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    To Kill A Mockingbird Thesis Assignment Prompt #: 1 Thesis: Not only does Atticus plays a role of a father to Scout‚ he is also like a mentor for his own children and the city of Maycomb‚ Alabama by trying to change most of their perspectives because he determines that in the future‚ the goodness in everyone would conquer the horrible quality of racism. Quote 1: “’I don’t think anybody in Maycomb’ll begrudge me a client‚ with times this hard.’” Lee (147). Quote 2: “’She was white‚ and she

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    shunned because people don’t know their real story and judge them off of what they know. Most of the time when people judge others off of only what they know they are wrong. This is the case for the so called crazy man of Maycomb‚ Boo Radley. To Kill a Mockingbird By: Harper Lee is told by Scout Finch a seven year old trying to figure out the grown up word. This whole story is about the event that lead up to Jem (Scout’s older brother) breaking his arm. As children in the beginning of the book they have

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    The book To Kill a Mockingbird has many different themes. One that really stood out to me was Childhood Innocence‚ because the story is written from Scout’s point of view it portrays her childish and immature thoughts towards all of the events that happen in her life. Not only is Scout childish at times her brother Jem and her friend Dill also show irresponsible actions through the games they choose to play and the way they react to different things such as getting in trouble or just barely getting

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    Daramalan College Monologues To Kill A Mockingbird Daramalan College 6/20/2013 Situation: Jem has just slashed the heads off Mrs Dubose’s camellia bushes. He is now at home waiting for Atticus to return from work. 1. Jem (Shows annoyance by grimacing as he mutters to himself concernedly‚ sitting in his bedroom on the window seat waiting for Atticus to return) She deserved it‚ every last swing of the baton! As I hit each bud‚ it felt as if I was using all my force to get rid

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    The general statement made by Harper Lee in her novel To Kill a Mockingbird is that once one has personal motivation to gain and help others‚ the unfavorable results can be faced more confidently and can be easier to accept. More specifically‚ when Atticus was faced with a battle he could not win‚ it was easier to carry out the case once he thought about the lesson he was teaching others and how it would nurture his integrity; as stated when Atticus mentioned how he “...wanted you to see what real

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    To Kill a Mockingbird Persuasive Essay ​Ladies and gentlemen of the jury‚ all of the evidence we have heard has come to a decision to ruin this Negro’s life for something he has not done. He is being separated from his family just because someone cannot speak up and say what truly happened. Can you‚ the jury‚ not see that the evidence given by Mr. Ewell‚ Ms. Mayella‚ and Mr. Heck Tate clearly does not match with Mr. Tom Robinson’s testimony? The accusations that have been made towards him are

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    To Kill A Mockingbird Key

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    To Kill a Mockingbird: Question Packet. KEY Answers are to be written in complete sentences and in present tense. (Page numbers: First number is for the new publication of the novel; the second number is for the older publications of the novel). Chapter 1 01. Why is Dill a curiosity? (12;7) His shirt buttons to his shirt; his hair is snow white; he has seen a movie‚ Dracula‚ which he retells to Jem and Scout. 02. Where is Dill’s father? (12;7) He does not have one. His mother‚ it is learned

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    The intriguing novel‚ To Kill A Mockingbird is written by the prestigious author Harper Lee. Lee has utilised the lifestyle and attitudes towards ‘African-Americans" in the 1930’s to create a novel which presents the reader with Lee’s attitudes and values. The dominant reading of the novel is focused on the issues of racial prejudice‚ but there are also a number of other alternative and oppositional readings. Examples of this are the Marxist and feminist readings which can be applied to the text

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    An important event in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee is the trial of Tom Robinson who was accused of raping a young white woman from the lower class. This event had a huge effect on Jem Finch’s life. It was what triggered him completely losing his already disappearing innocence. This happened because the trial exposed many new things to him. For example‚ he saw his father extremely disappointed. This was significant because he was used to seeing him always in control. Jem also saw racial injustice

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    In the novel ‘To Kill A mockingbird’ by Harper Lee there were many themes‚ the theme I thought was worth learning about was courage. The ideas to learn about courage were that there are two types of courage‚ physical and moral‚ and that Lee and I both clearly agree that moral courage is more important than physical courage. Through the actions of Atticus and Mrs Dubose‚ Lee shows us that this idea is worth learning about. We see Atticus’ physical courage in the mad dog incident. Tim Johnson‚ a

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