English 1102 6 November 2011 An Analysis of “The Workbox” When is a gift more then a gift? Can a gift be given not out of love‚ but out of cruelty with intent to punish‚ threaten‚ and subjugate? The poem “The Workbox” written in 1914 by Thomas Hardy explores this topic. Throughout the poem the theme is shown to be that a kind gesture and concerned words can be a false veneer that is meant to thinly veil anger‚ cruelty‚ and dominance. Hardy’s poem on the surface is about a seemingly loving yet
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There is a couple in this poem; the husband who is a wood maker from a village life and the wife whose status is higher than her companion from the borough. As the husband holds the present‚ the leftover of the coffin‚ to the wife‚ the woman’s facial expression is pale as the sheet. The coincidental thing is that this coffin belongs to John‚ who also comes from the same place as wife. Why dose the wife keep turning aside her face as she sees a piece of wood? Her reaction is just like an embarrassing
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5. “eight dancers dressed as swans.” – Mary Cornish Numbers 6. “Always wants a hug and never gets enough”- Ronald Koertge Sidekicks 7. “whose perfume swayed in the air‚ turning the modest flowers scarlet and loose.” –Peter Meinke Love Poem 8. “Their whisper rises from beneath the stones to fuse into a single… light.” – Yves Bonnefoy Passer-By‚ These are Words… 9. “He wanted to go inside them and live.” Naomi Shihab Nye Rain 10. “But listen harder‚ use your imagination…”
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“First Poem for You” is a poem by written by Kim Addonizio‚ an American poet. This poem “First Poem for You” is a closed-form poem but written as an English sonnet. The poem a person who loves the tattoos in his or her lover’s skin. At the same time the tattoos scares him or her by their permanence. The thoughtfulness and the depth of details expressed in this poem makes us conclude that the persona or speaker in this poem is a female. The speaker is certain about the permanence of the tattoos on
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Here is an anti bullying poem written by Jon Evans: Identity–The Bully They all try to look the same all try to give themselves a name pick on the boy who is all alone just because his identity is his own what has this world come to? all this wrong that people do just for the image they want to show down the evil path they seem to go The next person you go to hurt or try to make feel like dirt instead of trying to look cool feel for the guy you make look a fool A cool identity isn’t a need let
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“Those Winter Sundays” & “Paper Matches” “Those Winter Sundays” and “Paper Matches” are poems that came together to form the same qualities. However the two individual poems expresses it‚ in its own contrasting ways. Both “Those Winter Sundays” and “Paper Matches” intertwine metaphors into its work and the aspect of the under-appreciation of one party toward another. The poem “Those Winter Sundays” is of a grown adult looking back into his childhood. He remembers an event that led him to realize
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THE PABLO POETRY PROJECT CONTENTS: PART A: MELANCHOLY INSIDE FAMILIES PART B: PABLO NERUDA-BIOGRAPHY PART C: POETRY (poem) PART D: IL POSTINO (film) A tribute to Don Pablo…. By Jishnu Menon PART A 1. Write a poetic response to the poem. “Melancholy inside families” by Pablo Neruda is poem that is strong in visual appetite and conveys emotions such as gloominess and fear through those visuals. I believe the images that have been brought to the reader’s mind
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_________ Poets try to use a concentrated blend of sound and imagery to create an emotional response and to try to get us‚ the reader‚ to sense a particular thing. In this poem “Ozymandias” by Shelley Percy Bysshe‚ there are different types of sound devices. The poet uses alliteration multiple times throughout the poem. “Cold command” and “boundless and bare” are examples of alliteration because the beginning letter of each word is the same. Alliteration helps the poet to make their meaning
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Abc poem Flowers Lily is the purity of heart Mellow delicate beauty and sweetness Nasturtium represents a conquest or a victory in a battle Olive is so peaceful Poppy is inspiring and majestic. Diamante poem Puppy Playful‚ silly Barking‚ fetching‚ eating Ball‚ leash ‚ free‚ wool Sleeping‚ running‚ playing Sweet‚ young Kitten Sun Hot‚ warm Boiling‚ burning‚ heating Summer‚ Sunshine ‚ winter‚ thunderstorm Splashing‚ sliding‚ slipping Chilly
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Constantly risking absurdity The poem “Constantly Risking Absurdity” by Lawrence Ferlinghetti is a poem where he compares a poem to an acrobat.He starts off by describing how an acrobat risks everything even his life to his audience by walking in a high wire of his own making.What Ferlinghetti means is that an acrobat does everything he can including his most precious values mental and physical to entertain and amaze his audience. He doesn`t care if he makes a fool of himself o even kill himself
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