The Scarlet Letter Name ___________ Study Guide Chapter 1 1. What is the setting for the novel? 1642‚ summer‚ Boston‚ prison 2. Describe Hester’s appearance? Wears letter A in fine red cloth with fancy designs in gold thread. Women are angry that letter and cloth are fancy (p. 7-8) Dark hair‚ black eyes‚ beautiful features‚ wild and free spirit. 3. Why are the people gathering around the door? To see Hester come out of the prison and receive her punishment.
Premium The Scarlet Letter John Winthrop Hester Prynne
The First Chapter of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter” is set in the mid 1600s in Puritan Boston. In this chapter he describes these times in a metaphorical manner. He refers to a cemetery and a prison and describes their origins and how they were two of the first things the founders built. He also describes a rosebush in the prison and makes a reference to Anne Hutchinson referring to her as “sainted.” Hawthorne appeals to his audience of peers through their emotions and metaphorical language
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Many of the major themes of The Scarlet Letter are introduced in the opening scene. Some of these themes were sin‚ nature’s kindness to the condemned and the dreary lifestyle of puritan society. The first chapter has little action but it sets up these major themes. The tone of the whole story was set in this chapter. The opening scene of The Scarlet Letter‚ many major themes were introduced. One of the major themes of The Scarket Letter was sin. Much of Puritan society was based on sin. The first
Premium The Scarlet Letter Hester Prynne Prison
Nathaniel Hawthorne‚ author of “The Scarlet Letter” chooses to use a number of different symbols in vital scenes throughout his book. In the story‚ the reader will recognize a number of different images that have much deeper meanings contributing to the plot of the novel. Hawthorne produces a detailed image for the reader and makes the symbols clear in his writing. Symbolism is a major aspect of “The Scarlet Letter”‚ without it‚ the story would not be as highly regarded as it is today. There are
Premium Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter Hester Prynne
Behold! Behold! A dreadful witness if it!” (209). The crowd does not know what to make of his words‚ and they refuse to believe what he is implying. That is‚ until he “tore away the ministerial band from before his breast” (209)‚ revealing a scarlet letter of his own. After this‚ there is no denying Dimmesdale’s confession and the people are left in disbelief as they watch him slump down and whisper in his last breath that he deserved to die in
Premium The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne Hester Prynne
We started listing names that would do something like that and we came up with these. Mrs.white‚ Colonel Mustard‚ Professor plum‚ Mrs. Peacock‚ Mr. Green‚ and Miss scarlet. Yeah yeah‚ we know these people are older than us but we couldn’t figure out any high schooler that would do such a crime. So after that we went back to the crime scene were the murder happened. We made it there to find nothing‚ we couldn’t find
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Although The Scarlet Letter is commonly associated with Romanticism‚ Hawthorne allows Transcendentalism’s traits to pervade his themes‚ symbols‚ and motifs within the novel. The heart of Transcendentalism is the belief that divinity is in every part of nature and humanity. An obvious example of this idea occurs in Chapter 12‚ when Dimmesdale sees a red “A” in the sky: Nothing was more common‚ in those days‚ than to interpret all meteoric appearances‚ and other natural phenomena‚ that occurred
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wears the letter "A" pinned to her dress as a constant reminder of the sin she has commit which wears away at her heart. The Black Man symbolizes the devil and the evil that is present on Earth. In this quote Pearl who was a product of Hester’s sin asks her mother to tell her a story about the Black Man. In this situation Hester is once more reminded of what awaits her for sinning as the consequence of her sin asks her to tell a story. The story’s three major symbols include Pearl‚ the scarlet letter
Premium The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne Puritan
Luke Sousa Professor Hogg Comm-126-1037 2 January 2016 Module Eight Lesson Four Mastery Assignment: The Scarlet Letter Chapters 13-19 a. What do many townspeople now say the A represents? The townspeople now believe the A stands for “able” rather than the real intention being “adulterer” b. Why does Hester feel she is to blame for Dimmesdale’s poor condition? Hester feels that she is to blame for Dimmesdale’s poor condition because while Dimmesdale has been torturing himself over his secret and
Premium The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne Hester Prynne
Chapter 24 Discussion Questions How sanitary were houses of the British lower orders? The houses of the British lower orders were completely unsanitary and unhealthy. In various sections of Manchester‚ as many as 200 people shared one outhouse. These outhouses were not cleaned out often and sewage overflowed and seeped into dwellings. Some courtyards became dung hills and sometimes excrement was gathered and sold as fertilizer. How did women’s status change during the 19th Century
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