"The income tax man" Essays and Research Papers

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    Professional and Business Income In this article we will discuss about Professional and Business Income and as interpreted by the Indian Tax Department. We will understand what the Professional and Business income means by definition‚ identify key differences between the two and how each are interpreted by the Indian Tax Department. What is Business and Professional Income? A business income is earned from trade‚ commerce‚ manufacture or earnings gained from invested capital on properties

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    scope of charge to income tax A modern form of income tax was introduced into Federation of Malaya in 1947 by using the derived and remittance basis. Income Tax Act (ITA) 1967 came into effect has imposed world income basis on the resident company involved in specialized industries. Malaysia adopted a territorial and remittance. With effect of year of assessment of 2004‚ taxation basis amended to exempt income remitted into Malaysia from oversea. Until now‚ Malaysia income tax imposed on territorial

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    FOR INTERACTIVE FORMS BIR FORM NO. 1702: ANNUAL INCOME TAX RETURN FOR CORPORATION‚ PARTNERSHIP AND OTHER NON-INDIVIDUAL TAXPAYER |Script | |Open the form. | |For Form 1702: Annual Income Tax Return for Corporation‚ Partnership and Other Non-Individual

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    Assessable income=ordinary income + statutory income. Ordinary income: income deriving from the courts (s6-5) Negative propositions: items that are not income by ordinary concepts: 1.Amounts not convertible into money :In Tennant v Smith (1892) free accommodation provided to a bank manager was held not to be ordinary income because building could not be sub-let and the benefit thereby converted to money. In FCT v Cooke & Sherden (1980) an incentive prize offered by a manufacturer was not income of the

    Premium Taxation Tax Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

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    Labour essay: Having considered the implications for the WTC‚ we can now analyse the effects of the policy on labour supply by determining the substitution and income effects. It’s clear that the effect of the working tax credit on work behaviour depends upon how much a worker is currently working. To analyse these effects we will only look at one type of individual; a lone parent in the labour force. This will simplify our analysis such that we can divide the diagram below into 3 sections

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    Tax Avoidance Analysis Tax Avoidance is a legally manipulation for the corporations to lower their tax bill by structuring transactions‚ is also called tax planning. Different with Tax Evasion‚ the Tax Evasion is Criminal and completely illegal. And in generally‚ company which have more profit should have higher tax rate‚ but with the growth of the company‚ many tax avoidance strategy were used by management as result of minimize the tax bills and also without obey the law‚ There are 3 strategies

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    Tax Evasion and Tax Audit

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    Definition of Tax Evasion: Tax evasion usually entails taxpayers deliberately misrepresenting or concealing the true state of their affairs to the tax authorities to reduce their tax liability and includes in particular dishonest tax reporting‚ such as declaring less income‚ profits or gains than actually earned or overstating deductions‚. It is an illegal practice where a person‚ organization or corporation intentionally avoids paying his/her/its true tax liability. Examples of practices which

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    Discuss whether the most effective way to have income and wealth equality is to tax income more progressively. Income is a stable flow of money‚ often a salary‚ which someone works for but this can also be made through interest on savings. This flow of money is often very unequal from person to person due to wage differentials‚ this then creates inequality. Wealth on the other hand is a stock of assets which have a market value‚ which may change over time e.g. houses or cars. These are often inherited

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    A taxpayer’s average tax rate is determined by dividing the total tax paid by the total income of the taxpayer. A) True B) False Beginning in 2011‚ all paid tax return preparers must sign up with the IRS‚ pay a fee‚ and obtain a preparer tax identification number. A) True B) False 22. Taxpayers who are unable to pay their taxes may enter into a payment plan with the IRS if the amount they owe is within certain limits. A) True B) False 23. At which of the following IRS

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    Income Tax Structure in Bangladesh and Taxation of a Non-Corporate Individual taxpayer” LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: Prof. Y School of Business‚ Z University. Subject: Assignment on “Taxation on a Non-Corporate Individual taxpayer‚ Asst. Year 2014-2015. Dear Sir‚ It is my pleasure to submit the report of my assignment on “Taxation on a Non-Corporate Individual taxpayer‚ Asst. Year 2014-2015”. As an instructor and advisor to the report‚ you provided valuable insights to improve the

    Free Tax Taxation Taxation in the United States

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