"The main biological influences of psychology" Essays and Research Papers

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    The Biological Structure of Water Water is a substance with the chemical formula H2O: one molecule of water has two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to a single oxygen atom. Its structure enables it to carry out many important functions in the body. Water molecules are charged‚ with the oxygen atom being slightly negative and the hydrogen atoms being slightly positive. These opposite charges attract each other‚ forming hydrogen bonds. These are weak‚ long distance bonds that are very common and

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    PSYCHOLOGY Eva Evangelio- Pacayra Faculty Centro Escolar University School of Science and Technology Department of Psychology PSYCHOLOGY • • is derived from the Greek word “psyche” which means MIND/SOUL and “logos” which means STUDY/KNOWLEDGE is the SCIENTIFIC study of HUMAN BEHAVIOR and MENTAL PROCESSES. The Roots of Psychology • • • • • • • John Locke- blank slate “Tabula Rasa” Wilhelm Wundt- Structuralism (uncovering the fundamental mental components) William James- Functionalism

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    Outline and evaluate the biological approach to psychopathology (12 marks) The biological approach is widely used in diagnosing and treating mental illness. The theory suggests that mental illnesses occur due to a physical cause. Physical causes include genetic inheritance‚ viruses‚ toxicity‚ physical trauma for example a head injury or perhaps an imbalance of hormones bought on by stress. These physical‚ external occurrences can distort thinking‚ emotion and behaviours in some people. Studies

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    Psychology Q) Describe the stages of moral reasoning suggested by Kohlberg. Discuss the cultural limitations of Kohlberg’s stages. Ans: Moral development is a major topic of interest in both psychology and education. One of the best known theories was developed by psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg who modified and expanded upon Jean Piaget’s work to form a theory that explained the development of moral reasoning. Kohlberg’s theory of moral development outlined six stages within three different levels

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    Question: What Is Psychology? There’s a lot of confusion out there about psychology. According to some popular television programs and movies‚ psychologists are super-sleuths that can use their understanding of the human mind to solve crimes and predict a criminal’s next move. Other popular depictions present the psychologist as a gray and bearded older gentleman‚ seated in a stately office lined with books‚ who spends his days listening to clients ramble on about their difficult childhoods.

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    Is homosexuality biological based? Homosexuality is biologically based. It’s not something someone gives a try and sees if they like it. Maybe the occurrences have something to do with the mother’s hormone levels when she is pregnant. I also think it is a little of both. Some cases it might be the X and Y thing and others it is probably just learned. I think most of the recent ones are probably learned because it is all over TV and everything. I just think it is ridiculous that they expect us

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    Discuss biological approaches to addiction (9+16 Marks) The genetics of addiction: * People who have an addictive personality are likely to be predisposed to it because of their genes. * Family and twin studies have demonstrated that genes contribute towards the development of alcohol dependence‚ with heritability estimates of between 50 and 60 % for both males and females. McGue‚ 1999 * Fowler et al‚ 2007 – found that in a study of 1‚214 twins genetic influences played a role in the

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    Biological and Humanistic Approaches to Personality A person biological and Humanistic traits can be considered some element of an individual Individuum and assessing the personality of that individual. The sympathetic knowledge of the human mind and the human psychological makeup‚ what makes a person tick‚ have greatly improved over the years. With the need to examine to an extent how the human growth influence personality from childhood to adulthood. While biological and humanistic varies from

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    A protein is a Biological polymer made up of as different amino acids joined by peptide bonds. A protein is formed by amino acids which are the basic building block of a protein components of an amino acid include a :C-carbon atom‚ H-Hydrogen atom‚ H3N+ - Amino Group‚ COOH- - Carboxyl Group‚ R- this group varies from amino acid to amino acid. There are 20 amino acids‚ each differing in its R group. Two examples are: Glycine‚ its R group being H(Hydrogen) and Phenylalanine its R group being CH2 (Carbon

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    different factors influence the actual process of forgetting. An example could be the amount of time the new information is stored in the memory. The amount of time the information is stored in the memory‚ depending on the minutes hours or even

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