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1. Allegory (寓言)– The word derives from the Greek allegoria ( “speaking other-wise” ). It loosely describes any writing in verse or prose that has a double meaning. This fictional literary narrative acts as an extended metaphor in which persons‚ abstract ideas‚ or events represent not only themselves on the literal level‚ but also stand for something else on the symbolic level. An allegorical reading usually involves moral or spiritual concepts that may be more significant than the actual‚ literal
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