Stephanie Silva 5/27/13 History 101 Homework #2 Historical film review The Crucible Plot/Summary This Film is presented in the Puritan New England Town of Salem Massachusetts. In this film a group of girls go dancing in the woods with a black slave named Tituba. They see that they have been caught by the local minister and one of the girls falls into a coma. The girl is rushed to the village and puts everyone at worry. Parris tries to calm everyone down they gathered were the girl
Premium Confession Salem witch trials Witchcraft
Before reading ’The Crucible’‚ I had no idea what a crucible was. To me a container isn’t a good word to describe a crucible‚ but a pot is better. Everything that’s put in a pot in mixed together and reacts‚ it’s a metaphorical way of putting this story. But it’s also the beginning cause for all problems that arise in this carefully crafted play by Arthur Miller. This play‚ ’The Crucible’ is based on the 1692 witch trials that occurred in Salem‚ Massachusetts yet it also focuses on the relationships
Premium The Crucible Salem witch trials
The tragic ending in‚ “The Crucible‚” by‚ Arthur Miller‚ is inevitable due to cause and affect scenarios throughout the drama: Tituba blaming the devil‚ Marry Warren giving Elizabeth Proctor a poppet‚ and John Proctor having an affair with Abigail Williams. In the beginning of the play Tituba had gone with Abigail and the girls in the forest which lead to them getting caught by Reverend Hale. Being questioned this had lead Tituba to blame the devil for her actions and because of that she made her
Premium The Crucible Salem witch trials Witchcraft
Abigail holds the most power within the play. Discuss Arthur Miller’s The Crucible underlines the significance of an individual’s power within a communal society such as that of Salem. Despite her circumstances‚ Abigail is capable of acquiring an impressive amount of power in the community‚ ultimately allowing her to control the fates of many of the townsfolk. She utilises her immediate relationships by manipulating those close to her in order to gain power in the pursuit of satisfying her own desires
Premium English-language films The Crucible Salem witch trials
The Crucible In The Crucible‚ Abigail Williams is a wicked‚ sinful‚ foul girl who lies to get what she wants. She defends her life and her name by falsely accusing others of conspiring with the devil. Witchcraft or evil is forcefully shown through abigail williams. wickedness is represent by abigail in many ways. She uses many ways to fulfill her evil wants some of them were through whoring‚ insanity‚ allegation. Abigail williams is accused of whoring and from this branched the wickedness of
Premium Salem witch trials The Crucible John Proctor
This book is written by Arthur Miller in 1953. It had came from a play called the crucible. There are 4 main characters in the book named john proctor‚ danforth‚ abigail and elizabeth. They trying to protect their reputations. Everybody else kinda do‚ you can say. But they have to pay for what they did. Its a witch trail. Late one night they were kids playing in the woods. They was doing the stuff that has to do with witches. Betty faints in fright at being discovered‚ and will not wake up. Rumors
Premium Salem witch trials The Crucible Salem, Massachusetts
those found innocent are let free‚ but the polar opposite occurred during the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. People suspected of witchery were determined innocent if they admitted guilt‚ and those who did not surrender were punished as witches. “The Crucible” is a play based on the true events of the Salem Witch Trials‚ with some discrepancies. When witches were thought to be present in Salem‚ Massachusetts‚ Reverend John Hale was summoned from a nearby town to determine whether a group of teenage girls
Premium The Crucible Salem witch trials John Proctor
Novemeber 3‚2008 Modern Version of The Crucible Abigail Williams- Regina George Mary warren- Katy Betty- Gretchen The Girls – The plastics John Proctor- John Tucker Elizabeth Proctor- Ellie Giles Corey- Mclovin Martha Corey-rachel. Reverend Hale- Sister fanny Principle-Shane Setting- A high school in A small town in Michigan Plot- The Plastics are the head of the school. They run it and know exactly what to say and how far they need to go in order to get what they want. They have
Premium Salem witch trials The Crucible John Proctor
John Proctor Ultimately‚ John Proctor is a key part of the Crucible. His refusal to open up about Abigail’s lying (which she admits in Betty’s bedroom) allows Abigail to whip the village of Salem into a frenzy – accusing anyone and everyone of witchcraft. He is a proud and powerful man‚ much respected in the village. The fact he committed adultery with Abigail means she has the power to control him. Adultery is against the laws of Salem’s theocracy (as it is against the Decalogue) so‚ if Abigail
Premium The Crucible Salem witch trials John Proctor
“The Crucible” by Arthur Miller shows the meaning of tragedy. Arthur Miller wrote this book to show the meaning of devastation and destruction of one’s community and how corrupt the government can be. In the 1600s tragedy broke out in the town of Salem‚ Massachusetts because of the demonic ways of its citizens. Abigail Williams is the force behind the tragedy in the town of Salem. She was the one who started the lies about witchcraft‚ and she also got the lives of innocent people taken for false
Premium Salem witch trials The Crucible Salem, Massachusetts