"The remembered war" Essays and Research Papers

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    civil war

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    Prompt: There were numerous events and crises during the 1850’s that contributed to the advent of the civil war. Choose three and analyze the relative significance of each in contributing to the advent of the Civil War. During the time period of the mid 1800’s there was a great deal of growing tension between the northern and southern states. Many northerners were abolitionists and were anti slavery‚ the northerners didn’t want to outlaw slavery completely but wanted to put an end to slavery expansion

    Premium American Civil War Slavery in the United States Abraham Lincoln

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    War of 1812

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    War of 1812 Paragraph The War of 1812 resolved many of the issues for which the U.S. fought‚ and it did have several positive consequences for the American nation. The U.S. declared war on Britain on June 18‚ 1812 because the American people were tired of being taken advantage of by the European powers‚ and they wished to gain respect and assert their place among the other nations. America had remained neutral in every previous European conflict‚ and the French and the British had taken

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    War on Drugs

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    Nixon declared a “war on drugs.”() The problem is that the department of corrections was ill prepared to house the newly made convicts. This created over population in prisons all over America because of a failed attempt to “crack down.” It is a fact that countries with overbearing drug laws tend to have more drug problems than those who don’t. Now that new studies and facts are coming to light we have finally entered a stage in which to rebuild drug reform. The American war on drugs is a failing

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    Girl At War

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    population is content or happy with their current life status. In the books we have read in class‚ each author attempts to search for sympathy in the reader to make the novel they’ve written something readers appreciate. Sara Nović‚ author of Girl at War‚ creates more of a sympathy-searching plot than Hannah Tinti‚ author of The Good Thief‚ by using characterization and emphasis on tragedy. At age 9 or 10 it’s pretty tough to be unhappy with the endless

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    Cold War

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    The Cold War was a period of time in which there was a rise in political and economic tension between the USA and the Soviet Union post World War 2. The purpose was to prevent the spread of communism and the domino theory.This event lasted from 1945 to 1985. The Cold war had a large effect on the United States domestic policy and American society. Things‚ people and events all played an effect on generations rapidly. One example of that had a large effect on the United States domestic policy and

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    The Principles of War

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    Rationally speaking‚ the art of war is changing as every generation is evolving into a more technical level. Hi-powered and potent weapons were invented to eliminate enemies in one blow and at the wink of an eye. Destruction is the reward for this highly motivated illusion to achieve power and greater hold on it to continue its aim. In view of the fact that in every action there is a reaction and that a chain of reactions would result into a more complicated outcome‚ war is just the product of the

    Free Human

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    Ares: The God of War

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    heroes‚ also creating different temples in various cities. As a result‚ many of these gods still have enormous influences on how our world works today. One of those gods‚ the Greek god of war‚ exemplifies many qualities which many people expect from him‚ although strongly disliked by most. The Greek God of war‚ Ares‚ is the son of Zeus and Hera (Van Aken 18)‚ and has had difficulties living in the world of the Greeks‚ whilst many different views have been given of him. For example‚ in early Greek

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    Star Wars

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    Star Wars: A New Hope Though Star Wars has always been around for me to watch‚ I never took the initiative to watch it until now. It was fairly easy for me to realize that it was et "a long time ago‚ in a galaxy far‚ far away‚" where we learn of the adventures of Luke Skywalker‚ a lowly who finds himself stranded in the middle of an intergalactic civil war after encountering R2D2 and C3P0‚ which were two droids that had the secret and covert plans to help develop an engine of destruction known as

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    Cold War

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    The Cold War The cold war was a tense relationship between the Soviet Union and the Americans. The reason why they were fighting was because of the way their countries ran. The Soviet Union communism is a political way of thinking and an idea of how society should work and be organized. Communism is a kind of extreme socialism that says that there should not be social classes or states. Communism says that the people of any and every place in the world should all own the tools‚ factories‚ and

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    Horrors of War

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    Brian Tolomeo Ms. Rotchford AP Language/Composition 17 October 2012 Horrors of War Men returning from the trenches on the frontlines of WWI were the first men to truly experience the magnitude of sheer power and what destruction artillery could wreak when used in mass numbers‚ forced to sit in trenches and bunkers for hours on end while being hit by barrage after barrage of battery fire. Some of those who lived through this may have returned home much different men than when they left

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