"Through the first paragraph what does thoreau declare as his higher purpose" Essays and Research Papers

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    Stephanie Mendez Period 5 March 21‚2013 America’s Decision to Declare War There where many factors that lead to America’s decision to declare war on Germany in 1917. The war with Germany had been going for 3 years before America entered the war‚ at first America made it clear that it would remain neutral to follow George Washington’s belief that America should not get involved in foreign affairs or alliances. But as the war went on Americans began to believe that we should go to

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    Author’s purpose in writingThe Handmaid’s Tale‚ is to illustrate to readers her bleak outlook on future if society does not change its path. The story follows the narrator‚ Offred as she goes about her life living under the oppressive regime of Gillead‚ a nation governed by religious fundamentalists. Through the narrators internal thoughts and daily life we see what is a possible outcome of feminism and patriarchy influenced by religious and governmental totalitarianism. Atwood writes in the first person

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    experience redemption and salvation through His action at Calvary. The Gospel of John breaks to the front of the synoptic pack through “narratives and dialogue in an odd sort of way via a selection of deeds of Jesus”1from a historical‚ biographical and perhaps most importantly a theological bend; as articles of faith. At first glance‚ a Gospel would

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    What Is First Aid?

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    What is first aid? First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is usually performed by non-expert‚ but trained personnel to a sick or injured person until definitive medical treatment can be accessed. Certain self-limiting illnesses or minor injuries may not require further medical care past the first aid intervention. It generally consists of a series of simple and in some cases‚ potentially life-saving techniques that an individual can be trained to perform with minimal

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    Disobedience"‚ why does Thoreau refuse to pay his poll tax? In Thoreau’s essay "Resistance to Civil Government"‚ Henry David Thoreau outlines a utopian society in which each individual would be responsible for governing himself. His opposition to a centralized government is an effort to disassociate with the American government‚ which at the time was supporting slavery and unjustly invading Mexico. While the individual rule would work well for Thoreau who is a man of conscience‚ it does not account for

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    Emerson’s Influence of Thoreau Amateur naturalist‚ essayist‚ lover of solitude and poet‚ Henry David Thoreau was a student and protégé of the great American philosopher and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson. Thoreau’s construction of a cabin on Emerson’s land at Walden Pond is a fitting symbol of the intellectual debt that Thoreau owed to Emerson. In “Nature‚” Emerson wrote‚ “In the woods‚ we return to reason and faith….” However‚ it was Thoreau who took this literally and tests Emerson’s ideas about

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    and wrong and from the consciousness of doing something for the greater good. Thoreau did not invent the concept civil disobedience‚ for we can see myriad examples throughout history. Transcendent law appeared in the writing of Socrates as well as in many of the Greek Tragedies. It is a concept which bases its morality on the premise that there are “higher laws” which transcend the laws of the state. Should the higher law and the laws of the state come into conflict‚ the individual had not only

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    become the people they are and what made them do what they did. I watched the trailer and was very intrigued. I had never heard about Stephen Glass‚ so I decided to watch it. Shattered Glass’ purpose was to entertain and inform. The film shows how a young journalist can deceive almost everybody and get away with it using his personality‚ actions and his words. It was told to tell the story of Stephen Glass and inform about the consequences that he faced because of his ruse.

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    Hobbes vs. Thoreau

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    authority of the sovereign state. Thoreau‚ on the other hand‚ argues that under specific circumstances‚ it is humanity’s duty is to resist the state. This paper will argue that Hobbes does not succeed in establishing our obligation to submit to the sovereign’s authority. Instead it is Thoreau whom is correct that in certain circumstances we are obliged to resist the State. The two main issues with Hobbes’ reasoning in Leviathan regarding the sovereign authority stem from his explanations of the Laws of

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    What is the purpose and role of a résumé? I think the main purpose of a resume is to provide a company with an overview of your professional achievements and background. Your resume acts as a marketing document‚ whether on paper or online‚ and its purpose is to introduce you to potential employers‚ promote what it is you have to offer and entice them into wanting to know more. According to Lauri Harwood‚ “a resume is a brief document‚ typically one or two pages‚ that details your qualifications

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