"There are two types of machines called type a and type b both type a and type b can be used to produce a certain product the production manager wants to compare efficiency of the two machines he as" Essays and Research Papers

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    Types of Reproduction

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    bacterial cell deivides into two by making a new cell wall. This type of asexual reproduction is called binary fission. Spore Production in Fungi Pin mould is a fungus which grows on bread and reproduces asexually by making spores. They are small and light like spects of dust‚ and float through the air. When spore lands on a damp surface‚ it splits open and thread grows out. The hypha (thread) grows over surface of bread forming a dense network of threads called a mycelium. Eventually‚ short

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    Types of Thermometers

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    thermometer is a device or instrument used for measuring temperature. There are many different types of thermometers; however each one is based on a physical property of a thermometric (temperature measuring) substance that differs in a measurable way with temperature. Some of the physical properties that vary with temperature are volume‚ resistance and color. A physical property that increases or decreases with temperature can be used to measure temperature. This is called a thermometric property. Liquid-In-Glass

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    Types of Radars

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    GENERAL RADAR DISPLAY TYPES There are two types of radar displays in common use today. RAW VIDEO Raw video displays are simply oscilloscopes that display the detected and amplified target return signal (and the receiver noise). Raw video displays require a human operator to interpret the various target noise and clutter signals. On the left hand display of Figure 1‚ an operator could readily identify three targets and a ghost (a ghost is a phony target that usually fades in and out and could be

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    Types of War

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    THE TYPES OF WARS Introduction 1. War has numerous forms‚ faces‚ and shades. In today’s political environment‚ it is difficult to say‚ precisely‚ where peace ends and war begins. Classification of wars is discussed in the following paragraphs. Classification of Wars 2. Coercion. It is the Active use of force in a measured way or threat of force to persuade an adversary to adopt a certain pattern of behaviour against his wishes. US air attack on Col Qaddafi’s residence in 1986 and American

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    Types of Leadership

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    Types of Leadership 1. Autocratic Style: Leaders have complete authority and control”His style is ’Do What I Tell You”.He retains as much power & decision making authority as possible. He makes decisions without reference or consulting to anyone else. It makes high degree of dependency on the leader which may create de-motivation and hostility of staff. • An autocratic leader is the one who commands and expects followership. The leader leads by the ability to withhold or give rewards

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    Sentences Types

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    Description TYPE OF SENTENCES Preview TYPE OF SENTENCES SIMPLE SENTENCE COMPOUND SENTENCE COMPLEX SENTENCE DEFINITION A simple sentence‚ also called an independent clause‚ contains a subject and a verb‚ and it expresses a complete thought. A compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinator. The coordinators are as follows: for‚ and‚ nor‚ but‚ or‚ yet‚ so. (Helpful hint: The first letter of each of the coordinators spells FANBOYS.) Except for very short sentences

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    types of welding

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    Metal Welding - Types and Processes Welding. So you think it’s as simple as grabbing the gun and pulling the trigger‚ eh? Tell me this then - what types of welding are there? Not completely sure? Read on... Arc Welding  Arc welding is a process utilizing the concentrated heat of an electric arc to join metal by fusion of the parent metal and the addition of metal to joint usually provided by a consumable electrode. Either direct or alternating current may be used for the arc‚ depending upon

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    Types Of Faults

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    interrupted by some failure. In three-phase systems‚ a fault may involve one or more phases and ground‚ or may occur only between phases. In a "ground fault" or "earth fault"‚ charge flows into the earth. The prospective short circuit current of a fault can be calculated for power systems. In power systems‚ protective devices detect fault conditions and operate circuit breakers and other devices to limit the loss of service due to a failure. In a polyphase system‚ a fault may affect all phases equally

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    types of business

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    proprietorship - is a type of business entity which is owned and run by one individual and where there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business. Sole trading is widespread- A very large proportion of business conducted in the UK is undertaken by the trader working on his own usually providing his own money (capital) to start the business. The liability of any debts of the business will be down to him. In such a business there will probably be only one person doing this. He would normally

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    Types of Depression

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    Types of Depression Depression is now considered as the most common mental illness. As of September 20‚ 2012‚ the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported that about 9 percent of Americans are experiencing depression and 90 percent of suicidal reports are commonly caused by depression. The brain has a certain chemicals that work to keep your moods balanced. When your brain is not generating enough of these chemicals‚ there’s a tendency for you to become depressed. Depression is commonly referred

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