"The youngest doll" Essays and Research Papers

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    INTRODUCTION: A Brief History of the Doll  Summer of the Seventeenth Doll premiered on 28th November 1955 at the Russell Street Theatre in Melbourne  Before the 1950s‚ very little Australian work was produced on Australian stages and often a whole year would go by without a single work by an Australian reaching the commercial stage.  The Doll was a success in part because it gave its audiences unmistakably Australian characters in a familiar setting‚ speaking with their


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    In the play‚ A Doll House‚ Nora goes through a major character change. The play is set during Christmas time and New Year’s because these are both times of “rebirth” or “reawakening” and similar metaphors to what Nora goes through during the play. Nora is treated and acts like a doll living in a doll house during most of the play. Towards the end of the play‚ Nora realizes that being a “doll” is not her reality. The reality of her trials with her marriage wake her up from her imagination to the

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    what is perfect. Too many woman try to fit this ideal of what we should be based on media and society in an imperfect world. Marge Piercy is criticizing this in her poem “Barbie doll”. The poem shows how ridiculous it is the way we try to conform to what society’s ideals are for the perfect woman. “And presented dolls that did pee-pee/ miniature GE stoves and irons/ and wee lipsticks the color of cherry candy” (2-4). These are all traditional toys for girls but also things that have an influence

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    Comparing and Contrasting “Barbie Doll” and “The Leap” The poem “Barbie Doll” by Marge Piercy depicts a child that was once a normal girl child because she looked reminiscent of a normal girl. She played with dolls and miniature stoves‚ which made her‚ seem even more like a normal child. She then enters adolescent puberty which causes drastic changes to her physical appearance‚ which ultimately cause her to become insecure about herself. The poem “The Leap” by James Dickey also depicts a female

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    Men often entrap females into oppressive roles in society. In Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll House‚ Torvald Helmer treats his wife Nora as a doll; whereas in Ghosts‚ Pastor Manders believes Mrs. Alving should be a trophy wife and protect her dead husband’s reputation. Both Torvald and Manders brainwash Nora and Mrs. Alving‚ respectively‚ to behave according to what their own expectations. Because Nora and Mrs. Alving are afraid to cross the expectations of Torvald and Manders‚ they both hide their true feelings

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    Thesis Statement & Introduction An analysis of the literary elements imagery‚ symbolism‚ and tone/mood in “Barbie Doll”‚ by Marge Piercy and‚ “Hanging Fire” by Audre Lorde reveals each character and their struggle with their identity in society. Summary of “Barbie Doll” In the poem “Barbie Doll” by Marge Piercy‚ we read about a young girl who has self image problems. Due to the expectations of society‚ she is not happy with her physical appearance. She had many good qualities but is unable to

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    Dolls. We are surrounded by dolls. G. I. Joe‚ Barbie‚ Polly Pocket‚ and WWF action figures. Prior to our plasticene friends we had paper dolls‚ marionettes‚ and delicately featured porcelain dolls. We are strangely fascinated by these cold‚ lifeless objects that look so much like ourselves. Children clutch them and create elaborate scenes‚ while adults are content to simply collect‚ allowing them to sit‚ motionless on a shelf‚ staring coolly back at their live counterparts. Which brings us to and

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    of the polio vaccination‚ rumors can lead to fear and resistance. This shows that building trust is crucial for achieving public health goals. This idea of earning trust resonates deeply with the themes in "Doctor and the Doll." In this artwork‚ the doctor carefully examines a doll‚ symbolizing a nurturing relationship with the child patient. The child shows her trust in the doctor’s care‚ illustrating that medicine is not just about treatments‚ but about the emotional connections formed during care


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    Text Title: The Dolls House Author: Katherine Mansfield In the short story "The Dolls House"‚ Katherine Mansfield expresses the theme of discrimination through the characteristics of both the Burnell family and the Kelvey’s. When the three Burnell daughters (Isabel‚ Kezia‚ and Lottie) are given a dolls house by "dear old Mrs Hay"‚ they are

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    experiment was conducted at Stanford University where Bandura was a professor. They used 36 boys and 36 girls from the Stanford University Nursery School between the ages of 3 and 6 years old. There were two inflatable dolls called Bobo Dolls used for this experiment. These were the kind of dolls you could hit and knock over and they would stand back up. The children were all divided into three groups. Each group contained 12 boys and 12 girls. The three groups were presented to three different conditions

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