theories have influenced current practice and include the following: • Cognitive: Piaget’s theory focuses on the ways in which children adapt to their environment. This is the process in which the child actively seeks out ways to understand the environment and gradually attunes too the conditions that’s different type of environment impose. Piaget believed that children display qualitative differences in their thinking as they mature and move through each period stages. • Psychoanalytical- this
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vigorously‚ both separately and together Babies can hold a rattle for a brief time before dropping it 4 months to 6 months Will begin to use a palmer grasp and can transfer objects from one hand to the other Can move his or her head around to follow people and objects has good head control and can sit with support when supine the baby plays with his or her own feet Explores objects by shaking‚ hitting‚ turning‚ dropping‚ and throwing. Might be able to hold his or her own bottle 6 months to 9
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Explain how to manage disagreements with children‚ young people and adults. Whilst working within the school environment it is more than likely that you will have disagreements with others be it with colleagues‚ parents and children/young people. Sometimes this can be due to a misunderstanding or lack of communication between two people. Conflicts and disagreements can arise over values‚ facts‚ priorities and goals. Where there are areas of conflict/disagreements‚ you will need to handle them sensitively
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2‚ line.28-29)‚ which tells us that the narcissism is on the increase. Many young people nowadays feel they can do anything‚ and a good example could be the series of The X Factor‚ where more than 150‚000 people participated in the hope of success. The participants were convinced that they deserved success despite their transparent lack of talent‚ which they not could see themselves. In brief‚ narcissists are the people who choose a mirror if they are allowed to take a personal belonging to a desert
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Safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare Suitable people Suitable premises‚ equipment and environment Organisation Documentation 17 24 25 32 33 Section 4 – Other information Other legal duties 35 Competency in English 35 Exemptions Inspection and regulation Local Authorities Where to go for help 35 36 36 37 Appendix 1 Assessment Scales Appendix 2 Specific requirements for qualifications and ratios of adults to children SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION Purpose and aims
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FINAL DRAFT Children and Young People’s Core Unit 3.3 24 November 2009 Children and Young People’s Core Unit 3.3: Understand how to Safeguard the well being of Children and Young People Title Unit 3.3: Understand how to safeguard the well being of children and young people 3 3 Assessment criteria The learner can: 1.1. Outline current legislation‚ guidelines‚ policies and procedures within own UK Home Nation affecting the safeguarding of children and young people 1.2. Explain child protection
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safeguarding of children and young people Children Act (1989) allocates duties to local authorities‚ courts‚ parents‚ and other agencies in the United Kingdom‚ to ensure children are safeguarded and their welfare is promoted. It centres on the idea that children are best cared for within their own families; however‚ it also makes provisions for instances when parents and families do not co-operate with statutory bodies. Ref: Children Act (2004) is an
Premium Childhood Children Act 1989 United Kingdom
wellbeing of children and young people. 1. Understand the main legislation‚ guidelines‚ policies and procedures for safeguarding children and young people. 1.1 In englang and wales the polices and procedures for safeguarding and child protection in a setting for children and young people are a result of legislation passed in parliament including: The children Act 1986 and the children Act 2004 (england and wales) Children Order 1995 (northern ireland) The children act 1986 and children order.
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Outcome 1 Promote equality and diversity in work with children and young people 1.1 Current legislation and codes of practice Every Child Matters 2003 and Children Act 2004 These were put into place to ensure that all organisations and agencies involved with children between birth and 19 years should work together ensure that children have the support needed to be healthy‚ stay safe‚ enjoy and achieve‚ make a positive contribution and ahieve economic well-being. The key aspect of the Act was
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| |Understand the principles of developing positive relationships with children‚ young people and adults. | |Understand how to communicate with children‚ young people and adults. | |Understand legislation‚ policies and procedures for confidentiality and sharing information‚ including data protection.
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