NKEM PAUL ANUAOBONG 12 Ayodele street Abule-oja‚ Akoka ‚ Yaba Lagos State. Tel: 08068250426‚ and 08023642375 ❖ Nationality: Nigerian ❖ Date of Birth: 12th June.‚ 1982 ❖ Place of Birth: Yaba‚ Lagos State ❖ Sex: Male ❖ State of Origin: Akwa-Ibom ❖ Local Government Area: Uruan ❖ Marital Status: Single LA/08B/5569 IGNATZ NIGERIA LIMITED Engineer 44‚ King George V Onikan‚ Lagos. (PLACE OF PRIMARY ASSIGNMENT)
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Paul Keating’s commemoration speech at the funeral of the Unknown Soldier carefully utilises rhetoric technique to persuade the greater part of Australia to reflect on the great sacrifice made by those who served our nation. The epideictic format and inclusive language engages the audience‚ whilst anonymity of the unknown solider establishes curiosity‚ capturing pathos both within the speaker and the audience. Keating’s position as Prime Minister establishes ethos‚ allowing him to speak on behalf
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people all over the world! The three terms expressed all have one thing in common; vampires. These mythical creatures are one of the most popular horror-related figures. Vampires may be a frightening subject for most‚ but that does not take away from the fact of their popularity throughout. The fascination of vampires has greatly affected past‚ present‚ and future cultures all around the world. “The word vampire (or vampyre) entered the English language in 1732‚ according to The Oxford English
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Rhetorical Analysis (Women and Vampires: Nightmare or Utopia?) In our modern society‚ the term “vampire” has been stretched among such an enormous range of roles that it becomes almost impossible to accurately describe them. The recent trend of vampires and werewolves has taken a hold over pop culture‚ drawing mass amounts of attention over a huge audience. As I read the title of the essay‚ I feared I was in for a lecture on Twilight and the feminine roles in the stories. However‚ the author‚ Judith
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"Buffy‚ The Vampire Slayer: A Gender Discussion" What is gender? The answer to that is not so simple. "Gender is what culture makes out of the raw material’ of biological sex‚" (Unger and Crawford‚ 1995). Also‚ there is a difference between what is gender identity and what is a gender role; a difference which seems to be even more difficult to differentiate between than the words "gender" and "sex". Media and other parts of our culture seem to believe they know the difference
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3‚832 followers creates a video that explains the famous show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In one of his most famous videos “Why you should watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer‚” he explains the most important reasons why the show should be watch by anybody. He argues that even though the show was for teenage girls many other audiences could enjoy it too. He first explain the origin of the shown mentioning the change of the vampires. As one of the reasons for watching the show martin explains how popular
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"Love‚ somethin’ in here smells-" Spike followed his vamp sense of smell all the way to an abrupt stop at Buffy’s closed bathroom door. "Mmhm!" She cheered from the inside. "Come look! The bath’s pink!" Pink baths in the Slayer household usually meant blood...but he could hear her squeals of delight from the hallway. Why was he still in the hallway. Like he needed a second invitation... The blonde was curled up in pink bubbled water Spike could see the steam rising from. Her hair was
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------------------------------------------------- Real number In mathematics‚ a real number is a value that represents a quantity along a continuum‚ such as 5 (an integer)‚ 3/4 (a rational number that is not an integer)‚ 8.6 (a rational number expressed in decimal representation)‚ and π (3.1415926535...‚ an irrational number). As a subset of the real numbers‚ the integers‚ such as 5‚ express discrete rather than continuous quantities. Complex numbers include real numbers as a special case. Real numbers can be divided into rational
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Transcript Redfern Speech (Year for the World’s Indigenous People) – Delivered in Redfern Park by Prime Minister Paul Keating‚ 10 December 1992 Ladies and gentlemen I am very pleased to be here today at the launch of Australia’s celebration of the 1993 International Year of the World’s Indigenous People. It will be a year of great significance for Australia. It comes at a time when we have committed ourselves to succeeding in the test which so far we have always failed. Because‚ in truth
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